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Rights Glossary for Access Roles

This glossary provides a brief explanation of the permissions that can be enabled when creating or editing an access role.


When you create or edit an access role, you can make several customizations to fit the individual access needs of staff members. This glossary provides a brief explanation of the functionality affected by each option. The available options depend on the Role Type, as each type has access to specific rights within Access Roles. The third column lists the Role Types to which the functionality is available. 

System Administrator Only Rights

A few rights are only available to staff members who are assigned the System Administrator role:

Access Rights

Access rights provide staff members access to specific components of the client record, agency and program management, and Clarity Human Services functionality. If the right is toggled off for an access role, staff members with that access role will not be able to access the corresponding functionality.



Role Type


Restore Deleted Data

Recover deleted data in client records

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Full System Sharing Access

Full sharing access to the system.




The HISTORY tab in client records

Admin, Manager, Enterprise



The SERVICES tab in client records and the SERVICES tab in Agency Management

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Agency-level SERVICES tab access is only available to Admin and Manager roles; Manage Agency must be enabled.


The PROGRAMS tab in client records and the PROGRAMS tab in Agency Management

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Agency-level PROGRAMS tab access is only available to Admin and Manager roles; Manage Agency must be enabled.

Public Alerts & Client Notes

Public alerts and the NOTES tab in client records

Admin, Manager, Enterprise



The FILES tab in client records

Admin, Manager, Enterprise



The Attendance module

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Manage Agency

Manage existing agencies

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Only available to Enterprise users to enable Manage Agency - Sites.

Manage Agency - Overview

Ability to view and access MANAGE > OVERVIEW

Admin, Manager

Manage Agency must be enabled.

Manage Agency -Programs

Ability to view and access  MANAGE > PROGRAMS

Admin, Manager

Manage Agency must be enabled.

Bulk Exit Active Clients on Program Operating End Date 

Ability to exit all actively enrolled clients on a program's End Date.

Admin, Manager

Manage Agency - Programs must be enabled.

Manage Agency - Services

Ability to view and access MANAGE > SERVICES

Admin, Manager

Manage Agency must be enabled.

Manage Agency - Funding

Ability to view and access  MANAGE > FUNDING

Note: Users with access to MANAGE > PROGRAMS but not MANAGE > FUNDING will not be able to see the Create New Funding Source option when creating new programs.

Admin, Manager

Manage Agency must be enabled.

Manage Agency - Accounts

Ability to view and access  MANAGE > ACCOUNTS

Admin, Manager

Manage Agency must be enabled.

Manage Agency - Assessments

Ability to view and access  MANAGE > ASSESSMENTS

Admin, Manager

Manage Agency must be enabled.

Manage Agency - Sites

Ability to view and access MANAGE > SITES

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Manage Agency must be enabled.

Manage Agency - Staff

Creating and managing staff members

Admin, Manager

Manage Agency must be enabled. 

Manage Agency - Sharing

Sharing settings


Manage Agency must be enabled. 

Manage Agency - Data Analysis

The data analysis tool 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Only available to Enterprise roles if  Add On: Embedded Data Analysis is enabled for the instance.


Creating and managing agencies


Manage Agency must be enabled. 

Report Library

The Report Library and the Data Analysis tab

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Data Analysis must be enabled to access the Data Analysis tool.

Household Management

The Manage button for Household members in client records (can see household members)

Admin, Manager, Enterprise



The LOCATION tab in client records

Admin, Manager, Enterprise



The CONTACT tab in client records

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Systemwide Data Analysis

Gives staff members system administrator-level access to all client data in the data analysis tool

Admin, Manager



The ASSESSMENTS tab in client records

Admin, Manager, Enterprise



The Global REFERRALS tab and the REFERRALS tab in client records*

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Refer Directly to Community Queue


Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Both Referrals and Create Referrals must be enabled.

Referrals - Dashboard (Data Analysis access required)

The Dashboard tab in REFERRALS

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals and Manage Agency -Data Analysis must be enabled.

Referrals - Pending

The Pending tab in REFERRALS

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals must be enabled.

Referrals - Community Queue

The Community Queue tab in REFERRALS

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals must be enabled.

Referrals - Analysis (Data Analysis access required)

The Analysis tab in REFERRALS

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals  and Manage Agency -Data Analysis must be enabled.

Referrals - Completed

The Completed tab in REFERRALS

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals must be enabled.

Referrals - Denied

The Denied tab in REFERRALS

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals must be enabled.

Referrals - Sent

The Sent tab in REFERRALS

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals must be enabled.

Referrals - Availability 

The Availability tab in REFERRALS

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals must be enabled.

Referrals - Move Referral

Ability to move a referral to a different Community Queue

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals - Community Queue must be enabled.

Data Analysis Save

The ability to save reports in the data analysis tool 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Manage Agency - Data Analysis must be enabled.

Referrals - Unit Queue

Ability to access the Unit Queue

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Referrals - Community Queue Reassign To Unit

Ability to reassign to a Unit from the Community Queue.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals - Community Queue must be enabled.

Referrals - Send Restricted Referrals

Ability to send a Referral to an agency other than the one a User is logged in under. The Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies functionality must be enabled and set up by an Agency in the same instance that agrees to receive Referrals from users at another Agency.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals must be enabled.

Referrals - Unit Eligibility Override

Ability to use the Eligibility Override function when searching the Unit Queue for clients who can be referred to a Unit or reassigning a client to a Unit within a Community Queue.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Either Referrals - Unit Queue or Referrals - Community Queue Reassign to Unit must be enabled.


Referrals - All Openings (Data Analysis access required)

The Open Units tab in REFERRALS

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals and Manage Agency -Data Analysis must be enabled.

Agency Sensitive Data 

Data from fields in screens indicated as Sensitive Data within the agency

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Any Agency Sensitive Data 

Data from fields in screens indicated as Sensitive Data within any agency

Admin, Manager


Client Reports

Reports available through the printer icon on the Client Profile

Admin, Manager, Enterprise




Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Attendance Standalone Module

Disables access to all other rights except the Client Profile and Attendance Module (intended primarily for volunteers)

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Users with this access role will not be allowed to have additional agency access.

Referral Match Maker

Matchmaker functionality in the Community Queue

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals and Referrals - Community Queue must be enabled.


The staff member can be assigned as a navigator in Referrals

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Data Import - Files Listing

Files listing in the data import tool

Admin, Manager


Data Import - File Import

File import in the data import tool

Admin, Manager

Data Import - Files Listing must be enabled.

Data Import - File Mapping

File mapping in the data import tool

Admin, Manager

Data Import - Files Listing must be enabled.


Access to the Client Privacy shield icon and the MANAGE button in the Compliance Warning banner.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Manage Consent Refused Records

Access to client records with consent refused indicated for the Release of Information.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise



Access to Outreach (will only display if Outreach is enabled in the system)

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled for the system.

Outreach - Encampment Audit Log

Access to the Encampment Audit Log and Status History (will only display if Outreach is enabled in the system)

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled for the system and for the user.

Outreach - Manage Encampment Programs

 Ability to view the ENCAMPMENT PROGRAMS tab. 

Admin, Manager 

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Customer Portal Client Management

Ability to send Customer Portal invitations and requests.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Customer Portal must be enabled for the system.

Customer Portal Blast Requests

Ability to use the Mass Sending feature to request documents, ROIs, assessments, and locations.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Customer Portal must be enabled for the system.

Customer Portal Blast Messages

Ability to send messages via  the Mass Sending feature.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Customer Portal must be enabled for the system.

Customer Portal Individual Record Management

Ability to enable the Hide from Customer Portal setting on individual records.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Customer Portal must be enabled for the system.


System Setup configurations (Screens, Access Roles, Field Editor, Settings, Templates)


These options are only available for the Admin role and give System Administrators more control during the creation of the Admin Access Role Type. 


Merge tools (Clients and Programs



Audit Log

Audit Log



Resource Directory View


Manager, Enterprise

Customer Portal must be enabled for the system.


Access to the Inventory module

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Manage Unit History

Ability to add/modify/delete Configuration History records

Admin, Manager

Manage Agency must be enabled.

Standalone Data Analysis

This access right is necessary for the calculation “Add On: Standalone Data Analysis Seats” on the tab Setup → Dashboard.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Clear and Restore All Exit Data

Ability to clear and restore exit data when using the Reopen Client Program function

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Edit Agency Programs or Edit Any Agency Permission must be enabled. 

Agency Program Restrictions

This access right is used with Program Restrictions. If disabled, the user doesn't see restrictions created by the user's current agency.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise, Volunteer


Any Agency Program Restrictions

This permission is read only if Agency Program Restrictions is toggled off. If disabled, the user doesn't see restrictions created by an agency other than the user's current agency. 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise, Volunteer

Note: enabling this access right will override sharing settings.

Resource Directory

Access to SETUP > SETTINGS > Resource Directory


Customer Portal must be enabled for the system. Setup must be enabled for the user.

*Toggling off Referrals in Access Rights will automatically disable the other referral access rights. When Referrals is enabled, at least one other referral right must also be enabled. 

Create Rights

Create Rights allow staff members to create and record specific types of data in client records. 

Note: All create rights refer to the client record, not agency management.

Create New Clients

New client records

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Create Service Placements

Service items from the client SERVICES tab and the program enrollment Services tab. Users with access to Attendance will be able to add clients, make reservations and indicate whether a client is "present" or "no show." 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Services must be enabled.

Create Program Placements

Program enrollments 

Program exits

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Programs must be enabled.

Create Manual Coordinated Entry Events

Ability to see the Events tab  and submit manual Coordinated Entry Events

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Programs must be enabled.

Create Program Files

Upload files from the program enrollment Files tab 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Programs must be enabled.

Create Public Alerts and Client Notes

Public alerts and client notes in the NOTES tab

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Public Alerts and Client Notes must be enabled.

Create Files

Upload files from the client record Files tab

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Files must be enabled.

Create Location

Locations from the LOCATION tab

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Location must be enabled.

Create Contacts

Contacts from the CONTACT tab

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Contacts must be enabled.

Create Assessments

Data in screens from the ASSESSMENTS tab 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Assessments must be enabled.

Create Referral

Referrals from the client record REFERRALS tab and Global REFERRALS tab

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals must be enabled.

Create Sites - Administrative and Housing Inventory Entities

Ability to add entities within MANAGE > SITES

(An “entity” is a Site, Funding Source, Eligibility Requirement/Preset, Unit Status, Bed Offline Status, or photo)   

This permission also applies to all levels below the Site (Building, Unit, etc.).

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Manage Agency - Sites must be enabled.

Create Outreach Encampment

Encampments in Outreach 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Create Outreach Encampment Status Update

Encampment Status Updates in Outreach

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Add Client to Outreach Map

Ability to add clients directly to Encampments or the Map in Outreach

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Create Encampment Alerts and Notes

Ability to Create Alerts and Notes within Outreach Encampments 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Add Teams to Outreach Map Encampments

Ability to add Encampment Teams to Encampments while in the Outreach Map

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Outreach - Create Encampment Programs

 Ability to create Encampment programs from within Outreach. 

Admin, Manager 

Outreach - Manage Encampment Programs must be enabled.

Outreach - Enroll Clients in Encampments Programs 

Ability to enroll clients into Encampment programs from within Outreach. 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Outreach - Encampment Program Eligibility Override

 Access to the Eligibility Override toggle when enrolling clients into Encampment programs from within Outreach. 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach - Enroll Clients in Encampments Programs must be enabled. 

Create Care Team Member

Ability to create Care Team members through Care Team > Manage in the client profile.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Create Resource Directory

Ability to add resources to SETUP > SETTINGS > Resource Directory


Customer Portal must be enabled for the system. Setup must be enabled for the user.

Agency Inventory - Add Agency Program

Ability to add Programs from the user's agency to Sites, Buildings, and Unit Configuration Types

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Agency Inventory - Add Any Agency Program

Ability to add Programs from other agencies to Sites, Buildings, and Unit Configuration Types

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Inventory - Add Bed/Unit Status

Ability to add new Unit Status or Bed Status on the Unit Card on the Inventory map.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Inventory must be enabled.

Create Program Restrictions

This create right is used with Program Restriction functionality. This access right can be enabled even if the user cannot view/edit/delete restrictions.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise, Volunteer


Edit and Delete Rights

Edit and Delete Rights allow staff members to edit and delete existing data in client records, either at the agency level or across all agencies (subject to sharing settings). 

Note: All edit and delete rights settings refer to the client record, not agency management. 

  • Edit and delete rights for "Any Agency" allow the staff member to edit and delete data associated with that record component, regardless of the agency with which the staff member who recorded it is associated.
  • Edit and delete rights within the agency allow the staff member to edit and delete data associated with that record component entered by other agency staff members.
  • If an edit or delete right is disabled, but the staff member has access to that record component through access rights, the staff member will be able to view the associated data but not edit or delete it.

Edit Rights

Edit Client Profile /
Edit Any Client Profile

The Client Profile*

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Create New Clients must be enabled.

Edit Agency Services  / Edit Any Agency Services

Service items 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Services must be enabled.

Edit Agency Services Authorization Lock

Service items recorded with an authorization lock 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Services must be enabled.

Edit Agency Programs / Edit Any Agency Programs

Ability to edit Programs and Status Assessment/Annual Assessment/Current Living Assessment (CLS) 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Programs must be enabled.

Edit Agency Manual Coordinated Entry Events

Ability to edit manual Coordinated Entry Events within the agency

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Edit Agency Programs must be enabled.

Edit Any Agency Manual Coordinated Entry Events

Ability to edit manual Coordinated Entry Events within any agency

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Edit Any Agency Programs must be enabled.

Edit Agency Inferred Coordinated Entry Events

Ability to edit inferred Coordinated Entry Events within the agency

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Edit Agency Programs must be enabled.

Edit Any Agency Inferred Coordinated Entry Events

Ability to edit inferred Coordinated Entry Events within any agency

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Edit Any Agency Programs must be enabled.

Edit Agency Program Files / Edit Any Agency Program Files

Program files

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Programs must be enabled.

Edit Agency Public Alerts and Client Notes / Edit Any Agency Public Alerts and Client Notes 

Public alerts and client notes 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Public Alerts & Client Notes must be enabled.

Edit Agency Files  /
Edit Any Agency Files 


Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Files must be enabled.

Edit Agency / Any Agency Location 

Locations recorded from the LOCATION tab 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Location must be enabled.

Edit Agency / Any Agency  Contacts


Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Contacts must be enabled.

Edit Agency / Any Agency Assessments

Assessments recorded from the ASSESSMENTS tab (editable from the HISTORY tab)

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Assessments must be enabled.

Edit Agency / Any Agency Referral

Referrals (editable from the HISTORY tab and REFERRALS)

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals must be enabled.

Edit Sites - Administrative and Housing Inventory Entities

Ability to edit entities within MANAGE > SITES

(An “entity” is a Site, Funding Source, Eligibility Requirement, Unit Status, Bed, or Bed Offline Status.)

This permission also applies to all levels below the Site (Building, Unit, etc.).

If this permission is disabled, the user sees the View link instead of the Edit button.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Manage Agency - Sites must be enabled.

Edit Outreach Encampment Profile

Ability to editEncampments Profiles in Outreach

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Edit Outreach Encampment Status Update

Ability to edit Encampment Status Updates in Outreach

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Edit Outreach Encampment Boundaries

Ability to edit Encampment Boundaries in Outreach

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Backdate Encampment Boundaries

Ability to backdate an Encampment boundary

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Edit Outreach Encampment Boundaries must be enabled for the user.

Move Clients to Different Outreach Encampment

Ability to move clients to another encampment in Outreach

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Edit Encampment Alerts and Notes

Ability to Edit Alerts and Notes within Outreach Encampments 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Edit Agency/Edit Any Care Team Member 

Care Team Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Edit Enrollment-based Unit Records

Ability to edit or add occupancy details in the Units tab Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Edit Agency Programs or Edit Any Agency Programs must be enabled.

Edit Enrollment-based Unit Records - Eligibility Override

Ability to use the Eligibility Override function when connecting a client to a Unit on the Units tab. Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Edit Enrollment-based Unit Records must be enabled.

Inventory - Edit Bed/Unit Status

Ability to edit Inactive or Offline Unit Status and Bed Status records on the Unit Card on the Inventory map.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Inventory must be enabled.

Edit Resource Directory

Ability to edit resources in SETUP > SETTINGS > Resource Directory.


Customer Portal must be enabled for the system. Setup must be enabled for the user.

Edit Agency Program Restrictions

Ability to edit Program Restrictions for user's current agency.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise, Volunteer


Edit Any Agency Program Restrictions

Ability to edit Program Restrictions for any agency.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise, Volunteer


*Staff members with Create New Clients enabled in their Access Role can edit the Client Profile of any client record they create by default.

Delete Rights

Delete Agency / Any Agency Services

Service items. Users with access to Attendance will be able to delete a client from the "In Attendance" column and delete a reservation for a client.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Services must be enabled.

Delete Agency / Any Agency Programs

Ability to delete Programs and Status Assessment/Annual Assessment/Current Living Assessment (CLS) from agency

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Programs must be enabled.

Delete Agency Manual Coordinated Entry Events

Ability to delete manual Coordinated Entry Events within the agency

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Delete Agency Programs must be enabled.

Delete Any Agency Manual Coordinated Entry Events

Ability to delete manual Coordinated Entry Events within any agency

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Delete  Any Agency Programs must be enabled.

Delete Agency Inferred Coordinated Entry Events

Ability to delete inferred Coordinated Entry Events within the agency

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Delete Agency Programs must be enabled.

Delete Any Agency Inferred Coordinated Entry Events

Ability to delete inferred Coordinated Entry Events within any agency

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Delete Any Agency Programs must be enabled.

Delete Agency / Any Agency Program Files

Program files

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Files must be enabled.

Delete Agency / Any Agency Public Alerts and Client Notes

Public alerts and client notes 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Public Alerts & Client Notes must be enabled.

Delete Agency / Any Agency Files


Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Files must be enabled.

Household Management


Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Household Management must be enabled.

Delete Location / Any Agency Location

Locations recorded from the Locations tab 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Locations must be enabled.

Delete Contacts / Any Agency Contacts


Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Contacts must be enabled.

Delete Agency / Any Agency Assessment

Assessments recorded from the Assessments tab (can be deleted from the History tab)

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Assessments must be enabled.

Delete Any Client

Client records

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Delete Agency / Any Agency Referral

Referrals (can be deleted from the History tab and REFERRALS)

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Referrals must be enabled.

Delete Unit Availability Reservation


Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Delete Sites - Administrative and Housing Inventory Entities

Ability to delete entities within MANAGE > SITES

(An “entity” is a Site, program, Funding Source, Eligibility Requirement, Unit Status, Bed Offline Status, or photo)  

This permission also applies to all levels below the Site (Building, Unit, etc.).

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Manage Agency - Sites must be enabled.

Delete Encampment Alerts and Notes

Ability to Delete Alerts and Notes within Outreach Encampments 

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Delete Outreach Encampment

Ability to delete Encampments in Outreach

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Delete Outreach Encampment Status Update

Ability to delete Encampment Status Updates in Outreach

Admin, Manager, Enterprise

Outreach must be enabled in the system and for the user.

Delete Agency/Any Care Team Member

Care Team

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Delete Enrollment-based Unit Records

Ability to delete connections between a client and a Unit in the Units tab

Admin, Manager, Enterprise


Delete Resource Directory

Ability to delete resources in SETUP > SETTINGS > Resource Directory


Customer Portal must be enabled for the system. Setup must be enabled for the user.

Delete Agency Program Restrictions

Ability to delete Program Restrictions for user's current agency.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise, Volunteer


Delete Any Agency Program Restrictions

Ability to delete Program Restrictions for any agency.

Admin, Manager, Enterprise, Volunteer


Updated: 02/24/2025