Clarity Human Services provides complete auditing records in all areas connected to end-user interaction.
The audit trails are accessible through Audit Logs and the Database.
Audit Logs
Authorized users will see an Audit Log button at the bottom right of the Client Profile screen and several other screens throughout the system (refer to the list at the end of this article).
Audit Logs display any updates made to any of the data on the associated form. Items such as the previous value and updated value of a field, the date/time of the update, and the end user who made the update are all historically presented in a concise format.
Note: An OUTREACH label designates an action (such as enrolling a client in an Encampment program) taken with Outreach.
The audit log is also provided through the relational database, allowing the system administrator to access the data using a query tool or write reports to manage the updates in any way the system administrator defines.
We also collect the following data for security auditing purposes:
Login date of every user login to the system.
Length of time a user has been logged in for each session.
History of all failed login attempts.
History of clients accessed by a user.
History of IP address(es) from which a user logged in or attempted to log in.
Reports run/accessed by a user.
Additionally, some common reports are available to assist with auditing:
Reports detailing date/session length of time spent logged in by a user.
Audit report detailing clients created/accessed/updated by a user.
Our Data Analysis tool can be used to create custom reports and dashboards to match local policies and procedures.
List of Audit Logs
Audit Logs are available for the following functions in Clarity Human Services:
- Access Roles
- Agency Overview
- Assessment Processors
- Buildings
- Client Assessments
- Client Contacts
- Client Files
- Client Location
- Client Notes
- Client Programs
- Client Services
- Client Profile
- Coordinated Entry Events
- Encampment Teams
- Field Editor
- Field Interaction
- Funding Sources
- Location Filters
- Filter Criteria
- Manage Staff
- Manage Programs
- Map Layers
- Map Layer Groups
- Program Restrictions
- Program Templates
- Public Alerts
- Referral Settings
- Referral Settings: Community Queue
- Release of Information
- Reservations
- ROI Settings
- Screens
- Sites
- System Settings
- Tracked Characteristics
- Units
- Unit Configuration Type
Updated: 02/24/2025