Clarity Human Services Feature Updates

Clarity Human Services: February 2025 Feature Updates

This month's release includes new Program Restriction functionality, INVENTORY updates, and Client Contacts functionality on the new Clarity interface.

Release Schedule: 

  • All Training Sites: February 10, 2025
  • All Production Sites: February 24, 2025

February 2025 Updates - click on a link to jump to the update!

Data Analysis Release Notes:

Pentaho Reports Release Notes:


The updates described in this article will be deployed in the early morning hours on scheduled release days. During release, the Clarity Human Services application may experience performance delays. We recommend clearing your cache at the initial login if experiencing difficulty.

The Data Analysis update will follow the same feature release schedule dates. There may be a slight delay when accessing Looker after the release as the system updates are being applied. 

New: Program Restriction Functionality

There is a new section in the client NOTES tab for PROGRAM RESTRICTIONS. This feature allows a user to document when a client has been denied future services at one or more programs. Program Restrictions will be available as a new type of Eligibility requirement in all referral areas (Eligibility Determination Screen, Community Queue, Unit Queue, and Outreach One Click Enroll), with the added ability to use Profile and Program Restriction Eligibility with Direct Referrals.

Program Restriction.1

Two new articles have been added to the Help Center - program setup considerations are here and general end user details are here

Clarity Human Services Required Action: None.

Updated: HMIS Program-Specific Data Elements included in the Clarity Operational API

The Clarity Operational API can now add, retrieve, edit, and delete HUD HMIS Program-specific Data Elements (PSDEs) and custom fields within a Clarity Human Services instance’s enrollments. Client Assessments now have dynamic retrieval of custom elements and PSDEs. Screen metadata including the HMIS Data Element ID and Name (such as HMIS Data Element #4.19.1 AssessmentDate) can also be retrieved from existing Screens. Lastly, a “deleted” property was added to the ClientAssessment type, for filtering out deleted Assessments.

Clarity Human Services Required Action: None.

Updated: Custom Housing Inventory Fields on Bed Screens Used as INVENTORY Filters

With this update, end users will be able to filter the list of beds on the INVENTORY Dashboard by custom housing inventory fields from the Bed Screen. This will narrow down the list of beds to meet specific criteria.

Custom Fields Filter

When a custom housing inventory field that has been placed on the Bed Management Screen is selected as a filter, the list of beds/units in the left sidebar and the map of beds/units are filtered according to the selected field, consistent with existing custom housing inventory field custom filters.

End Users with the appropriate access can use these steps to include a custom housing inventory field as a filter in INVENTORY:

  • Add a custom housing inventory field to a Bed screen. 
  • Edit the custom housing inventory field
  • Toggle on Display on Inventory Card
  • Toggle on Include as an Inventory Filter

Note: If “Field Marker” is enabled for the custom housing inventory field used on the Bed screen, then the following options do not appear:

Custom Housing Inventory Filters

Clarity Human Services Required Action: None.

Updated: Search Feature for INVENTORY Filters

With this update, a search box has been added to each filter in the INVENTORY Dashboard. The search box allows the end user to easily search filter values instead of scrolling through all options.

Inventory Filter Search feature

Clarity Human Services Required Action: None.

New: Unique ID for Beds in INVENTORY

 bitfocus Checkmark smallData Analysis Required Action Included!

For units with beds in INVENTORY, there will be a new unique ID for each bed created. This will allow for accurate tracking and reporting of beds in separate units that have the same Unit Configuration Type (UCT). If the UCT, with beds enabled and set up, linked to the unit changes, the bed IDs in the unit will change.

A new bed_identifiers table has been created with the following fields:

  • id
  • ref_unit
  • ref_bed
  • ref_unit_configuration

When the current UCT for the unit has beds enabled, the system will add a record to this table with id, ref_unit, and ref_bed. When the current UCT for the unit has beds disabled, the system will add a record to this table with id, ref_unit, and ref_unit_configuration.

The ref_bed_identifier field will be added to the unit_status, unit_availability_status and unit_occupancy tables so that bed status, availability and occupancy can be reported independently of the unit.

Clarity Human Services Required Action: None.

Data Analysis Updates

  • A new "Total Beds" measure has been added to the "Inventory Building - Units" measure in the Inventory and Project Descriptor models. This measure performs a sum of the beds of each unit.
  • A new "Bed ID" dimension has been added in the Inventory and Project Descriptor models to expose beds which have their own bed identifier because they are part of a unit with the "Enable Beds" toggle switched on.
  • Three new views have been added to the Inventory model: "Bed Status", "Bed Occupancy" and "Bed Availability Status." These views bring status info about the unit and their respective beds for the unit configurations with the "Enable Beds" toggle switched on.
  • The "Bed Status" view has also been added to the Project Descriptor model.
  • Both Inventory-based LookML dashboards were updated to account for the new “Inventory—Building Units—Total Beds” measure and the new “Bed Availability Status,” “Bed Occupancy,” and “Bed Status” views. The updates make the dashboards more flexible in analyzing bed status, availability, and occupancy when the individual bed tracking functionality is enabled or not. More information about the two Inventory-based LookML dashboards can be found at the following links: Inventory Module - Bed/Unit Occupancy Overview - UCT Program Linked and Inventory Module - Unit/Bed Availability Dashboard - UCT Program Linked.

For more information please see the Data Analysis release notes.

Data Analysis Required Action: 

  • Any Looker content using the “Unit Status” view to analyze Bed Status information needs to be updated to use the “Bed Status” view instead.
  • We recommend reviewing all INVENTORY looks, especially those reporting on units with beds enabled, to determine if any improvements can be made due to the addition of new and updated fields.

New: Client Contacts Functionality in the New Clarity Interface

We’re excited to announce that with this update, the new Clarity Human Services interface will include Contact tab functionality. 

End users with the appropriate access rights can view and manage the client’s contact information in the new Clarity interface.


A new Help Center article is available with details on all functionality here

Coming Soon! Streamlined Data Entry

We’re excited to share that we’ve been hard at work on several “under the hood” improvements to make your experience smoother, faster, and more intuitive in the new Clarity Human Services interface. While these enhancements aren’t live yet, we’re thrilled with the progress we’ve made in reimagining our data entry screens. The upcoming updates will introduce both functional and aesthetic improvements, and we can’t wait for you to experience them.

Clarity Human Services Required Action: None.

Updated: Social Security Number (SSN) Masking

With this update, the user is able to tell when an X or x is used in a SSN as a placeholder for an unknown number and when a known number in a SSN is hidden from view.

  • When an X is used to mask a number in the SSN, an * (asterisk symbol) is used instead of the X. For example, if a client’s SSN is 999-99-8304, on the profile the user sees ***-**-8304. 
    (Note: this is a fake SSN used for explanation purposes only.)
    • If an X or x is entered by the user for any of the first 5 digits of the SSN, the system still masks the first 5 digits of the SSN on the client profile with an *. For example, if the client’s SSN is xxx-99-8304, the SSN appears on the client profile as ***-**-8304.
    • If an X or x is entered by the user for any of the last 4 digits of the SSN, the system still shows the last 4 digits of the SSN on the client profile as it is currently shown. For example, if the client’s SSN is 999-99-83xx, the SSN appears on the client profile as ***-**-83xx.
    • This update does not change what the user sees when they hover over the SSN and click on the "Edit" link. All digits of the SSN are visible when they click on "Edit."

SSN Masking

When a system administrator views a client profile audit log, there is the ability to tell the difference between an X used in a SSN as a placeholder for an unknown number and an X that is used to hide from view a known number in a SSN.

  • In the client profile audit log, when an X is used to mask a number in the SSN, an * is used instead of the X. For example, if a client’s SSN is 999-99-8304, in the audit log the sysadmin would see the following:
    ssn: ***-**-8304
    ssn1: ***
    ssn2: **
    ssn3: 8304
    • If an X or x is entered for any of the first 5 digits of the SSN, the system still masks the first 5 digits of the SSN in the audit log with an *. For example, if the client’s SSN is 999-xx-8304, the full SSN appears in the audit log as ***-**-8304 and ‘ssn2’ appears in the audit log as **.
    • If an X or x is entered by the user for any of the last 4 digits of the SSN, the system still shows the last 4 digits of the SSN in the audit log as it is currently shown. For example, if the client’s SSN is 999-99-83xx, the full SSN appears in the audit log as ***-**-83xx, and ‘ssn3’ appears in the audit log as 83xx.

Clarity Required Action: None.

Pentaho Report Updates

All impacted reports have been updated to mimic masking updates for SSNs in the Clarity Human Services interface. 

Pentaho Reports Required Action: None.

Updated: Social Security Number "Invalid SSN" Pop-up Functionality

The Social Security Number (SSN) functionality has been updated to remove the invalid SSN pop-up when an X or x is entered.

The pop-up ‘The SSN entered does not conform to Social Security Administration guidelines… ’ will no longer appear in the following cases:

  • When a user enters an X or x for any digit of a client’s social security number and does not enter any other non-numeric characters for any digit of the SSN.
    • If the user enters an X or x for all 9 digits of the SSN
    • If the user enters an X or x for one or more than one digit of the SSN and numerals for the remaining 8 digits of the SSN
  • When a user enters an X or x for some digits of the SSN, and a different non-numeric character (such as an r or a T) for the other digits of the SSN.
  • When a user enters a combination of Xs or xs, numeric characters, and non-numeric characters (such as an r or a T) for the digits of the SSN.

Note: When a user enters any other non-numeric character (other than X or x), the system automatically converts non-numeric characters to X’s.

Clarity Human Services Required Action: None.

Updated: Field, Screen, and Template Updates

bitfocus Checkmark smallClarity Human Services Required Action Included!

Updates have been made to “System” Screens to more closely align with HUD HMIS requirements. An instruction guide for System Administrators can be found here:

System Administrator Field, Screen and Template Updates Guide - February 2025

All Enrollment Screens/Approximate Date this Episode of Homelessness Started Field

With this update, all “System” 2024 Enrollment Screens have been updated so that “Approximate date this episode of homelessness started” is “Soft Required” instead of “Required.” The instructions can be found in the System Administrator Guide.

VA Project Status Screens

The “Disabling Conditions and Barriers” label on the “System” 2024 VA Project Status Screens will be updated to remove “Is the Client an Adult or Head of Household? Equals Yes” from the display constraints so that the label appears on the Project Status Screen for all clients. The instructions can be found in the System Administrator Guide.

RHY Case Status Screens

The “System” RHY Program Template has updated Case Status to “Every Year” to maintain consistency with HUD Data Standards. The instructions can be found in the System Administrator Guide.

YHDP Template Screens

An update to the 2024 screens in the “System” YHDP program template has been made so that the data collection requirements are consistent with the requirements in the YHDP HMIS Program Manual. The instructions can be found in the System Administrator Guide.


HIV/AIDS Field for YHDP Non-CE Projects

An HIV/AIDS field (health_hiv) will be added to “System” YHDP Enrollment, Status, and Exit Screens. 

Required Action: Users will need to provide a response to this field on these screens for clients who are in YHDP non-CE projects. Data should be backdated to 10/01/2023.


Clarity Human Services Required Action: Please see the System Administrator Guide and the HIV/AIDS Field requirement in the box above.

Updated: Logic for Prioritization

Prioritization status has been updated to more closely align with HUD’s CE APR definition. With this update, when an Assessment is completed at the global-level, but otherwise meets criteria for Prioritization Status = 1, the system stores as Prioritization Status = 2.

  • The relevant database table reflects: Prioritization Status = 2 ('Not placed on prioritization list')
  • The assessment audit log reflects: Prioritization Status = 2 ('Not placed on prioritization list')

If the Assessment is later linked to a program enrollment, and all other conditions are met, the status updates to Prioritization Status = 1 within the database table and audit log.

Clarity’s CE APR Report already reflects this logic; this update is designed to ensure Prioritization Status consistency system-wide.

 Clarity Human Services Required Action: None.

Updated: Referral Access Rights and Restricted Referral Fields

bitfocus Checkmark small Clarity Human Services and Data Analysis Required Action Included!

The Access Right Referrals - Send Referrals to Other Agencies was renamed Referrals - Send Restricted Referrals.

  • In the Access Role Audit Log, where list_referral_send_to_other_agencies is listed (either On or Off), the item shows as list_referral_send_restricted_referrals

Access Right Update

The field Allow Referrals from Other Agencies was renamed Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies.

  • In all relevant Audit Logs, where other_agency_referrals_allowed is listed (either On or Off), the item shows as restricted_agency_referrals

Field Name UpdateWith this update, program visibility on the client Referrals and Eligibility Determination pages is based on the Public Listing setting, the updated Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies field and its dependent field Agencies Sending Referrals settings (Program Set up), and the Referrals - Send Restricted Referrals Access Right (Access Roles). No changes were made to  functionality for users with ‘Referral Match Maker’ enabled in their access role.

The following settings determine visibility -

  • the user can send referrals to the program/unit/bed through the client Referrals tab and the Eligibility Determination page with the following settings:

Public Listing Setting (Program Set up)

“Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies” Setting (Program Set up)

“Agencies Sending Referrals” Setting (Program Set up)

“Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

“Create Referral” (User’s Access Rights)

“Referrals-Send Restricted Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

Is Program visible on client Referrals page and Eligibility Determination page for User?








  • the user can send referrals to the program/unit/bed through the client Referrals tab and the Eligibility Determination page with the following settings:

Public Listing Setting (Program Set up)

“Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies” Setting (Program Set up)

“Agencies Sending Referrals” Setting (Program Set up)

“Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

“Create Referral” (User’s Access Rights)

“Referrals-Send Restricted Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

Is Program visible on client Referrals page and Eligibility Determination page for User?



No Agencies Selected





  • the user can send referrals to the program/unit/bed through the client Referrals tab and the Eligibility Determination page regardless of which agency they are logged in under with the following settings:

Public Listing Setting (Program Set up)

“Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies” Setting (Program Set up)

“Agencies Sending Referrals” Setting (Program Set up)

“Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

“Create Referral” (User’s Access Rights)

“Referrals-Send Restricted Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

Is Program visible on client Referrals page and Eligibility Determination page for User?



1 or more Agencies Selected





  • If the agency the user is logged in under is selected for the ‘Agencies Sending Referrals’ field, the user can send referrals to the program/unit/bed through the client Referrals tab and the Eligibility Determination page with the following settings. In this case, the programs/units/beds that the user can see and send referrals to is limited to the programs/units/beds  that have the user’s agency selected in the ‘Agencies Sending Referrals’ field.

Public Listing Setting (Program Set up)

“Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies” Setting (Program Set up)

“Agencies Sending Referrals” Setting (Program Set up)

“Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

“Create Referral” (User’s Access Rights)

“Referrals-Send Restricted Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

Is Program visible on client Referrals page and Eligibility Determination page for User?



Agency Selected is Agency User is logged under




Yes (but, user is limited to the program(s)  that has the user’s agency selected in the ‘Agencies Sending Referrals’ field.)

  • The user will not be able to see or send a referral to the program/unit/bed from the client Referrals tab or the Eligibility Determination page with the following settings:

Public Listing Setting (Program Set up)

“Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies” Setting (Program Set up)

“Agencies Sending Referrals” Setting (Program Set up)

“Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

“Create Referral” (User’s Access Rights)

“Referrals-Send Restricted Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

Is Program visible on client Referrals page and Eligibility Determination page for User?



No Agencies Selected





  • the user can send a referral to the program/unit/bed from the client Referrals tab or the Eligibility Determination page if they are logged in under that agency with the following settings:

Public Listing Setting (Program Set up)

“Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies” Setting (Program Set up)

“Agencies Sending Referrals” Setting (Program Set up)

“Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

“Create Referral” (User’s Access Rights)

“Referrals-Send Restricted Referrals” (User’s Access Rights)

Is Program visible on client Referrals page and Eligibility Determination page for User?









  • If a program has Bed & Unit Management = ON, Public Listing = Public, or Direct Unit/Bed Referrals = Required, then the ‘Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies’ field is not visible on the program setup screen
  • If a program has Public Listing = Agency or None, the ‘Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies’ toggle is not visible on the program setup page
  • The ‘Allow Restricted Referrals from Other Agencies’ field and its dependent field ‘Agencies Sending Referrals’ are moved to below the ‘Direct Unit/Bed Referrals’ field on the program setup page


Clarity Human Services Required Action: If there are users who had the access right “Referrals - Send Referrals to Other Agencies,” (that with this update is renamed to “Referrals - Send Restricted Referrals”) and those users should not have this access, please disable “Referrals - Send Restricted Referrals” for their access role. 

Data Analysis Updates

The label and LookML field name for "Other Agency Referrals Allowed" has been changed to "Restricted Agency Referrals" in the following Buildings, Units, Unit Configuration Beds, and Programs view in the Inventory and Project Descriptor Models. The new fields have been aliased to the old field name. References to the fields named “other_agency_referrals_allowed” will redirect to “restricted_agency_referrals” in Looker.

Data Analysis Required action: Any use of these fields’ LookML field names in Looker API calls or in data exports will need to change the name of “other_agency_referrals_allowed” to "restricted_agency_referrals."

Updated: DIT to Allow "99" in CSV and XML Files

With this update, when the HMIS Data Dictionary allows the value “99” (Data not collected) as an option for a data element, incoming values of “99” are stored, and will not be converted to “null” upon import. 

These data elements will no longer be stored as null, and will now be stored as “99”:

  • Clients.csv: NameDataQuality, SSNDataQuality, DOBDataQuality
  • CurrentLivingSituation.csv: CurrentLivingSituation
  • Exit.csv: Destination

Currently, these are the FY24 HMIS data elements that allow a ‘99’ value in the HMIS Data Dictionary and that this will apply to in Clarity:


















































































Clarity Human Services Required Action: None.

Update: Manual Personal ID Management - Improvements for System Administration/Reporting

With this update, the system will store information about clients that are manually linked and unlinked to a Personal ID.  A new table was added with the following fields:

  • Client ID
  • Agency ID
  • Previous and current Personal ID
  • Whether is was Linked/Unlinked 
  • Date and time of activity
  • User who performed Link/Unlink

Each time a client is linked or unlinked to a Personal ID, a new record is created. The addition of this table makes information available for reporting for clients that are manually linked or unlinked to a Personal ID.

Clarity Human Services Required Action: None.

Data Analysis Updates

A new“Client Linking History” view has been added to the Client Model.  This new view exposes the dimension group “Added Date” and the dimensions “Operation Type”, “Previous Personal ID”, “New Personal ID”, “Count of Previous Personal IDs”, “List of Previous IDs“, and "User Created".

For more information please refer to the Data Analysis Release Notes

Data Analysis Required Action: None

Pentaho Report Updates

The [STFF-104] Staff Client Data Activity report was updated to include a new activity type - Manual Personal ID Management. This new activity type includes when users link and/or unlink a client using the Link/Unlink Tool in Clarity Human Services.

Pentaho Reports Required Action: None.



We are excited to announce the addition of a new LookML Dashboard in the February Release. The Impact Analysis and Needs Assessment dashboard is based on the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) guidance released in January 2025, designed to assess the potential impacts of funding gaps. The dashboard offers a comprehensive review of system-wide metrics, including client and household counts, service delivery and expenses, inventory assessment, federally funded program data, and HMIS user counts within Clarity Human Services.


We Welcome Your Ideas

We encourage you to suggest improvements and new features for our products. You can create feature suggestions or vote, watch, and comment on existing suggestions at Refer to our Feature Suggestions article for additional details.  

New and Updated Help Center Resources

We will either update or create the following articles in response to this Clarity Human Services update on Monday, February 24, 2025.

Reminder: the feature updates will be available in all Training Sites on Monday, February 10, 2025, and in all production Sites on Monday, February 24, 2025.

Updated Articles

New Articles

How To Set Up A Program: Detailed Instructions

Client Contact Tab (New Clarity Interface)

Clarity Human Services Operational API Early Access Program Info and FAQs

Program Setup: Program Restrictions 


Impact Analysis and Needs Assessment Dashboard
INVENTORY: Beds How Do I Create a Program Restriction?
Creating and Editing Fields  
Configuring the INVENTORY Dashboard  
The Link/Unlink Tool  
Introduction to Fields  

Client Profile SSN Validation and Partial SSNs

Prioritization Status  
Rights Glossary for Access Roles  
Importing Data using the Data Import Tool (DIT)   
Program Setup: Eligibility  
Inventory Screens  
Screen Field Editor Overview  
How Do I Exit a Client from a Program?  
Introduction to Sharing Client Data  
Making Client Data Private  
Audit Trails  
Direct Referrals from the Client Referral Tab  
Managing Attendance Services in the Attendance Module  

Updated: 02/24/2025