HUD and Federal Partner Reports

LSA FAQ/Troubleshooting 2021


Outstanding Error/Warning Issues  was updated to include information about flags 1230, 1232, 1241 and 1246. These flags are now classified as warnings but a subset has been left classified as "Vendor Warnings".  Clarification from the HDX team in relation to these flags/subflags is included below. 

*Some LSA flags were re-classified from errors to warnings to give communities the opportunity to provide notes and explanations when necessary. A subset of these flags (1230, 1232, 1241, and 1246) have been left classified as "Vendor Warnings." However, that does not mean that every instance of these warnings requires a "fix" from vendors.

​These flags have groups of sub-flags that compare different population types (age, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.), and it is not possible currently to break out or separate these sub-flags into brand new flags by those individual populations.
Sub-flags that reference race, ethnicity, gender, and other "static" subpopulations may require vendor assistance for a CoC to resolve and could point to programming errors on the vendor side and research should be initiated by vendors for these particular sub-flags.
In some instances, this flag may not indicate an issue with the data. Sub-flags that reference age can trigger due to clients aging in and out of different household types during the reporting period. In this case, vendor resolution is not needed, nor are there changes needed to the data. Instead, the CoC can indicate that the data are accurate in their warning notes after confirming that the data are accurate.



HUD has recently released two additional resources. The HMIS CSV Data Quality Tool has been updated to include overlapping enrollments. In addition, an LSA Common Flags Library resource was released that identifies some of the most common flags/issues Continuums of Care (CoCs) experience when working on their Longitudinal System Analysis submission and guidance on how to address these issues. 


HDX is currently experiencing technical issues with warning flags. The HDX team is currently working on these issues. Communities are advised to focus on errors until the warnings are available. 

There is now a live site managed by the HDX team to address current and resolved error and warning issues. This information is available here - Outstanding Error/Warning Issues


HUD has released an updated timeline for the LSA reporting period.

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There are currently some issues with flags that we have reported to github to be resolved. 

The current known issues are included in LSA Flag Errors/Known Issues - 2021 and will be updated as new issues are reported and resolved. As common errors are reported for community-specific issues/data quality flags, an additional tab will be added with guidance for these issues. 

If you are facing issues unrelated to the known issues listed above, please contact Bitfocus support at

HUD has also released two updated LSA resources which are linked below. 


The FY2022 LSA Export has been released to the Clarity Report Library to all instances.

The report is located in two different locations: 

  • Administrator Reports: [HUDX-231-AD] LSA Export - Systemwide [FY 2022]
  • HUD Reports: [HUDX-231] LSA Export - Project-Focused LSA [FY 2022]

Both reports have been released with the [in QA] label as we continue to work with HUD prior to the opening of HDX 2.0. Subsection 9.4 is in the midst of improvements and will be updated once concerns with the current specifications are addressed.

If you do not see the reports in your report library, please follow the steps below.

Note: The following process can only be completed by System Administrators. 

  • Select the Launchpad icon, then Setup.

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  • Select Settings, then Report Library (under Advanced Options).
  • Locate the [HUD-231] LSA Export reports under the HUD Reports or Administrator Reports sections. 
  • Select the Edit icon to the left of the report title, then toggle the Active switch on and save changes. 


The LSA Export will be released on 11/22/2021 in the Clarity Report Library in the HUD Reports section. The long-anticipated LSA submittal process is currently set to begin on 11/29/2021. 

Please note, the LSA Export can take up to 2 hours to generate. 

The reporting team has worked diligently to ensure the export aligns with the HUD LSA Programming Specifications. At this time, the programming specifications have not yet been finalized or shared on the HUD Exchange, but the reporting team has worked with partners at  HUD along the way to assist in the finalization of their current working draft. HMIS vendors have submitted over 800 issues to ensure the LSA export is coded properly and will run as expected. 

The [HUDX-231-AD] LSA Quick Guide article provides guidance on how to generate and update the report. To aid in data preparation and submission of the LSA, the 2021 LSA Toolkit (archived) was released in October 2021. This toolkit provides guidance and resources for the upcoming LSA submission period. As common problems and the solutions for the LSA are identified, they will be included in this article (LSA FAQ/Troubleshooting). 

NOTE: We are aware of some potential issues with HDX 2.0. During weekly LSA calls with HUD, we have been informed that there is an issue with flags. The current issues with flags will be resolved soon. 


The reporting team is continuing to work diligently to ensure that the Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA) export will be ready for the opening of the HDX. We are working daily with partners at HUD and other HMIS Vendors on weekly LSA-specific calls. 

The LSA timeline was updated on October 14, 2021. HDX 2.0 is expected to open on November 22 for CoCs to begin data uploads. This article will be updated if any additional changes are made to the proposed timeline. 

The 2021 LSA Toolkit (archived) was released in October 2021. This toolkit provides guidance and resources for the upcoming LSA submission period. 

The resources included are: 

  • Four LSA Data Cleanup Dashboards* to help dig into LSA errors/warnings and prepare data
  • 2022 LSA Programming Specification updates and changes 
  • LSA Help Desk Reminders  
  • Quick Guides: 
    • LSA Preparations
    • Bitfocus Guide for LSA Flags
    • FAQ on HUD Move-in Dates

*Dashboards are available to users with Data Analysis access.

As common problems and the solutions for the LSA are identified, these will be included in this article. 

Updated: 12/20/2023