HUD and Federal Partner Reports

LSA FAQ/Troubleshooting 2022


The LSA Initial Upload deadline is approaching later this week (11/18/2022). 

There are a handful of known issue at this time that are identified at the following sites: 

There are no reported issues with the LSA report at this time but with the flags/interface in HDX.


HDX opens for the initial LSA submission period. HUD sent out additional resources to aid in the LSA submission process. 

In addition to the resources HUD has provided, there are additional resources listed below from Bitfocus.

Please reach out to our Bitfocus Support at if any issues arise. 


A tentative LSA timeline has been released during the most recent HMIS Lead and System Administrator Webinar. The FY2022 LSA upload functionality will be supported in HDX2.0 as of 11/01/2022. Initial uploads are due by 11/18/2022. 

The FY2021 LSA report will be retired and archived as of 10/31/2022 to align with the launch of HDX2.0. 

The 2022 LSA Toolkit (archived) has been released as well as the FY2022 LSA report and updated LSA LookML dashboards to allow for preparation for the upcoming LSA reporting period. 

This article will be updated throughout the LSA reporting period to share additional resources, troubleshooting guidance, and other helpful information. 

UpdatedL 12/20/2023