
System Notifications

This article lists the emails that Clarity Human Services sends to notify users of a variety of system functions.

The tables below explain which staff members will receive each type of notification.

Referral Status Notifications

Notification Staff Member Receiving Notification
Staff Member Who Created
the Referral
Responsible Staff Member at Referred-To Program Agency Notification Contact at
Referred-To Agency
Referral Case Manager
New Referral  
Pending Referral
(if a Case Manager is assigned for the referral)
Pending Referral
(if a Case Manager is NOT assigned for the referral)
Denied Referral
(if a Case Manager is assigned for the referral)
Denied Referral
(if a Case Manager is NOT assigned for the referral)
Denied Referral
(if a Case Manager is assigned for the referral)
Expired Referral      
Re-assigned Referral*    
Updated Referral      
New Referral Note      

*When a referral is re-assigned to a program, a “New Referral” notification is also sent to the Agency Notification Contact and to the Responsible Staff Member at that program.

Program/Service Notifications

Notification Staff Member Receiving Notification
Service Item Expiry Warning Staff member designated in the Expiry Warning setting*
Assessment Due Warning (annual assessments only) Program Assigned Staff**
Program Auto-Exit Program Assigned Staff
Program Opening/
Multiple Openings
Staff members whose Access Role for their primary agency has the Referral Match Maker permission enabled;
Staff member set as the program-level contact for a Coordinated Entry program
Aging/Aged into Adulthood Program Assigned Staff
An upcoming Unit Configuration Type that was added to the Unit before it was occupied has at least one occupant who is not eligible for the upcoming UCT.   Program Assigned Staff and the user who placed the client in the Unit.
Number of Beds in a Unit’s upcoming Unit Configuration Type is less than the number of Beds that are either occupied or have pending occupancy in the current UCT. Refer to INVENTORY: Beds for details.
Client no longer meets the eligibility requirements for a current Unit/Bed occupancy.  Program Assigned Staff
Client no longer meets the eligibility requirements for a pending Unit/Bed occupancy.  User who created the pending occupancy
SSO notifications SSO Primary Contact

*If you set the Expiry Warning to send a notification 1 Day before the service item End Date, you will not receive a notification unless the End Date is at least 2 days away. 

**If the staff member is inactive, the notification will be sent to the Agency Manager. If there are multiple Agency Managers, the notification will be sent to the first staff member with the Agency Manager role, regardless of whether the Agency Manager has Assessment Due Warning enabled.

Data Import Tool/Reports Notifications

Notification Staff Member Receiving Notification
Data Import Successful Staff member importing the file
Data Import Failed Staff member importing the file
Scheduled Report Is Processed Staff member who ran the report

User Notifications

Notification Staff Member Receiving Notification
Reset Password Staff member who clicks the FORGOT PASSWORD link
Disable Inactive Warning Staff member who has not logged in for the number of days established in the Disable Inactive Warning setting
Disable Inactive User Staff member who has not logged in for the number of days established in the Disable Inactive User settings
Force Password Change Reminder Staff members based on the Force Password Change Reminder setting
Force Password Change Staff members who don't change their password within the specified time
Account Requires Password Change Staff members based on the Force Password Change setting
One Time Password Notification Staff members who log in to Clarity with enabled 2FA
New Inbox Message Received Staff member who has received a message via the Clarity Inbox

Updated: 04/11/2024