Recording and Managing Referrals in the Client Record
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  2. Getting Started
  3. Recording and Managing Referrals in the Client Record

Referral Details Glossary

This article describes the details provided about referrals in various areas of the system.


Depending on where a referral is accessed (from the ASSESSMENTS tab, the REFERRALS tab, or the HISTORY tab in the client record; from the REFERRAL: EDIT page or the REFERRAL: ASSIGN page; or in the search results on the Global REFERRALS tab), different referral details will be viewable and editable. The table below describes the various referral fields and indicates which of them are editable.

Note: The ability to edit referrals must be enabled in the staff member’s access role settings. For more information about access role settings, see the Access Roles series of articles.

Referral Fields



Editable from the Referral?

Case Manager

A user at the agency to which a referral is sent can be assigned as a Case Manager. The Case Manager works with the client after the referral has been made to determine eligibility and to assist with entry into the program and management while in the program. Staff members can use the CASELOAD tab to view the list of referrals for whom they have been assigned as a Case Manager.



Indicates activity in the referral. For referrals in the Community Queue, clicking the Check-In button restarts the countdown clock for the referral to meet the Inactive Referral Expiration Threshold.


Client / Client Name

Displays the client’s first and last name.


Connected at

The date the referral resulted in a program enrollment or referral connection.  


Current Status

Indicates whether a referral is currently Pending, Pending - In Process, Denied, Expired, or Completed. While the Current Status itself is not editable, users can click the Edit icon next to the Current Status to display the New Status and Status Date fields to apply a new referral status on a selected date.


Days Pending

On the Community Queue tab:

  • Days Pending = number of days from Referral Creation to today's date.

On the Pending tab, Days Pending is presented as 3 numbers: 

  • total = number of days from Referral Creation to today's date.
  • pending = number of days between the start of the Pending status and the start of the In Process status.
  • in process = # of days from the start of the In Process status to today's date.  

 In a referral's HISTORY

  • Days Pending for each event = # of days from the previous event to that event.


Eligible Program & Projects

Displays as a boxes icon that, when hovered over, lists the programs the client is eligible for. This displays when the active agency is the user’s agency where they are assigned or switched into as well as the agency a matchmaker is filtering the Community Queue on (regardless of the agency they are assigned to switched into).


History /
Referral History

The history of activity for the referral.


Last Activity

The date the referral was created or the date the most recent activity keeping the referral active occurred.


Navigator /
Assign Navigator

A user with Navigator access can be assigned the role of Navigator within a Community Queue referral. A Navigator assists the client through the referral process and final hand-off to the referred agency. Staff members can use the NAVIGATOR sub-tab within the CASELOAD tab to view the list of referrals for whom they have been assigned as a Navigator. When referrals are sent to a program, Navigators become Case Managers.


Note / Notes

Allows users to add notes to the referral. 



When toggled on, the referral will be private to users at the referring and referred to agencies. A lock icon will display with the referral. 





This option only displays if the referral is in a Community Queue.


Reassignment Date

The date a referral was (or will be) reassigned to a program from a Community Queue


Referral Connections

Information about whether a referral connection occurred or not.


History /
Referral History

The history of activity for the referral.


Referral Status

The status of the referral.


Referred Date / Referral Date

The date a referral was (or will be) sent to the Pending tab.


Referred Program and Referred to Agency / Referred to

The program and agency where the client was referred. If the referral has been reassigned, this will be the most recent program and agency.


Referring Agency / Referred By Agency

The agency that created the referral. If the referral has been reassigned, this will be the original agency that created the referral. 


Referred By Staff

The staff member who created the referral (or the most recent referral, if it has been reassigned).


Remove from Queue 

Allows the user to remove the referral from the Community Queue and provide a reason why they have done so.



The score generated from the assessment processor (if applicable). Clicking on the score displays additional score detail.


Snooze / Unsnooze / Snooze until

If enabled in Referral Settings, clicking this icon allows you to temporarily snooze a referral on the Community Queue


Snoozed Until

The date a snoozed referral will reappear in the Community Queue tab.


Tracked Characteristic badge

If tracked characteristics are configured, this will display a badge icon that, when hovered over, displays the associated characteristic(s).


Would you like to make Reservation as well?

Allows users to make a reservation during the referral process.


Updated: 12/20/2023