
Program Setup: Program Restrictions

This article describes how to configure Program Restriction options for a program.

Please note: The features in this article will be available on training sites February 10, 2025, and on live sites February 24, 2025. This article was published in tandem with the 2025 February Feature Updates article on February 3, 2025, in order to provide fuller details than the Feature Updates article allowed. This note will be removed when all features are live on February 24, 2025.


There is a new section in the Client Notes tab for PROGRAM RESTRICTIONS. This feature allows a user to document when a client has been denied future services at one or more programs. Program Restrictions will be available as a new type of Eligibility requirement, with the ability to use Profile and Program Restriction Eligibility with Direct Referrals.

Program Restriction.1

When the user creates a program restriction record the following fields appear:

  • Start and End Dates for the program restriction - 
    • Start Date - required 
    • End Date - may be left blank to indicate an indefinite restriction.
  • Programs - multi-select picklist - 
    • This list includes active programs at the user’s current agency. The Program field is required. At least one program must be selected.
  • A new System picklist field, "Reason for Program Restriction."
  • A Notes box.
  • An option to mark the restriction “Private” -

Program Restrictions are, by default, shared based on 'Notes' Sharing Settings, unless the specific restriction is marked as private, in which case the restriction and related banner would then be private to the agency. 

Program Restrictions.2

When there is an active Program Restriction that a user has access to view:

  • An Alert shows on:
    • Client Profile screen
    • Client Program tab
    • Attendance module, the same way Public Alerts display
  • Alert text says, “Program Restriction: This client has an active restriction. Please review notes for details.”
  • There is a link labeled ‘Review Notes’ that links to the active restriction.
    • If there is more than one relevant restriction, the link should instead go to the client’s Note tab in general.

Program Restrictions.3

For end users with the appropriate permissions, there is an audit log to track changes made to each individual Program Restriction record. 

Program Restrictions.4

Restricted Programs Picklist Field

There is a new System picklist field available for use. The Reason for Program Restriction picklist field has customizable selection options and only includes “Select” by default.

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Sharing Basics

Program Restrictions are, by default, shared based on 'Notes' Sharing Settings, unless the specific restriction is marked as private, in which case the restriction would then be private to the agency.

  • If Notes = Full shared - the user will see alert and Preview Notes button.
  • If Notes = Basic Shared - the user will only see the alert (without Preview Notes button).
  • If Notes = Not Shared - the user from another agency will not see the alert or the Preview Notes button.

New Access Rights

There are new access rights associated with Program Restrictions:

  • ‘Agency Program Restrictions’ - if disabled the user doesn’t see restrictions created by user's current agency
  • ‘Any Agency Program Restrictions’ - this permission is read-only if 'Agency Program Restrictions' is off. If disabled, the user doesn’t see restrictions created by an agency other than the user’s current agency.
    • This access right will override sharing settings.
  • 'Create Program Restrictions’ - can be enabled even if the user cannot view/edit/delete restrictions.
  • 'Edit Agency Program Restrictions’
  • 'Edit Any Agency Program Restrictions’
  • 'Delete Agency Program Restrictions’
  • 'Delete Any Agency Program Restrictions’

These permissions were added to all access role types - Volunteers, Enterprise, Manager, and Admin. These permissions are automatically enabled for System Administrator, access role id=1.

Program Restrictions as Eligibility Criteria

There is a new ‘Type’ of Eligibility Requirement when a user selects ‘Add new requirement’ for Eligibility, located in the program’s Program Resources sidebar.

The new type is labeled ‘Program Restriction’

  • When selected, there are no additional options the user needs to select before clicking ADD

Program Restrictions.5

The Eligibility requirement is also available when adding Eligibility Preset Settings

Program Restrictions.10

Once saved, the new requirement will show the following in the program’s Eligibility section:

  • Element: ‘Client Program Restriction’
  • Condition: by default ‘Not Equals’ but editable.
  • Value: ‘Active' - Read-only

Program Restrictions.6

When selecting a program (or a bed or unit associated with a program) to refer a client, the new active Program Restriction eligibility requirement is considered.

  • This logic applies to the Client Referrals page and the Program Eligibility Determination page.
    • When a user has access to Program Restrictions, the following pop-up will appear if the client is ineligible due to an active program restriction:
      "Reason for ineligibility: This client has an active program restriction. Review program restriction details."
    • Users without access to Program Restrictions will see this pop-up if the client is ineligible due to an active program restriction:
      “Reason for ineligibility: This client has an active program restriction.”

For Community Queue and Unit Queue Referrals, the ineligible program, and associated units, will show as a referral option, but the following message will appear as a pop-up if an ineligible program/unit is selected: “Active program restriction. Review notes for details.” 

Direct Referrals and Program Restriction Eligibility

Eligibility criteria is considered when making a Direct Referral to a program from a client’s referral tab:

  • Profile data and Program Restrictions are used for direct referral eligibility.
  • Assessment data is not used for eligibility with direct referrals.

When the user opens the client referrals page, the system shows all programs without taking into account the eligibility requirements. There is a new ‘Check Eligibility’ button at the top of the referral page. 

Program Restrictions.11

When this button is clicked:

  • The system starts the eligibility calculation
  • The user sees a loader on the page. There is a note with the loader that says, ‘Program eligibility check in-progress. Please wait…’

Program Restrictions.12

After the system finishes calculation, the ‘Check Eligibility’ button disappears and a page divides into two sections:

  • Eligible programs are listed at the top, either by Agency or Category.
  • There is an ‘Ineligible Programs’ section that appears when there are programs the client is not eligible for.
    • The section can be expanded to show ineligible programs.
    • The expanded section shows program details, the 'Reason for Ineligibility'
    • The option to send a referral is available for users with the following access rights:
      • Referral Settings: Matchmaker Referral to Ineligible Program = 'on'
      • Access Role: Referral Matchmaker = 'on' 

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Program Exits and Program Restriction Options

There is an option to add a program restriction from the Program Exit Screen.

  • This option shows in the right sidebar when the user is on the Program Exit Screen. 
  • The option to add a restriction from the program exit is tied to the ‘Create Public Alerts and Client Notes', and 'Program Restrictions’ access rights.
    • If toggled ON, the user is able to create the program restriction from the program exit or the Client Notes tab.

When a user clicks the add icon, a popup window appears where the user can select clients to add program restrictions. After the user selects clients and clicks the 'Add Program Restriction' button, the system opens a page with the same ‘Program Restrictions’ options as when initiated from the Client Notes tab.

  • If only one client was selected on the popup, the user will see ‘Save & Close' and ‘Cancel’ buttons on the page.
  • If more than one client is selected the user will see ‘Save & Next' and ‘Close’ buttons for each client and 'Save & Close' and 'Cancel’ buttons for the last client.
  • The ‘Programs’ option defaults to the current Program, but remains editable.
  • If the user unchecks the current program and checks a different program, the program restriction will still be created, but it will not appear in the current program sidebar. It will appear on the client note tab and in the sidebar of programs selected.

The Program Exit sidebar shows Program Restrictions for the current program only (past, current, and future):

  • Existing Program Restrictions may be edited and/or deleted from the Program Exit Screen sidebar, when access rights give a user permission to edit or delete the restrictions.

Program Restrictions.14

Program Restrictions initiated from the Program Exit screen stores and are available in the Client Notes tab.

  • There is also a program marker icon listed with the Program Restriction in the Client Notes tab.

Program Restrictions.8

Updated: 02/12/2025