Client Records and Households

How Do I Search for a Client? (New Interface)

This article explains how to use the Client Search page to search for client records in Clarity Human Services.


This article is for the new Clarity interface. For the current interface article, please click this link. Screenshots and description will be updated as features are released.


Staff members search for and create new client records from the Client Search page. Before creating a new client record, staff members should always use the search function to determine whether a record for that client already exists in the system.

Setting the Client Search Page as the Home Screen

The Client Search page can be set as the "home" screen — the screen that an agency's users will see when they log into the system — by selecting "Client Search" for the Default User Home Screen field in an agency's OVERVIEW page; or, if the agency is using a different default home screen, individual staff members can select "Client Search" for the Home Screen Override field in their Account Settings

Accessing the Client Search Page

To access the Client Search page from anywhere in the system, click “Clients” icon in the upper left corner of the screen.


Records you recently viewed will appear below the search bar. The system retains this list after you log out and will display it when you log back in and view the Client Search screen. You can click a client name in the “recently accessed” section to view the associated client record.


Searching for Clients

To search for a client record that has been entered into Clarity Human Services, enter any of the following into the search field, then press the Enter/Return key or click the magnifying glass icon:

  • First name or last name (full or at least first 3 letters)
  • Full Unique Identifier
  • Full Social Security Number or last 4 digits of Social Security Number
  • Date of Birth (e.g. 12/12/1985, 12.12.1985, 12-12-1985)
  • Year of birth (e.g. 1985)

You can filter your search data by clicking on the filter options in the search dropdown.


A list of clients matching your search criteria will be displayed, with columns for Date of Birth and last four digits of the client's Social Security Number. If ROI Status on Client Search Page is enabled, an ROI column will also be included; this column indicates the client’s active ROI permission as "No" or "Yes” or if the ROI is “Missing.”


The following information can be found by clicking the drop-down arrow to the left of the client’s name:

  • ID
  • Alias
  • DOB
  • SSN (Last four)
  • Household Members
  • Updated by (Last user)
  • Updated on (Date last updated)image6

To view a client’s record:

  • Click anywhere on the highlighted portion of the client’s data row.image2
  • Click the vertical 3-dot icon to navigate directly to the client’s enrollments, services, or program history.


Auto Suggest

Clarity Human Services has an Auto Suggest feature that allows the system to display potential results as you begin typing in the search field. This feature can be enabled by system administrators or by users in Account Settings


Note: Search results are subject to sharing settings.

Creating a New Client Record

If you search for a client record and do not find it in the system, follow the steps in the How Do I Create a New Client Record? article to create a record for that client.

Published: 09/17/2024