Social Security Number validation and using non-numeric characters for SSN.
This article is for the current interface. For the new Clarity interface article, please click this link.
Invalid Social Security Number (SSN) Warning
When a user enters an SSN for a client, the system will check to see if the SSN is valid as based on Social Security Administration guidelines. An SSN is considered invalid if any of the following are true:
The last four digits of the SSN are ‘0000’
The first three digits are ‘000’, ‘666’, or start with '9'
The middle digits (i.e., digits 4 and 5; the second grouping of digits) are ‘00’
The digits are repetitive, like 000-00-0000, 111-11-1111, 333-33-3333, etc.
The digits are sequential, like 123-45-6789 or 987-65-4321.
If the SSN is invalid, the system displays the following pop-up: “‘The SSN entered does not conform to Social Security Administration guidelines. Click ‘Cancel’ to change the SSN. Click ‘OK’ to proceed with the SSN entered.” This pop-up appears before the ”An existing client has been found matching the SSN entered” pop-up appears.
If the user clicks “Cancel”:
- The pop-up disappears
- The user’s mouse returns to the first digit of the SSN.
- The SSN field is underlined in red.
- The user can change the SSN and save the profile with the edited SSN.
- If the user enters another invalid SSN, the pop-up appears again. This continues until a valid SSN (or one with 1-9 non-numeric characters) is entered.
If the user clicks “OK”:
The pop-up disappears.
The SSN field is not underlined in red.
The user can save the profile with the invalid SSN.
Non-Numeric Characters for Unknown/Refused SSN Digits
Clarity, including the DIT and Operational API, will now allow users to enter a non-numeric character for any digits of a client’s Social Security Number (SSN) that is unknown or refused by the client, and the system will automatically convert those non-numeric characters to an “x.”
- If a non-numeric character is entered for all 9 digits of the SSN, the “Quality of SSN” field defaults to “Client doesn’t know” but is editable.
- If any digit in the SSN has a non-numeric character (such as xxx-45-6789, 123-xx-6789, 12x-x5-6789, 123-45-x789, etc.), and there are no more than 8 non-numeric characters in the SSN, the “Quality of SSN” field defaults to “Approximate or partial SSN reported” but is editable.
- If the ‘Consent Refused’ toggle is enabled in a client profile, Clarity will automatically convert the 0s for the SSN to ‘x’s when the profile is saved.
Updated: 09/17/2024