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System Settings: Enabled Automated Functions
This feature is directly tied to automated functions within Clarity Human Services, specifically Automated Removal from the Community Queue and Auto-Exit to Permanent Destination. The selection of the Enabled Automated Functions setting determines how the selection is applied.

Within Enabled Automated Function the following options are available: System-wide, CoC, and Sharing Settings Based. Each choice functions differently, those differences are listed below:

Note: CoC is the default setting for Automated Functions.
- System-wide: If a user triggers Automated Removal from the Community Queue or Auto-Exit to Permanent Destination the client will be removed from any applicable function regardless of CoC or Sharing settings.
- CoC: If a Clarity Human Service user triggers Automated Removal from the Community Queue or Auto-Exit to Permanent Destination, the client will be removed from any applicable Program/Community Queue based on the CoC, regardless of Sharing settings.
Note: for auto existing enrollments, Clarity Human Services will first check the Client Location CoC on the enrollment (HUD HMIS Data Standard 3.16 ); if Client Location is null, Clarity will check the CoC of the agency that created the enrollment.
- Sharing Settings Based: If a user triggers Automated Removal from the Community Queue or Auto-Exit to Permanent Destination the system will consider Sharing settings.