Agency Management Reports

[STFF-103] User Active Caseload

Report Purpose and Summary

This report provides a detail of the current caseload for a user and the activities. A staff is considered assigned to an enrollment if they created the enrollment or were assigned to the enrollment within Clarity Human Services.

Running the Report

Report Location

This report is found in the Agency Management section of the Report Library.

Who Can Run the Report

Anyone can run the report but the returned information will be limited based on the access rights of the user.


The following are required to run the report.

User Choose which user to include in the report
Report Output Format Web Page, PDF, Excel

Report Details

The report will list all the clients, with currently active enrollments, which are assigned to the selected user.

  • Only active users are displayed on the parameters page
  • Length of Stay is calculated only for the Head of Household
  • Assessments are the sum of Annual, Status and Program assessments created for the client
  • Services are the sum of client services provided which are linked to the program

Note: Unique ID is linked to the client profile screen. 

Drilldown Functionality

Drilldowns are not necessary for this report.

Updated: 06/27/2023