Working with the Referrals Tab and Community Queues
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  3. Working with the Referrals Tab and Community Queues

Referrals: the Dashboard Tab


The REFERRALS Dashboard tab allows users to view one or more Data Analysis reports within the REFERRALS tab as a dashboard. The availability of reports is configured by system administrators first in System Setup and then in Referral Settings

Note: Your instance of Clarity Human Services, as well as your Access Role, must have Data Analysis access to view dashboard reports. See Rights Glossary for Access Roles for more information about the different access settings. 

To access the REFERRALS Dashboard tab, navigate to SEARCH > REFERRALS > Dashboard.

If the referral settings are configured to display more than one dashboard, the dashboards will be listed to the right.

The dashboard report selected will display in the Dashboard tab where you’ll be able to filter, download, schedule, and send the report, just as you would be able to when running the dashboard report in Data Analysis.