Released Updates
- A hotfix was released to [GNRL-106] Program Roster to address reporting errors that relate to a single enrollment having multiple entry/exit screens.
- Troubleshooting Tip: The [GNRL-242] Client Project Stay Issues report can be a great resource for reviewing data and spotting any potential concerns when utilizing the Data Import Tool (DIT).
- A hotfix was applied to the [HUDX-123-AD] HIC Supplemental Report ensuring accurately returned data in the report to exclude clients exiting on the selected PIT date.
Clarity Human Services: February 2025 Feature Updates
The following updates will be released to Train Instances on February 10, 2025, and Live instances on February 24. 2025.
- Update: Social Security Number Masking
- All canned, Pentaho reports were updated to align with the updates made in the Clarity Human Services UI to mimic SSN masking where relevant.
- Update: Manual Personal ID Management
- The [STFF-104] Staff Client Data Activity report was updated to include a new activity type - Manual Personal ID Management. This new activity type includes when users link and/or unlink a client using the Link/Unlink Tool in Clarity Human Services. This activity type has been added to the Activity Type parameter and will aid users in identifying when a client has been linked to or unlinked from a Personal ID to aid in client deduplication.
- Updates to the [HUDX-123-AD] HIC Supplemental Report and [HUDX-230] Shelter Count PIT reports are completed to aid in the upcoming HIC/PIT Reporting Period. [Released to Train Instances February 10, 2025, Released to Live Instances February 24. 2025]
- These updates include additional data points (HIC/PIT) and output formats(PIT) to streamline analysis and data quality review for federal reporting preparation, as well as agency-level versions of the reports.
- Improvements to streamline linking functionality in the [HUDX-235(-AD)] CE APR were applied to Assessment and Client History links
Upcoming Updates
- A new Annual Assessment Overview report is currently under development to aid in Annual Assessment completion and monitoring.
- [STFF-105-AD] License Utilization report updates are in development to streamline the report table structure, provide additional information in pre-existing tables, new tables with information related to subscription details, and drillable aggregate counts for license type, access role, and agency.
[STFF-103] User Active Caseload report updates are in development to improve the usability of the report by adding additional parameters and multi-select options, updates to current columns to improve data selection and additions to assist with review, and added drill down functionality.
Help Center Article Updates
[GNRL-220] Program Details Report - Enhanced the format section to provide more detailed explanations of screen type abbreviations and the overall file structure
- [STFF-104] Staff Client Data Activity - Documentation was updated to reflect the new activity type [Manual Personal ID Management]
[STFF-104] Specification Details - Manual Personal ID Management activity specifications were added to the article
[HUDX-230] Shelter Count PIT - Documentation was updated to reflect the released improvements including a new agency version of the report, csv-details report output format, and drill down improvements
[HUDX-123] Housing Inventory (HIC) Supplemental - Documentation was updated to reflect the released improvements including a new agency version of the report, additions to report tables to aid in data quality review including Clients active in NbN ES without a Bed Night on the PIT Date, new In LSA and Active Clients columns in the Bed Inventory table to provide additional context during review, and an Inventory Review columns in the Residential Program w/o Inventory Table.
Updated: 02/26/2024