Pentaho Release Notes

Pentaho Release Notes - December 2023

Released Updates

  • [HUDX-111] HUD CSV / XML Program Data Export
    • The HUD CSV/XML Program Data Export services.csv and the included deleted data parameter have been updated.
      • The services.csv has been updated to ensure alignment with VA SSVF reporting submissions/guidance for recordtype=152. This update only impacts VA SSVF Financial Assistance Services with a Long Term Delivery Type. 
      • Deleted data will no longer be included if "Include Deleted Data" = No for the Affiliation, HMISParticipation, and CEParticipation files. 
    • The report article was updated to provide additional detail about the services.csv as it relates to the ServicesID column.
    • The PATH Annual Report has been updated to ensure accuracy and alignment with the PATH specifications as additional guidance was received from HUD TA providers.  The PATH Annual Report has been updated to include project stays that exited within [report date range] are included in the “active” universe even if there is no [contact] provided.
  • Chronic Logic
    • One of the reporting functions for chronic logic has been improved to ensure alignment with HUD Guidance. This update impacts how chronic status is propagated to minors in the household. 

Updated: 12/20/2023