Pentaho Release Notes - Current Year

Pentaho Release Notes - August 2024

Released Updates

  • [HUDX-111(-AD)] HMIS CSV/XML Data Export
    • A hotfix was released to resolve an unexpected behavior with the User column in the services.csv.
    • ACTION ITEM: If an export was generated between 07/30 and 08/01, we recommend rerunning the report to ensure that the data accurately reflects the latest updates and hotfixes released in late July and early August.
    • Additional clarification has been included in the HMIS CSV Specifications for FA Start/End Date and applicable record types. The report has been updated to align with this clarification.
  • [HUDX-123-AD] Housing Inventory (HIC) Supplemental
    • A hotfix was released to ensure accurate PIT Counts in the current report version
  • [HUDX-235(-AD)] CE APR

    • A performance improvement was applied to the report to prevent reporting errors for longer reporting periods. 
  • Personal ID Updates
    • Federal Reports ('HUDX-' prefix reports) have been updated to have a  'Client ID Selection' parameter to allow reports to be run with the 'Clarity Unique Identifier' or 'HUD Unduplicated Personal ID'. This new parameter will allow users to determine how reports will create the client universe. 
    • The following reports have been updated to include the 'Client ID Selection parameter': 
      • [HUDX-111(-AD)] HUD CSV / XML Program Data Export [FY 2024]

      • [HUDX-123-AD] Housing Inventory (HIC) Supplemental [FY 2024]

      • [HUDX-223-AD] System Performance Measures [FY 2024]

      • [HUDX-224(-AD)] PATH Annual Report [FY 2024]

      • [HUDX-225(-AD)] HMIS Data Quality Report [FY 2024]

      • [HUDX-227(-AD)] Annual Performance Report [FY 2024]

      • [HUDX-228(-AD)] ESG CAPER [FY 2024]

      • [HUDX-230-AD] Shelter Count PIT [FY 2024]

      • [HUDX-231(-AD)] LSA Export

      • [HUDX-234-AD] HMIS Statistics Report

      • [HUDX-235(-AD)] CE APR [FY 2024]

  • SSN Placeholder Updates 
    • The following reports have been updated to accommodate the new 'x' placeholder for SSN data quality logic:  
      • [HUDX-225] HMIS Data Quality Report [FY 2024]

      • [HUDX-227] Annual Performance Report [FY 2024]
      • [HUDX-228] ESG CAPER [FY 2024]
      • [HUDX-235-AD] CE APR [FY 2024]
      • [HUDX-231-AD] LSA Export - Systemwide [FY 2024]

Upcoming Updates

  • [HUDX-111] CSV/XML Export

    • We are currently updating how non-ASCII characters are dropped in certain string data type fields and how PITCount column logic is calculated based on the Deleted Data prompt as performance updates are being made to the report.

Help Center Article Updates


Updated: 09/03/2024