Data Analysis Learning Resources

Looker API: Introduction and Resources

When it comes to retrieving data from the Clarity system there are two primary methods Clarity SQL Model and the Looker API. The purpose of this documentation is to provide a quick, preliminary introduction and provide resources to properly utilize the Looker API. 

Looker is the business-intelligence platform Clarity uses for ad-hoc reporting. It is powerful and flexible. One of the powerful features is the API.

"API" stands for application programming interface. An API refers to a technological system's ability to be interacted with in a standardized way by another system. Or, you can think of it as a way to automate anything you'd do in the user interface. Retrieve data, create Looks, download CSVs, create schedules, etc.

Currently, credentials for the API may be requested through the Clarity Help Desk. A user must have a standalone Looker account and their API usage must be comparable to an average user interacting with the user interface. These conditions and terms are subject to change without notice.

Note:  At this time, only basic support is available via the help desk.  For more extensive support requests, please contact your BFF. 

Looker API Resources