Program Enrollments

How Do I Remove a Program Exit?


Sometimes a client or household is unintentionally exited from a program enrollment. In these cases, you may reopen the enrollment for an active program using the Reopen Client Program button on the client Program Exit screen. 

Note: The Reopen Client Program button is not available to users attempting to remove an exit date for an inactive program.

Reopen Program

Note: Do not use this process for clients returning to the program to re-enroll. In those cases, create a new program enrollment.

The Reopen Client Program functionality includes the Clear and Restore All Exit Data Access Right, which is dependent on Edit Agency Programs or Edit Any Agency Programs permission being enabled. 

Clearn and Restore

Reopen Enrollment Access Role

Note: This functionality is automatically enabled for the system SysAdmin role.

The next steps depend on whether Clear and Restore All Exit Data is enabled.

If you have Clear and Restore All Exit Data enabled

When you click Reopen Client Program,  you will see a pop-up with a Clear All Exit Data toggle.

Clear Exit Toggle

  • To reopen the enrollment with just the exit date removed, leave the Clear All Exit Data toggle off and click SAVE. The alert below will appear; click OK.
    Off Exit Data
  • To reopen the enrollment with the exit date and all of the exit data removed, turn the Clear All Exit Data toggle on and click SAVE. The alert below will appear; click OK.
    On Exit Data

You can then leave the enrollment open if needed, or if you simply reopened the enrollment for a quick data fix, you can make that change and then close out the enrollment.

When closing out a reopened enrollment, you can click the Restore Exit Data button to restore the previously entered exit data, including the previous exit date.

Restore Exit Data

If you do not have Clear and Restore All Exit Data enabled (but you do have the ability to edit a program enrollment exit screen) 

 You will not see the Clear All Exit Data toggle on the REOPEN CLIENT PROGRAM pop-up. Instead, you will see a pop-up saying, “This action will clear the exit date.” Click OK.

You can then leave the enrollment open if needed, or if you reopened the enrollment for a quick data fix, you can make that change and then close out the enrollment.


  • When you use the Reopen Client Program function, any services that were ended at exit will retain their end date.
  • Any household members that were exited will remain exited. Reopening an enrollment only reopens that individual’s enrollment and does not impact the enrollment of any other group members. If you need to reopen another household member’s enrollment, navigate to that client’s record to reopen their enrollment.
  • You cannot remove a program exit by deleting the program exit date and saving the screen. The system will highlight the Program Exit Date field in red and will not allow you to save the updated enrollment.

Audit Log:
The Audit Log will reflect actions associated with using the Reopen Client Program function.

Updated: 3/2/2023