Data Analysis Learning Resources

Embedded Looker Data Security Overview


Each Looker model has a specific permissions setup that is unique to each model’s particular use case. This document explains what happens when a user does not have system administrator access or “systemwide data access.” 

Review each model below to see how permissions impact visibility within each model. 


Main Criteria

All Other Entities


Client records are visible according to Clarity Sharing Settings. Looker permissions are inclusive of all additional agency access for the user.

Data entered by the user’s agency or “additional agency access” and non-private

Coordinated Entry

Visibility mimics the Client Model. Additionally, users are only able to see assessments created by the user's home agency or agencies where they have additional agency access. To see the full Coordinated Entry system, a user must have the appropriate access rights.

Data entered by the user’s agency or “additional agency access" and non-private

Data Quality

Clients that have enrollments created by user’s agency or additional agency access

Data entered by the user’s agency or “additional agency access" and non-private

HMIS Performance

Clients that have enrollments created by user’s agency or additional agency access

Data entered by the user’s agency or “additional agency access" and non-private

Inventory [BETA]*

Clients that have inventory-related activity created by a user's agency or additional agency access

Data entered by the user’s agency or “additional agency access” and non-private

Outreach [BETA]*

Visibility mimics the Client Model. There are additional restrictions on geolocation information. 

Data entered by the user’s agency or “additional agency access” and non-private

Population over Time

Clients that have enrollments created by user’s agency or additional agency access

Data entered by the user’s agency or “additional agency access" and non-private

Project Descriptor

Access to data are based on the agencies a user has access

Data entered by the user’s agency or “additional agency access”


Clients that have reservations created by user’s agency or additional agency access

Data entered by the user’s agency or “additional agency access" and non-private


Clients that have services created by user’s agency or additional agency access

Data entered by the user’s agency or “additional agency access" and non-private

*Beta models are in a stage of development where frequent changes and improvements will be made including, but not limited to, fields, views, and permissions.  Updates in the model may impact pre-existing content with the nature of beta models. 

Updated: 05/08/2023