AB 977 Resources

California AB 977 Support Materials

Clarity Human Services streamlines AB 977 data collection for California homeless programs

To support our California customers, Bitfocus has produced the following resources for use in HMIS configuration alignment with California Assembly Bill No. 977 specifications. 

These tools are intended to supplement the reference materials and instructions regarding HMIS project setup for programs funded by the departments listed below, which may not be a comprehensive list of all funders. For your convenience, we have included links to their websites for accessing up-to-date information regarding AB 977 requirements:

Support for implementation and compliance concerns is provided by Abt Associates, the Technical Assistance provider for AB 977 projects. Technical assistance providers from Abt are available to help grantees identify and connect with contacts at their CoCs and HMIS Lead agencies. For assistance, please email AB977_TA@abtglobal.com

Beginning January 1, 2023, AB 977 requires loanees, grantees, subgrantees, or entities operating projects receiving state homelessness funding to enter specific data elements into their Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). These data collection requirements apply to all new state homelessness programs that began on or after July 1, 2021.

Information gathered through AB 977 data reporting will be used to create a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of state-funded homelessness programs and allow for better-informed policy decisions.

Bitfocus is not a Technical Assistance provider, but we can provide support to ensure your system is configured correctly. If you are interested in contracting Bitfocus for additional support services, please contact your BFF or Community Administration team to discuss possible project options.

Updated 05/14/2024