Configuring INVENTORY

Unit Occupancy History


The Occupancy History section of the Unit Resources sidebar in INVENTORY displays a Unit's occupancy history (including Beds, if applicable), with the ability to view the project/program in which the relevant clients were enrolled during that stay.

The system uses the following categories to describe the various stages of occupancy:



Start Date

End Date


A client is within the Unit/Bed

Date when the client begins Unit occupancy.

The date when the client left the Unit/Bed (or "Active" if the client is still in the Unit).

Referral: Pending

There is a pending referral to the Unit/Bed.

The date when the referral was made.


Referral: Denied

A pending referral to the Unit/Bed was denied.

The date when the referral was made.

The date of denial.

Referral: Expired

A pending referral to the Unit/Bed has expired.

The date when the referral was made.

The expiration date of the referral.

Referral: Complete

A pending referral to the Unit/Bed was completed.

The date when the referral was made.

The date the referral was connected to the Unit/Bed/Program.


The Unit/Bed is Offline.

The date the Unit/Bed went Offline.

Last day the Unit/Bed was Offline.


The Unit/Bed is Inactive.

The date the Unit/Bed became Inactive.

Last day the Unit/Bed was Inactive.

The occupancy records appear chronologically, with the most recent listing at the top. The Start Date and End Date columns are sortable. Clicking on the Start Date and End Date column headers will sort the rows by date.

A Type filter allows the user to view "Beds," "Units," or "All." If the user selects the "Beds "option, a multi-select Beds picklist appears for the user to select which Bed(s) to view. 

  • "Referral" records cannot be deleted from this page.
    • "Occupied" records can be deleted from this page. Deleting the record will remove the Unit from the client program.
    • When the user deletes an "Occupied" record that has an associated referral, the "Referral: Complete" record will become" 'Referral: Pending." 
  • When the user clicks the trash can icon to delete an "Occupied" record, the system displays the following pop-up: "By deleting this unit occupancy, this will remove the client's unit assignment for this occupancy system-wide."

Clicking the program name associated with the current "Occupied" record will take you to the Units/Beds tab of the program enrollment. 

If you delete the program associated with the Unit occupancy from the client's record, the system will update the Occupancy History page as follows:

  • The "Referral: Complete" record will change to "Referral: Pending."
  • The End Date will be deleted from the "Referral: Pending" record.
  • The "Occupied" record will be deleted.

Unit Occupancy Logic

Starting on the date a referral is sent to a Unit, the Unit will have a status of "Pending Occupancy" on the UNITS page and a category of "Referral: Pending" on the Occupancy History page until one of the following happens:

If this happens:

The status on the UNITS Page changes from "Pending Occupancy" to

The category on the Occupancy History Page changes from "Referral: Pending" to

The referral expires
(according to its associated Referral Settings).


"Referral: Expired"

The referral is denied.


"Referral: Denied"

The referral is connected to the Unit.


"Referral: Complete"

Also, the system adds an "Occupied" record.

The "Pending Occupancy" status also applies for a Unit that is manually added to a program enrollment via the Units/Beds tab with a future start date (as long as the Unit Start/End Dates do not conflict). The future Unit Start Date will be the "Pending Occupancy Start Date."

A Unit with a "Pending Occupancy" status will not be available in the Unit Queue or the client's Units/Beds tab until the referral expires, the referral is denied, or the client is exited from the Unit.

Each Unit can have only one referral at a time.

One client's End Date for a Unit can be the same as another client's Start Date for the same Unit.

Published 5/24/2023