Program-Based Reports

[UNIT-103] Unit Client Detail - Enrollment


This is a program-based report that provides details on clients who were directly assigned to a Unit
from the Units/Beds tab of a program enrollment during the Report Date Range.

Running the Report

Who Can Run the Report

Anyone can run the report but the returned information will be limited based on the access rights of the user.

An Administrator version of the report is also available [UNIT-103-AD]. System administrators and users with additional access can run the report across multiple agencies.

Report Location

This report can be found in the following locations in the Report Library:

  • Program Based Reports → [UNIT-103] Unit Client Detail - Enrollment
  • Administrator Reports → [UNIT-103-AD] Unit Client Detail - Enrollment


The following parameters are required to run this report.

Switch Access Agency(-ies)
(included in the Agency version of the report only; not included in the Administrator version of the report)

This is the list of agencies to which the current user has access. 

Select which agency(ies) to include in the report:

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Agency CoC
  • For the Agency version of this report, this list includes the CoCs of the agencies selected in the Switch Access Agency(-ies) parameter.
  • For the  Administrator version, this list includes the CoCs of all agencies.

Select which CoC to include.

Project Type(s)

Select which Project Type(s) to include:

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

  • 0 - Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit
  • 1 - Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night
  • 2 - Transitional Housing
  • 3 - PH - Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required for entry)
  • 8 - Safe Haven
  • 9 - PH – Housing Only
  • 10 - PH – Housing with Services (no disability required for entry)
  • 13 - PH - Rapid Re-Housing
Program Status
  • All Programs
  • Active Programs
  • Inactive Programs

This list contains programs (restricted by the Project Type(s) and Program Status parameters) of the selected Agency(ies).

Select which program(s) to include:

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Report Output Format
  • Web Page
  • PDF
  • Excel

Additional Parameters for the Administrator Report

Agency Status
  • All Agencies
  • Active Agencies
  • Inactive Agencies

This is the list of agencies with the selected CoC.

Select which agency(ies) to include in the report:

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Report Details

The report provides the following details, grouped by Agency/Program, broken down by household.

For each household, the Head of Household (HoH) is shown in bold font and displayed first, followed by the rest of the household members in alphabetical order. 

  • Unique ID (links to the client profile page)
  • Client Name
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Race and Ethnicity: if more than one race is selected in the client record, the text "Multiracial" appears here
  • Veteran
  • Unit: name of the Unit
  • Bed: name of the Bed 
  • Enrollment Connected Program Data:
    • Relationship to HoH: the relationship to the Head of Household in the connected enrollment
    • Project Start Date: client enrollment start date
    • Occupancy Start Date: occupancy date
    • Project End Date:  client enrollment end date (if applicable) 

unit 103 2024 b-1

Below each group of  Agency/Program data, the following subtotals are displayed:

  • Unduplicated Clients Assigned to Unit/Bed is an unduplicated count of clients in the Agency/Program group.
  • Unduplicated Households Assigned to Unit/Bed is an unduplicated count of households in the Agency/Program group.

Below the last group of Agency/Program data, the following totals are displayed:

  • Total Unduplicated Clients Assigned to Unit/Bed  (by Project Type)
    • If a referred client is enrolled in multiple programs, but all programs have the same project type, the client is counted only once.
    • Otherwise, the client is counted once for each project type.
  • Total Unduplicated Households Assigned to Unit/Bed

At the bottom of the page, the Report Parameters section displays the agencies, programs, and project types that were selected for this report.

The Project Type column displays an abbreviation of the Project Type name:

Project Type Abbreviation Project Type Code Project Type
ES-EE 0 Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit
ES-NbN 1 Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night
TH 2 Transitional Housing
PSH 3 PH - Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required for entry)
SH 8 Safe Haven
PH - HO 9 PH - Housing Only
PH - H w/S 10 PH - Housing with Services (no disability required for entry)
RRH 13 PH - Rapid Re-Housing

Drilldown Functionality

There is no drilldown functionality in this report.

Updated: 07/09/2024