Accessing Clarity Human Services

The Staff Inbox and Secure Messaging


Staff members can securely communicate with other staff members who use Clarity Human Services via the internal messaging system. With the ability to search messages, this is an excellent and secure way to keep track of conversations and information, as well as build staff morale and collaboration. In addition, all system-wide messages will be included in this inbox. This is a completely secure messaging system, allowing staff members to use real client names as opposed to Unique Identifiers. 

Accessing New Messages

If you have a new message, it will be indicated by a number next to the envelope icon in the top right corner of the screen.


To read a message, click the icon that looks like a piece of paper.


Replying to Messages in Your Inbox

To reply to a message, enter your response above the line and click SEND RESPONSE. To return to the inbox screen without providing a response (or after sending your response), click BACK.

Creating a New Message

To create a message, click NEW MESSAGE.


Select the CoC from the first dropdown menu, the agency from the second dropdown menu, and the message recipient from the last dropdown menu (only users within the selected agency will be listed).

Enter your message into the text box. Notice that you can format your message using bulleted/numbered lists, italic, and bold text. Once the message is complete, click Send Message