Data Types Specifications
The Data Types in the report that are outlined within this article are as follows:
- Assessment
- Client Contact
- Client Field Interaction
- Client File
- Client Location
- Client Note
- Client ROI
- Coordinated Entry Event
- Profile Created
- Profile Deleted
- Profile Edited
- Program Annual Update
- Program Current Living Situation
- Program Enrollment
- Program Exit
- Program Follow-up
- Program Status Update
- Referral
- Referral Scheduled
- Service Provided/Updated
- Unit/Bed Assignment
Each Data Type above has a section within the article and is linked appropriately.
- If any Data Type was deleted and then re-activated, the client is not reported as deleted.
- If any Data Type was deleted, then re-activated, and then deleted again, the first deletion will not be reported as deleted but will be reported for the DateTime of the last deletion.
Data Type(s): | Assessment |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
For "Assessment" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table and "client_assessment_demographics" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
- and common_logs.source_table = 8
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and client_assessment_demographics.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client_assessment_demographics record is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
Assessment Deleted
Data Type(s): | Assessment |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
For "Assessment Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_assessment_demographics" table where:
client_assessment_demographics.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_assessment_demographics.ref_agency_deleted = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client_assessment_demographics.last_updated is within [report date range]
and client_assessment_demographics.deleted = 1
Client Contact Created
Data Type(s): | Client Contact |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a client contact is added or an existing client contact is updated, a corresponding row is added to the "client_contacts" table.
For "Client Contact" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_contacts" table where:
client_contacts.ref_user= STAFF_ID
and activity DateTime (client_contacts.added_date) is within [report date range]
and Client Contact is not deleted
and if the client contacts record is private, then client_contacts.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY, otherwise there is no ref_agency restriction
and client record is not deleted
Client Contact Deleted
Data Type(s): | Client Contact |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When a client contact is deleted, the "client_contacts" table is updated with "client_contacts.deleted = 1 AND client_contacts.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Client Contact Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_contacts" table where:
client_contacts.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_contacts.deleted = 1
and activity DateTime (client_contacts.last_updated) is within [report date range]
and if the client contacts record is private, then client_contacts.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY, otherwise there is no ref_agency restriction
and client record is not deleted
Client Contact Edited
Data Type(s): | Client Contact |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When an existing client contact is updated, a current row from the "client_contacts" table is updated.
For "Client Contact Created/Edited" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "release_of_information" table where:
client_contacts.ref_user= STAFF_ID
and client_contacts.added_date <> client_contacts.last_updated
and activity DateTime (client_contacts.added_date) is within [report date range]
and Client Contact is not deleted
and if the client contacts record is private, then client_contacts.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY, otherwise there is no ref_agency restriction
and client record is not deleted
Client Field Interaction
Data Type(s): | Client Field Interaction |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a Field Interaction is added, a corresponding row is added to the "geolocation_mapping," “geolocations,“ and “client_field_interactions" tables.
For "Field Interaction" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_field_interactions" table where:
client_field_interactions.ref_user = STAFF_ID
and client_field_interactions.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and activity DateTime (client_field_interactions.added_date) is within [report date range]
and client record is not deleted
Client Field Interaction (Deleted)
Data Type(s): | Client Field Interaction |
Deleted Option | all; deleted only |
When a Field Interaction is deleted, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table. Also, the deleted field from geolocations is updated using the deleted = 1 value.
For "Field Interaction" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
and common_logs.source_table = 40
and common_logs.prev_record includes text "Field Interaction."
and common_logs.curr_record includes the text "deleted."
and there is a correspondent record in the geolocations table where geolocations.deleted = 1
and geolocations.ref_agency_deleted = CURRENT_AGENCY
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and client record is not deleted
Note: Only Client Field Interactions deleted after 07/17/2023 will be returned in this section.
Client File
Data Type(s): | Client File |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a new client file is added a corresponding row is added to the "files" table and to the "client_files" table.
For "Client File" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "files" table and the "client_files" table where:
files.ref_user = STAFF_ID
and activity DateTime (files.added_date) is within [report date range]
and client_files.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and record from the "client_files" table is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
Client File Deleted
Data Type(s): | Client File |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When Client File is deleted, the "client_files" table is updated with "client_files.deleted = 1 AND client_files.ref_agency_deleted = current_agency AND client_files.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Client File Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_files" table where:
client_files.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_files.ref_agency_deleted= CURRENT_AGENCY
and client_files.deleted = 1
and activity DateTime (client_files.last_updated) is within [report date range]
and client record is not deleted
and file record is exists
Note: If Client File Deleted is selected, only clients with deleted files during the report date range will be reported.
Client Location
Data Type(s): | Client Location |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a client location is added, a corresponding row is added to the "client_addresses" table.
For "Client Location" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_addresses" table where:
client_addresses.ref_user= STAFF_ID
and client_addresses.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and activity DateTime (client_addresses.added_date) is within [report date range]
and client location is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
Client Location Deleted
Data Type(s): | Client Location |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When Client Location is deleted, the "client_addresses" table is updated with "client_addresses.deleted = 1 AND client_addresses.ref_agency_deleted = current_agency AND client_addresses.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Client Location Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_addresses" table where:
client_addresses.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_addresses.ref_agency_deleted= CURRENT_AGENCY
and client_addresses.deleted = 1
and activity DateTime (client_addresses.last_updated) is within [report date range]
and client record is not deleted
Client Note
Data Type(s): | Client Note |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a new client note is added, a corresponding row is added to the "client_notes" table.
When an existing client note is updated, a corresponding row is added to the "client_notes_log" table.
For "Client Note" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_notes" and the "client_notes_log" table where:
the client note is not deleted
and client_notes.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and (client_notes.ref_user or client_notes_log.ref_user ) = STAFF_ID
and activity DateTime ( or is within [report date range]
and client note is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
Client Note Deleted
Data Type(s): | Client Note |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When Client Note is deleted, the "client_notes" table is updated with the "client_notes.deleted = 1 AND client_notes.ref_agency_deleted = current_agency AND client_notes.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Client Note Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_notes" table where:
client_notes.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_notes.ref_agency_deleted= CURRENT_AGENCY
and client_notes.deleted = 1
and activity DateTime (client_notes.last_updated) is within [report date range]
and client record is not deleted
Client ROI
Data Type(s): | Client ROI |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
For "Client ROI" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "release_of_information" table where:
release_of_information.ref_user= STAFF_ID
and release_of_information.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and activity DateTime (release_of_information.added_date) is within [report date range]
and client ROI is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
Client ROI Deleted
Data Type(s): | Client ROI |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
For "Client ROI Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "release_of_information" table where:
release_of_information.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and release_of_information.ref_agency_deleted= CURRENT_AGENCY
and release_of_information.deleted = 1
and activity DateTime (release_of_information.last_updated) is within [report date range]
and client record is not deleted
Coordinated Entry Event
Data Type(s): | Coordinated Entry Event |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When an existing Coordinated Entry Event is created or updated, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Coordinated Entry Event” staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
and common_logs.source_table = 9
and a Coordinated Entry Event is manually entered OR inferred
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and programs.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY where the “programs” is a program linked to the client enrollment that is linked to the Coordinated Entry Event
and the client record/event is not deleted. The referral should not be deleted for cases where the Coordinated Entry Event is inferred.
Coordinated Entry Event (Deleted)
Data Type(s): | Coordinated Entry Event |
Deleted Option | all; deleted only |
When an existing Coordinated Entry Event is deleted, "client_events" table is updated with "client_events.deleted = 1 AND client_events.ref_agency_deleted = current_agency AND client_events.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Coordinated Entry Event Deleted” staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
client_events.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client record is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Coordinated Entry Event is manually entered
and client_events.last_updated is within [report date range]
and client_events.ref_agency_deleted= CURRENT_AGENCY
Coordinated Entry Event is inferred
and referrals.last_updated is within [report date range]
and referrals.ref_agency_deleted= CURRENT_AGENCY
Profile Created
Data Type(s): | Profile Created |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a new client record is added, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Profile Created" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
- common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
- and common_logs.source_table = 12
- and it is the profile creation record
- and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
- and if the client is private, then clients.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY, otherwise there is no ref_agency restriction
- and the client record is not deleted
Profile Deleted
Data Type(s): | Profile Created, Profile Edited |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When the client record is deleted, the "clients" table is updated with "clients.deleted = 1.
For "Profile Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "clients" table where:
- clients.deleted = 1
- and clients.last_updated is within [report date range]
- and if the client is private, then clients.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY, otherwise there is no ref_agency restriction
Note: If a client record is merged, the record is marked as deleted as reflected in the "clients" table.
Profile Edited
Data Type(s): | Profile Edited |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When an existing client record is updated, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Profile Edited" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
- common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
- and common_logs.source_table = 12
- and it is the profile update record
- and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
- and if the client is private, then clients.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY, otherwise there is no ref_agency restriction
- and the client record is not deleted
Program Annual Update
Data Type(s): | Program Annual Update |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a status update is added or an existing status update is updated, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Program Annual Update" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
- and common_logs.source_table = 10
and common_logs.screen_type = 6
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and client_programs.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client record is not deleted
and the client's project stay is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Annual Update Deleted
Data Type(s): | Program Annual Update |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
For "Program Annual Update Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_program_demographics" table where:
client_program_demographics.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_program_demographics.screen_type = 6
and client_program_demographics.deleted = 1
and client_program_demographics.last_updated is within [report date range]
and client_program_demographics.ref_agency_deleted = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client's project stay is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Current Living Situation
Data Type(s): | Program Current Living Situation |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a current living situation is added or an existing current living situation is updated, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Program Current Living Situation" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
and common_logs.source_table = 10
and common_logs.screen_type = 3
and common_logs.status_screen_type= 2
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and client_programs.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client record is not deleted
and the client's project stay is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Current Living Situation Deleted
Data Type(s): | Program Current Living Situation |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When a client's project current living situation screen is deleted, the "client_program_demographics" table is updated with "client_program_demographics.deleted = 1 AND client_program_demographics.ref_agency_deleted = current_agency AND client_program_demographics.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "current living situation Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_program_demographics" table where:
client_program_demographics.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_program_demographics.screen_type = 3
and client_program_demographics.status_screen_type= 2
and client_program_demographics.deleted = 1
and client_program_demographics.last_updated is within [report date range]
and client_program_demographics.ref_agency_deleted = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client's project stay is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Enrollment
Data Type(s): | Program Enrollment |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a project enrollment is created or updated, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Program Enrollment" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
- and common_logs.source_table = 10
and common_logs.screen_type = 2
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and client_programs.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client record is not deleted
and client project stay is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Enrollment Deleted
Data Type(s): | Program Enrollment |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When client project stay is deleted, "client_programs" table is updated with "client_programs.deleted = 1 AND client_programs.ref_agency_deleted = current_agency AND client_programs.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Program Enrollment Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_programs" table where:
client_programs.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_programs.deleted = 1
and client_programs.last_updated is within [report date range]
and clients.ref_agency_deleted = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client record is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Exit
Data Type(s): | Program Exit |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
For "Program Exit" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
- and common_logs.source_table = 10
and common_logs.screen_type = 4
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and client_programs.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client record is not deleted
and client project stay is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Exit Deleted
Data Type(s): | Program Exit |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When an exit screen is deleted or deleted exit screen is updated, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Program Exit Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_program_demographics" table where:
client_program_demographics.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_program_demographics.screen_type = 4
and client_program_demographics.deleted = 1
and client_program_demographics.last_updated is within [report date range]
and client_program_demographics.ref_agency_deleted = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client project stay is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
OR all rows are selected from the "client_programs_log" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
- and common_logs.source_table = 10
and common_logs.screen_type = 4
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and JSON_EXTRACT( common_logs.prev_record, "$.program_date" ) != "null"
and JSON_EXTRACT( common_logs.prev_record, "$.program_date" ) != ""
and JSON_EXTRACT( common_logs.prev_record, "$.program_date" ) IS NOT NULL
and ( JSON_EXTRACT( common_logs.curr_record, "$.program_date" ) = "null"
or JSON_EXTRACT( common_logs.curr_record, "$.program_date" ) = ""
or JSON_EXTRACT( common_logs.curr_record, "$.program_date" ) IS NULL
and client_programs.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client record is not deleted
and client project stay is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Follow-up
Data Type(s): | Program Follow-Up |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a follow-up screen is added or an existing follow-up screen is updated, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Program Follow-up" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
- and common_logs.source_table = 10
and common_logs.screen_type = 5
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and client_programs.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client record is not deleted
and client project stay is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Follow-up Deleted
Data Type(s): | Program Exit |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When client follow-up screen is deleted, the"client_program_demographics" table is updated with "client_program_demographics.deleted = 1 AND client_program_demographics.ref_agency_deleted = current_agency AND client_program_demographics.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Program Follow-up Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_program_demographics" table where:
client_program_demographics.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_program_demographics.screen_type = 5
and client_program_demographics.deleted = 1
and client_program_demographics.last_updated is within [report date range]
and client_program_demographics.ref_agency_deleted = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client project stay is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Status Update
Data Type(s): | Program Status Update |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a status update is added or an existing status update is updated, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Program Status Update" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
- and common_logs.source_table = 10
and common_logs.screen_type = 3
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and client_programs.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client record is not deleted
and client project stay is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Program Status Update Deleted
Data Type(s): | Program Status Update |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When a status update screen is deleted, the "client_program_demographics" table is updated with "client_program_demographics.deleted = 1 AND client_program_demographics.ref_agency_deleted = current_agency AND client_program_demographics.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Program Status Update Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_program_demographics" table where:
client_program_demographics.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_program_demographics.screen_type = 3
and client_program_demographics.deleted = 1
and client_program_demographics.last_updated is within [report date range]
and client_program_demographics.ref_agency_deleted = CURRENT_AGENCY
and client project stay is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
Client Referral
Data Type(s): | Client Referral |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a client referral is added, a corresponding row is added to the "referrals" table.
For "Client Referral" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "referrals" table where:
referrals.ref_user= STAFF_ID
and referrals.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and Referral != Upcoming/Scheduled
and referrals record is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
Client Referral Scheduled
Data Type(s): |
Client Referral Scheduled |
Deleted Option: |
all; not deleted |
For "Client Referral Scheduled" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "referrals" table where:
referrals.ref_user= STAFF_ID
and referrals.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and referrals.is_upcoming = 1
and referrals.canceled != 1
and referrals record is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
Client Referral Canceled
Data Type(s): |
Client Referral Canceled |
Deleted Option: |
all; deleted only |
When Client Scheduled Referral is canceled, the "referrals" table is updated with "referrals.canceled = 1 AND referrals.ref_agency = current_agency AND referrals.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Client Referral Canceled" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "referrals" table where:
referrals.ref_user_updated= STAFF_ID
and referrals.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and activity DateTime (referrals.last_updated) is within [report date range]
and referrals.is_upcoming = 1
and referrals.canceled = 1
and referrals record is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
Client Referral Deleted
Data Type(s): | Client Referral |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
When Client Referral is deleted, the "referrals" table is updated with "referrals.deleted = 1 AND referrals.ref_agency_deleted = current_agency AND referrals.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Client Referrals Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "referrals" table where:
referrals.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and referrals.ref_agency_deleted= CURRENT_AGENCY
and referrals.deleted = 1
- and Referral != Upcoming/Scheduled
and activity DateTime (referrals.last_updated) is within [report date range]
and client record is not deleted
Service Provided/Service Updated
Data Type(s): | Service Provided, Service Updated |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When a new service is added or updated, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Service Provided" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
- and common_logs.source_table = 11
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and client_services record is not deleted
and client_services.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and service item record is not deleted
and service record is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
In addition, if the conditions below are true the service is pulled as “Service Provided;” in other cases, the service is pulled as “Service Updated”
and ( IFNULL( JSON_LENGTH( common_logs.prev_record ), 0 ) = 0
or IF( common_logs.prev_record IN ( ““, [““], “null“ ), 0, 1 ) = 0 )
and JSON_EXTRACT( common_logs.curr_record, "$.id" ) IS NOT NULL
Service Deleted
Data Type(s): | Service Provided, Service Updated |
Deleted Option: | all; deleted only |
For "Service Deleted" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "client_services" table where:
client_services.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and client_services.deleted = 1
and client_services.ref_agency_deleted= CURRENT_AGENCY
and client_services.last_updated is within [report date range]
and service item record is not deleted
and service record is not deleted
and client record is not deleted
Unit/Bed Assignment
Data Type(s): | Unit/Bed Assignment |
Deleted Option: | all; not deleted |
When an existing Unit/Bed Assignment is created or updated, a corresponding row is added to the "common_logs" table.
For "Unit/Bed Assignment (Enrollment)" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
and common_logs.source_table = 34
and Unit/Bed is Occupied through a direct assignment through an enrollment
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and unit_occupancy.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and the client record/assignment is not deleted
For "Unit/Bed Assignments(Referral)" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
common_logs.ref_user = STAFF_ID
and common_logs.source_table = 34
and Unit/Bed is Occupied through a referral to the unit/bed
- and related Referral != Upcoming/Scheduled
and activity DateTime ( is within [report date range]
and unit_occupancy.ref_agency = CURRENT_AGENCY
and the client record/assignment is not deleted
Unit/Bed Assignment (Deleted)
Data Type(s): | Unit/Bed Assignment |
Deleted Option: | All;Deleted Only |
When Unit/Bed Assignment is deleted, "unit_occupancy" table is updated with "unit_occupancy.deleted = 1 AND unit_occupancy.ref_agency_deleted = current_agency AND unit_occupancy.ref_user_updated = staff_id".
For "Unit/Bed Assignment (Enrollment)" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
unit_occupancy.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and unit_occupancy.deleted = 1
and Unit/Bed is Occupied through a direct assignment through enrollment
and unit_occupancy.last_updated is within [report date range]
and unit_occupancy.ref_agency_deleted= CURRENT_AGENCY
and client record is not deleted
and agency project is not deleted
For "Unit/Bed Assignment (Referral)" staff activity, all rows are selected from the "common_logs" table where:
unit_occupancy.ref_user_updated = STAFF_ID
and unit_occupancy.deleted = 1
and Unit/Bed is Occupied through a referral to the unit/bed
- and related Referral != Upcoming/Scheduled
and unit_occupancy.last_updated is within [report date range]
and unit_occupancy.ref_agency_deleted= CURRENT_AGENCY
and client record is not deleted
Updated: 12/17/2024