Administrator Reports

[STFF-102-AD] Access Role User List

Report Purpose & Summary

This report is designed for reviewing which users are assigned to a Clarity Human Services Access Role.

Running the Report

Report Location

The report is found in the Administrator section of the Report Library.

Who Can Run the Report

System Administrators, and others with the appropriate access level, can run the report.


The following are required to run the report.

CoC Choose which CoC to report on
Agency Status All, Active, Inactive
Agency(ies) Choose which agencies to include
Access Role Choose which access role to review
User Status All, Active, Inactive, Locked
Report Output Format Web Page, PDF, Excel

Report Details

The report is straightforward. It pulls data based on the parameter responses.

The listing of users will include users with Additional Agency Access.

Drilldown Functionality

Drilldowns are not necessary for this report.

Updated: 6/11/2021