Community and Referrals

[RFRL-102] Referral Outcome Statistics


The Referral Outcome Statistics report returns a detailed breakdown of referral outcomes by agency and program during the reporting period. An Administrator version of the report is also available [RFRL-102-AD]. System Administrators and users with additional access can run the report.

Running the Report

Who Can Run the Report

All users can run the report. There are restrictions on which information can be accessed based on the user's access rights.

Report Location

This report can be found in the following locations in the Report Library:

  • Community and Referrals → [RFRL-102] Referral Outcome Statistics

  • Administrator Reports → [RFRL-102-AD] Referral Outcome Statistics


The following parameters are required to run this report. 

Report Date Range

Select your start and end date for the report range. Referrals that were created, changed to in-process, accepted, or denied within this date range will appear in the data tables.

Report Output Format

Web Page, PDF, or Excel

Additional Admin Report Parameters


Choose which CoC to include in this report. 

Report Details


The information below outlines the specifications for data to be included within the report. 

  • Includes referrals, that have not been deleted, AND

  • created under the current agency AND

  • (for a program of the current agency OR referred to a program of another agency) AND

  • (created within the report date range OR have any of the following activities: Pending, Pending - In Process, Accepted, Denied, or Expired - during the reporting period)

Note: Referrals without a status change within the report date range will not be included in the dataset. 

Report Will Include:

All referrals, differentiated in the drilldowns according to their Referral Type:


  • [days pending] - is calculated as the difference between [last date] and [first date]
    • [first date] is:

      • [referral date], the date the referral was created

    • [last date] is:

      • Status -  "Pending" and "Pending - In Process" - [report end date]

      • Status - "Accepted - [end date], the date referral changed status to "Accepted" 

      • Status - "Denied" - [end date], the date referral changed status to "Denied" 

      • Status - "Expired" - [end date], the referral "Expired Date"

Report Tables

The report has two sections:

  • Breakdown of Referred Agencies 

  • Breakdown of Referred Programs 

Breakdown of Referred Agencies 

In this section, data is grouped by agency.

Agency Name consists of the name of the agency that has received the referral(s). 

There are referral outcome columns for:

  • - Pending
  • P/I - Pending/In Progress
  • - Accepted
  • - Denied 
  • E - Expired

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Breakdown of Referred Programs

In this section, data is grouped by the program.

Each table within this section has a Program Type title. Within this table, Program Name is listed and accompanied by the Agency Name and referral outcomes.

The fields have the same logic as in the Breakdown of Referred Agencies section.

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Additional Admin Data Tables

The administrator version of this report contains the report tables above for the selected CoC as well as tables highlighting the breakdown of the most common exit destinations and whether clients experienced a change in income after leaving the program associated with the referrals made during the reporting period.Capture 2022-09-06 at 17.08.44

Drilldown Functionality 

Drilldown functionality is accessed by selecting any count within the data tables. Once selected, a drilldown data table will open. 

This data table includes:

  • Referral Date
  • Unique Identifier
  • Client Name
  • Program Name
    • Program Name
    • Unit/Bed Information (if applicable)
    • Community Queue Name  (if applicable)
    • From agency (referring agency)
    • To agency (referred agency)
  • Days Pending
  • Referral Type (Direct Program, Direct Unit, CQ - Program, CQ - Unit, or Unit Queue) 
  • Total Referrals & Referral Type Subtotals

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Updated: 02/20/2024