Pentaho Release Notes - Previous Years

Release Notes - January 2020

LSA Update

At this writing, Bitfocus is still waiting for updated specifications from HUD for the Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA) export. Due to several changes from the 2020 Data Standards changes, at this time the export is not working. Some examples of how the changes broke the report include:

  • Information Date was removed from the Bed Inventory
  • Moving HMIS Participating from Bed Inventory to Program and changing the format of the question
  • Changes to how the dedicated beds are collected

To prevent further frustration, "[HUDX-231-AD] LSA Export - Systemwide" and "[HUDX-231] LSA Export - Project-Focused LSA" will be removed from the Report Library starting 1/24/2020.

Other Report Updates

  • [OUTS-205] Program Recidivism - Additional Project Types are now included in the report parameters:
    • Services Only
    • Street Outreach
  • [HUDX-234-AD] HMIS Statistics Report - New report developed to fill the gap created by the retirement of  [DQXX-107-AD] SHP-HMIS Report
  • [HSNG-105] Weekly Housing Census - Report has been updated to utilize program-based bed inventory
  • [HSNG-104] Monthly Housing Census - Report has been updated to utilize program-based bed inventory