Pentaho Release Notes

Release Notes - April 2020

The following reports were recently updated.

  • [HUDX-227] Annual Performance Report [FY 2020] - Annual Assessment logic was refined
    • Most enrollments will not be affected
    • Enrollments where there was a change in the household composition and the inherited HoH data needs to come from an earlier enrollment, not the most recent enrollment in the project, will see some difference in report results
  • [OUTS-205] Program Recidivism - Report now includes Services Only project type
  • [STFF-106] User Client Note Hours Tracked - New report which returns information on Client Note hours tracked
  • [HUDX-223-AD] System Performance Measures [FY 2020] - A couple of issues were found, while improving report performance, and corrected which may affect results for
    • Measure 5 - was previously duplicating some clients, corrected to unique clients
    • Measure 2 - found an error in the code regarding this section of specs:
      • When scanning for the client’s reappearance in a permanent housing project, the [project start date] must be more than 14 days after the client’s original [project exit date] from step 2 to be considered a return to homelessness AND must also be more than 14 days after any other permanent housing or transitional housing [project exit date] for the same client. This prevents accidentally counting clients who transition from transitional to permanent housing, or from one CoC permanent housing program to another PH project
    • Measure 1 - found an error in ES NbN attendance services where the delivery type is Long Term, corrected
  • [DQXX-105] Monthly Agency Utilization Report - Due to sharing concerns, this report will be moved to Administrator Reports beginning 5/1/2020
  • ESG CAPER/APR Sage Validation issue on Q15 -
    • The problem results from enrollments using [prior living situation] = "Interim Housing (Retired)"
    • This is a data quality problem and should be fixed in the enrollment
  • [GNRL-400] Program Linked Service Review - New "# of Attendances" column
  • [GNRL-105] Program Participation - Added Total Number of Households count to the column
  • [GNRL-102] Client List - Reworked report to allow for longer reporting periods on large instances