Dashboard Library

Recidivism - Returns to Homelessness


The Recidivism – Returns to Homelessness  LookML dashboard was designed to allow an analysis of returns to homelessness in a few ways. The first section of the dashboard utilizes System Performance Measure logic from Measure 2. The second section of the dashboard allows users to review returns to homelessness using community and analysis-specific definitions using dashboard filters. This dashboard contains 9 Looks that focus on clients that exited to permanent housing destinations and then returned to homelessness.  

Dashboard Filters 

There are nine filters on this dashboard to limit data and customize client universes. The table below outlines what sections and Looks the filters apply to and the default values.  

SPM Reporting Period 

Default: is from 2021/10/01 until 2022/10/01 

  • System Performance Measure #2 Section (2 Looks)  

Exiting Enrollment CoC 

Default: is any value 

  • All Looks

Exiting Agency Name 

Default: is any value 

  • All Looks


Exiting Project Type 

Default: is any value 

  • All Looks


Exiting Analysis Period 

Default: is from 2020/01/01 until 2022/01/01 

  • Dynamic Return to Homelessness Analysis (7 Looks)  

Exiting Program Name 

Default: is any value 

  • Dynamic Return to Homelessness Analysis (7 Looks)  


Reentry Project Type Filter 

Default: is any value* 

  • Dynamic Return to Homelessness Analysis (7 Looks)  

*Please note, unless project types are selected for this filter – the default will automatically apply project types (Emergency Shelter, PH - Housing Only, PH - Housing with Services (no disability required for entry), PH - Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required for entry), PH - Rapid Re-Housing, Safe Haven, Street Outreach, & Transitional Housing) that align with the System Performance Measure Returns to Homelessness definition.  


Reentry Analysis Period 

Default: is in the last 12 complete months 

  • Dynamic Return to Homelessness Analysis (7 Looks)  


Reentry Program Name 

Default: is any value 

  • Dynamic Return to Homelessness Analysis (7 Looks)  



The following Looks make up the Recidivism – Returns to Homelessness LookML dashboard. The overview below is broken down by dashboard summary and includes a brief summary of the Looks’ content. For more information on how the Look is configured, what fields are used, or custom fields, please review the Look by selecting ‘Explore from Here’ within the ellipses in the upper right corner.  

System Performance Measure #2  

Both Looks in this section utilize SPM Measure 2 Return to Homelessness logic.  

SPM Measure 2 – Counts of Clients Returning by Exiting Project Type 

This Look contains a count of clients that returned to homelessness in less than 6 months, from 6 months to 12 months, from 13 months to 24 months, and the total count of returned clients by exiting project type.  

Measure 2a and 2b: The Extent to which Persons Who Exit Homelessness to Permanent Housing Destinations Return to Homelessness within 6, 12, and 24 months 

This Look contains a count of clients that returned to homelessness in less than 6 months, from 6 months to 12 months, from 13 months to 24 months, and the total count of returned clients by exiting project type as well as a percentage of returns for each.  

The total row percentages reflect an average for the column and not a sum. 

Dynamic Return to Homelessness Analysis 

Clients Returned to Homelessness within the Reentry Analysis Period 

This Look contains an unduplicated count of clients that returned to homelessness within the reentry analysis period that had previously exited to a permanent housing destination within the exiting analysis period. Underneath that count is an unduplicated count of clients that exited to a permanent housing destination within the exiting analysis period and the percent of those clients that returned. 

Clients Returning to Homelessness by Month 

This Look contains a count of clients returning to homelessness within the reentry analysis period that had previously exited to a permanent housing destination within the exiting analysis period by month. Clients can only be counted once per month but can be counted in multiple months.  

Months Between Exit to Permanent Housing and Return to Homelessness 

This Look contains a count of clients returning to homelessness within the reentry analysis period that had previously exited to a permanent housing destination within the exiting analysis period by the number of months from a client’s initial exit to permanent housing to their return to homelessness. Clients can only be counted once per column but can be counted in multiple columns. 

Average Days Between Exit to Permanent Housing and Return to Homelessness 

This Look contains the count of unduplicated returning clients, and the average and median days between an exit to a permanent destination and the homeless reentry start date for clients that exited within the exiting analysis period and returned within the reentry analysis period. 

Count of Clients Returning to Homelessness by Exiting Program 

This Look contains the count of unduplicated clients returning to homelessness within the reentry analysis period that had previously exited to a permanent housing destination within the exiting analysis period by exiting agency name, exiting program name, and exiting program type. Clients can only be counted once per row, but can be counted in multiple rows. The total number of clients is an unduplicated count of clients and is not a sum of all values in the number of clients column.  

Count of Clients Returning to Homelessness by Reentry Program 

This Look contains the count of unduplicated clients returning to homelessness within the reentry analysis period that had previously exited to a permanent housing destination within the exiting analysis period by reentry agency name, reentry program name, and reentry program type. Clients can only be counted once per row, but can be counted in multiple rows. The total number of clients is an unduplicated count of clients and is not a sum of all values in the number of clients column. 

Client List of Those Returning to Homelessness 

This Look contains a client list for all clients returning to homelessness within the reentry analysis period that had previously exited to a permanent housing destination within the exiting analysis period. The Look includes Unique Identifier, Exiting Enrollment ID, Exiting Agency Name, Exiting Program Name, Exiting Project Type, Exiting Enrollment Start Date, Exiting Enrollment Housing Move-in Date, Exiting Enrollment Exit Date, Permanent Exit Destination, Reentry Enrollment ID, Reentry Agency Name, Reentry Program, Reentry Enrollment Project Start Date, and the Total Count of Times the Client Returned to Homelessness within the reentry analysis period. Clients may be included in this list more than once as every qualifying exit/return within the analysis periods will be included in the table.