The Program Performance Dashboard was created to encourage performance review and analysis on a program basis. Inspired by the System Performance Measures and other federal and local reporting benchmarks, this 25 tile dashboard provides a breadth of data points to begin analysis efforts and conversations about a program’s performance, system-wide improvements, and data quality completion and compliance.
This dashboard highlights data points within 6 sections - Persons Served, Length of Time in Program, Obtaining/Increasing/Maintaining Income and Non-Cash Benefits, Average Program Utilization, Housing Move-in Date Review, and Data Quality. Each section header contains information on what will be covered and what project types are applicable for the Looks within the section. More specific information about the Look can be found within the info bubble like a summary of the data being depicted, client universe information, and applicable filters.
Dashboard Details
This dashboard is accessible in Looker by utilizing the following pathway:
- “All Folders”
- “LookML Dashboards”
- “Program Performance”
- “LookML Dashboards”
Once selected, the dashboard will begin to run. This dashboard utilizes the HMIS Performance, Population Over Time, and Data Quality Models.
The following filters are available for this dashboard:
- Reporting Period
- Select the Reporting Period for the dashboard. The date range selected will include client data for those enrolled within the selected time frame.
- Default: “Is in the last 90 complete days”
- Note: For accurate average utilization results, a date range or complete days/weeks/months/quarters/years should be used for the reporting period filter.
- CoC Code
- Select the CoC(s) to include in the dashboard. Once selected Agency Name, and Program Name filters will update to only reflect information associated with the CoC(s) selected.
- The filter is built around the Program's Primary Site CoC.
- Default: “is any value”
- Agency Name
- Select the Agency(-ies) to include in the dashboard. Like the CoC Code, this filter will also update Program Name to only include programs associated with the selected agency(-ies).
- Default: “is any value”
- Note: Agency Name filter results are impacted by CoC and Program Name filter selection.
- Program Name
- Select the name of the program(s) to include in the dashboard.
- Default: “is any value”
- Note: Program Name filter results are impacted by CoC, Agency Name, Project Type, Continuum Project, and HMIS Participating Project filter selections.
- Project Type
- Select the project type(s) to include in the dashboard.
- Default: “is any value”
- Note: Project Type filter results are impacted by Program Name filter selection.
- Continuum Project
- Select to filter on continuum projects or non-continuum projects.
- Default: “is any value”
- HMIS Participating (at Any Time)
- Select to filter on HMIS participating projects or non-participating projects.
- Default: “is any value”
- Veteran Status
- Select veteran status(-es) to include in the dashboard.
- Default: “is any value”
- Chronically Homeless Household at Project Start
- Select chronic homeless status to include in the dashboard.
- Default: “is any value”
Tile Overview
The dashboard contains 25 tiles built to assist in program performance review and analysis. Each section header includes applicable project types. Each Look has an info bubble note for more information about the data present within the tile.
Persons Served

Client/Household/Enrollment Counts Within the Reporting Period
This Look contains a multiple value visualization with a distinct count of clients, unduplicated count of households, and count of enrollments within the set reporting period.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Measures
- Clients - Number of Clients
- Entry Screen - Count Households
- Enrollments - Count
- “Explore from Here”
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down. Each count will display different information.
- Client Count: Drill down contains Personal ID, Unique Identifier, Client Full Name, and Current Age.
- Household Count: Drill down contains ID, Household ID, Personal ID, Unique Identifier Client Full Name, Project Start Date, and Project End Date.
- Enrollment Count: Drill down contains Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, Project Exit Date, and Housing Move-in Date.
- The drill down Looks can also be achieved by selecting any count on the dashboard tile.
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down. Each count will display different information.
- Tip: For a data quality review, “Explore from Here” and change the “Year: is not null” filter to “is null”. Drill down on the null count to identify and review clients that were entered or exited on a date that has not yet occurred, or have a project exit date before their project start date.
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
Annual Enrollment Counts
This Look contains a column visualization with active enrollment counts for the past 5 complete years and a YTD count. To be counted within a year, clients must have a project start date before the end of the year and a project exit after the start of that year or be actively enrolled
Applicable Filters: CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Filters
- Enrollments Report Period Filter: is in the past 6 years
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measures
- 5 Years Ago
- Expression:
- 5 Years Ago
- Custom Measures
${enrollments.start_date}<add_years(-4,trunc_years(now())) AND (${enrollments.end_date}>=add_years(-5,trunc_years(now())) OR is_null(${enrollments.end_date}))
- 4 Years Ago
- Expression:
- 4 Years Ago
${enrollments.start_date}<add_years(-3,trunc_years(now())) AND (${enrollments.end_date}>=add_years(-4,trunc_years(now())) OR is_null(${enrollments.end_date}))
- 3 Years Ago
- Expression:
- 3 Years Ago
${enrollments.start_date}<add_years(-2,trunc_years(now())) AND (${enrollments.end_date}>=add_years(-3,trunc_years(now())) OR is_null(${enrollments.end_date}))
- 2 Years Ago
- Expression:
- 2 Years Ago
${enrollments.start_date}<add_years(-1,trunc_years(now())) AND (${enrollments.end_date}>=add_years(-2,trunc_years(now())) OR is_null(${enrollments.end_date}))
- Previous Year
- Expression:
- Previous Year
${enrollments.start_date}<trunc_years(now()) AND (${enrollments.end_date}>=add_years(-1,trunc_years(now())) OR is_null(${enrollments.end_date}))
- Current Year
- Expression:
- Current Year
${enrollments.start_date}<=now() AND (${enrollments.end_date}>=trunc_years(now()) OR is_null(${enrollments.end_date}))
- “Explore from Here”
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down containing Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, Project Exit Date, and Housing Move-in Date.
- The drill down Looks can also be achieved by selecting any column count on the dashboard tile.
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
Monthly Entry/Exit Counts
This Look contains a column visualization with monthly counts for clients entering and exiting a project within the past 13 months. This Look helps identify typical inflow/outflow and monthly trends.
Applicable Filters: CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measures
- Clients Entering
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- Clients Entering
- Custom Measures
extract_months(${enrollments.start_date})=extract_months(${population.observation_date_month}) AND extract_years(${enrollments.start_date})=extract_years(${population.observation_date_month})
- Clients Exited
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- Clients Exited
extract_months(${enrollments.end_date})=extract_months(${population.observation_date_month}) AND extract_years(${enrollments.end_date})=extract_years(${population.observation_date_month})
- Dimensions
- Observation Date • Population - Month
- “Explore from Here”
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down containing Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, Project Exit Date, and Housing Move-in Date.
- The drill down Looks can also be achieved by selecting any column count on the dashboard tile.
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
Inbound Recidivism - Returners
This Look contains a column visualization with a count of clients that have returned to the system or the same program. The Look contains counts of clients that are enrolled within the reporting period and have previously been enrolled with the same program(s) selected in the filters and/or the system, or within a 2 year lookback period from the reporting period end date.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measures
- Program (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Field Measured: Inbound Recidivism - Count Clients Appeared Before in Same Program
- Custom Filter
- Program (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Custom Measures
- System (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Field Measured: Inbound Recidivism - Count Clients Appeared Before
- Custom Filter
- System (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Measures
- Inbound Recidivism - Count Clients Appeared Before (System)
- Inbound Recidivism - Count Clients Appeared Before In Same Program (Program)
- “Explore from Here”
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down containing Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Program Name, Project Type Code, and Appeared Before (Yes/No).
- The drill down Looks can also be achieved by selecting any column count on the dashboard tile.
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
First Time in System/Same Program
This Look contains a column visualization with the percentage of clients that are enrolled in the system or same program for the first time with and without a filtered 2 year lookback period from the reporting period end date.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measures
- Program (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Filtered Measure: Inbound Recidivism - Count Clients Appeared Before in Same Program
- Custom Filter
- Program (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Custom Measures
- System (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Filtered Measure: Inbound Recidivism - Count Clients Appeared Before
- Custom Filter
- System (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Table Calculations
- First Time in System
- Expression:
- First Time in System
- First Time in System (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Expression:
- First Time in System (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- First Time in Program
- Expression:
- First Time in Program
- First Time in Program (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Expression:
- First Time in Program (Filtered: 2 Year Lookback)
- Measures
- Inbound Recidivism - Count Clients Appeared Before (System)*
- Inbound Recidivism - Count Clients Appeared Before In Same Program (Program)*
- Clients - Number of Clients*
- “Explore from Here”
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down containing Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Program Name, Project Type Code, and Appeared Before (Yes/No). Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
*Note: Fields are hidden from the visualization. Counts can be reviewed by utilizing “Explore from Here” or the Inbound Recidivism - Returners Look.
Length of Time in Program
Length of Time (LoT) in Program
This Look contains a table visualization containing average, median, minimum, and maximum length of time; count of long-term stayers; and counts of clients, households, and enrollments broken down by stayers, leavers, and all clients (totals row). Stayers are clients that were enrolled within the reporting period and do not have an exit date within the reporting period. Leavers are clients that were enrolled within the reporting period and have an exit date within the reporting period.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measures
- Long Term Stayers (365+ Days)
- Filtered Measure: Clients - Number of Clients
- Filter: Enrollments - Days in Project > 364 Days
- Max Days in Project
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Days in Project
- Measure Type: Max
- Median Days in Project
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Days in Project
- Measure Type: Median
- Min Days in Project
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Days in Project
- Measure Type: Min
- Long Term Stayers (365+ Days)
- Custom Measures
- Custom Dimensions
- Stayers/Leavers
- Expression:
- Stayers/Leavers
- Custom Dimensions
case( when((${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_start_date} AND ${enrollments.end_date}<${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date}),"Leavers"), when((is_null(${enrollments.end_date}) OR (${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date})),"Stayers"),null)
- Measures
- Clients - Number of Clients
- Enrollments - Average Days in Project
- Enrollments - Count
- Entry Screen - Count Households
- “Explore from Here”
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
- Drill down functionality is available for Average Days in Project, Long Term Stayers, Client Count, Household Count, and Enrollment Count.
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count listed above in the data section for a drill down (details below).
- Average Days in Project: Drill down contains Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, Project Exit Date, Housing Move-in Date, and Days in Project.
- Long Term Stayers and Client Count: Drill down contains Personal ID, Unique ID, Client Full Name, and Current Age.
- Household Count: Drill down contains ID, Household ID, Personal ID, Unique Identifier, Client Full Name, Project Start Date, and Project Exit Date.
- Enrollment Count: Drill down contains Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, Project Exit Date, and Housing Move-in Date.
- The drill down Looks can also be achieved by selecting the table count for Average Days in Project, Long Term Stayers, Client Count, Household Count, or Enrollment Count on the dashboard tile.
Length of Time Comparisons - Project Type
This Look contains a table visualization containing average, median, minimum, and maximum length of time; count of long-term stayers; and counts of clients, households, and enrollments broken down by stayers, leavers, and all clients (total row) for all clients by project type.
Stayers are clients that were enrolled within the reporting period and do not have an exit date within the reporting period. Leavers are clients that were enrolled within the reporting period and have an exit date within the reporting period.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measures
- Long Term Stayers (365+ Days)
- Filtered Measure: Clients - Number of Clients
- Filter: Enrollments - Days in Project > 364 Days
- Max Days in Project
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Days in Project
- Measure Type: Max
- Median Days in Project
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Days in Project
- Measure Type: Median
- Min Days in Project
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Days in Project
- Measure Type: Min
- Long Term Stayers (365+ Days)
- Custom Measures
- Dimensions
- Programs - Project Type Code
- Measures
- Clients - Number of Clients
- Enrollments - Average Days in Project
- Enrollments - Count
- Entry Screen - Count Households
- “Explore from Here”
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
- Drill down functionality is available for Average Days in Project, Long Term Stayers, Client Count, Household Count, and Enrollment Count.
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count listed above in the data section for a drill down (details below).
- Average Days in Project: Drill down contains Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, Project Exit Date, Housing Move-in Date, and Days in Project.
- Long Term Stayers and Client Count: Drill down contains Personal ID, Unique ID, Client Full Name, and Current Age.
- Household Count: Drill down contains ID, Household ID, Personal ID, Unique Identifier, Client Full Name, Project Start Date, and Project Exit Date.
- Enrollment Count: Drill down contains Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, Project Exit Date, and Housing Move-in Date.
- The drill down Looks can also be achieved by selecting the table count for Average Days in Project, Long Term Stayers, Client Count, Household Count, or Enrollment Count on the dashboard tile.
Length of Time - Leavers by Destination Category
This Look contains a table visualization containing Length of Time in project, count of clients, and percent of clients by destination category for leavers (exited within the reporting period).
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Filter
- Leavers
${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_start_date} AND ${enrollments.end_date}<${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date}
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measures
- Long Term Stayers (365+ Days)
- Filtered Measure: Clients - Number of Clients
- Filter: Enrollments - Days in Project > 364 Days
- Max Days in Project
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Days in Project
- Measure Type: Max
- Median Days in Project
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Days in Project
- Measure Type: Median
- Min Days in Project
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Days in Project
- Measure Type: Min
- Long Term Stayers (365+ Days)
- Custom Measures
- Table Calculations
- Percent of Exits
- Expression
- Percent of Exits
- Dimensions
- Update/Exit Screen - Destination Category
- Measures
- Clients - Number of Clients
- Enrollments - Average Days in Project
- Enrollments - Count
- Entry Screen - Count Households
- “Explore from Here”
- There are two ways to explore this Look to obtain more information.
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down. Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
- Average Days in Project: Drill down contains Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, Project Exit Date, Housing Move-in Date, and Days in Project.
- Client Count: Drill down contains Personal ID, Unique Identifier, Client Full Name, and Current Age.
- The drill down Looks can also be achieved by selecting the table count within the dashboard tile.
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down. Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
Income and Non-Cash Benefits
Increased/Maintained Total Household Income
This Look contains a table visualization with All Clients, Stayers, and Leavers that increased or maintained total household income from entry screen to latest screen (status update or exit).
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measures
- Enrollments - Increased/Maintained Total Household Income at Update/Exit*
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- Enrollments - Increased/Maintained Total Household Income at Update/Exit*
- Custom Measures
${household_entry_screen.total_household_income}<=${household_exit_screen.total_household_income} OR (is_null(${household_entry_screen.total_household_income}) AND ${household_exit_screen.total_household_income}>0)
- Enrollments - Total Household Income at Project Start*
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- LEAVERS Enrollments*
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- Enrollments - Total Household Income at Project Start*
${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_start_date} AND ${enrollments.end_date}<${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date}
- LEAVERS Enrollments - Increased/Maintained Total Household Income at Update/Exit*
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- LEAVERS Enrollments - Increased/Maintained Total Household Income at Update/Exit*
((${household_entry_screen.total_household_income}<=${household_exit_screen.total_household_income} OR (is_null(${household_entry_screen.total_household_income}) AND ${household_exit_screen.total_household_income}>0))) AND ${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_start_date} AND ${enrollments.end_date}<${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date}
- STAYERS Enrollments*
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- STAYERS Enrollments*
is_null(${enrollments.end_date}) OR (${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date})
- STAYERS Enrollments - Increased/Maintained Total Household Income at Update/Exit*
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- STAYERS Enrollments - Increased/Maintained Total Household Income at Update/Exit*
((${household_entry_screen.total_household_income}<=${household_exit_screen.total_household_income} OR (is_null(${household_entry_screen.total_household_income}) AND ${household_exit_screen.total_household_income}>0)))
AND ((is_null(${enrollments.end_date})) OR (${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date}))
- Table Calculations
- All Clients
- Expression:
- All Clients
- Leavers
- Expression:
- Leavers
- Stayers
- Expression:
- Stayers
- “Explore from Here”
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down containing Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Program Name, Project Start Date, and Project Exit Date. Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
*Note: Fields are hidden from the visualization. Counts for hidden fields can be reviewed by utilizing “Explore from Here”.
Obtained/Maintained Non-Cash Benefits
This Look contains a table visualization with All Clients, Stayers, and Leavers (18 or older) that obtained or maintained non-cash benefits from entry screen to latest screen (status update or exit). The logic for obtaining/maintaining non-cash benefits is broken down for each benefit type (i.e., WIC, SNAP, TANF, etc.)
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Filters
- Entry Screen - Age at Report Start/Project Start/Current Date: is greater than 17
- Enrollments - Enrollment Household: is HUD Age
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measures
- LEAVERS Enrollments
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- LEAVERS Enrollments
- Custom Measures
${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_start_date} AND ${enrollments.end_date}<${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date}
- LEAVERS Enrollments - Obtained/Maintained Non-Cash Benefits
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- LEAVERS Enrollments - Obtained/Maintained Non-Cash Benefits
(((${entry_screen.benefits_other}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_snap}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_snap}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_wic}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_wic}="Yes"))
((${entry_screen.benefits_other}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_snap}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_snap}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_wic}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_wic}="Yes")))
AND (${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_start_date} AND ${enrollments.end_date}<${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date})
- Obtained/Maintained Non-Cash Benefits
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- Obtained/Maintained Non-Cash Benefits
(((${entry_screen.benefits_other}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_snap}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_snap}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_wic}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_wic}="Yes"))
((${entry_screen.benefits_other}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_snap}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_snap}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_wic}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_wic}="Yes")))
- STAYERS Enrollments
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- STAYERS Enrollments
is_null(${enrollments.end_date}) OR (${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date})
- STAYERS Enrollments - Obtained/Maintained Non-Cash Benefits
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- STAYERS Enrollments - Obtained/Maintained Non-Cash Benefits
(((${entry_screen.benefits_other}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_snap}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_snap}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_wic}="Yes") AND (${last_screen.benefits_wic}="Yes"))
((${entry_screen.benefits_other}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_other}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_childcare}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_tanf_transportation}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_snap}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_snap}="Yes")) OR
((${entry_screen.benefits_wic}="No") AND (${last_screen.benefits_wic}="Yes"))) AND (is_null(${enrollments.end_date}) OR (${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date}))
- Table Calculations
- All Clients
- Expression:
- All Clients
- Table Calculations
- Leavers
- Expression:
- Leavers
- Stayers
- Expression:
- Stayers
- Measures
- Enrollments - Count
- “Explore from Here”
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down containing Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, and Project Exit Date. Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
*Note: Fields are hidden from the visualization. Counts for hidden fields can be reviewed by utilizing “Explore from Here”.
Obtained/Maintained Health Insurance
This Look contains a table visualization with All Clients, Stayers, and Leavers that obtained or maintained health insurance from entry screen to latest screen (status update or exit). The logic for obtaining/maintaining health insurance is not dependent upon the type of insurance but rather if the client is covered by any health insurance.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measures
- LEAVERS Enrollments
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- LEAVERS Enrollments
- Custom Measures
${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_start_date} AND ${enrollments.end_date}<${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date}
- LEAVERS Enrollments - Obtained/Maintained Health Insurance
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- LEAVERS Enrollments - Obtained/Maintained Health Insurance
((${entry_screen.health_insurance}="Yes" AND ${last_screen.health_insurance}="Yes") OR (is_null(${entry_screen.health_insurance}) AND ${last_screen.health_insurance}="Yes") OR (${entry_screen.health_insurance}="No" AND ${last_screen.health_insurance}="Yes")) AND (${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_start_date} AND ${enrollments.end_date}<${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date})
- Obtained/Maintained Health Insurance
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- Obtained/Maintained Health Insurance
((${entry_screen.health_insurance}="Yes" AND ${last_screen.health_insurance}="Yes") OR (is_null(${entry_screen.health_insurance}) AND ${last_screen.health_insurance}="Yes") OR(${entry_screen.health_insurance}="No" AND ${last_screen.health_insurance}="Yes"))
- STAYERS Enrollments
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- STAYERS Enrollments
is_null(${enrollments.end_date}) OR (${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date})
- STAYERS Enrollments - Obtained/Maintained Health Insurance
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- STAYERS Enrollments - Obtained/Maintained Health Insurance
((${entry_screen.health_insurance}="Yes" AND ${last_screen.health_insurance}="Yes") OR (is_null(${entry_screen.health_insurance}) AND ${last_screen.health_insurance}="Yes") OR(${entry_screen.health_insurance}="No" AND ${last_screen.health_insurance}="Yes")) AND is_null(${enrollments.end_date}) OR (${enrollments.end_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date})
- Table Calculations
- All Clients
- Expression:
- All Clients
- Table Calculations
- Leavers
- Expression:
- Leavers
- Stayers
- Expression:
- Stayers
- Measures
- Enrollments - Count
- “Explore from Here”
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down containing Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, and Project Exit Date. Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
*Note: Fields are hidden from the visualization. Counts for hidden fields can be reviewed by utilizing “Explore from Here”.
Average Utilization
Applicable Project Types: ES-EE, ES-NbN, SH, TH, PH, RRH
Each Look within this section is specific to the project types listed within the tile. When reviewing program utilization, if programs do not have an applicable project type, the Look will produce a null value.
Average Program Utilization Rate within Analysis Period (ES - EE, TH, SH)
This merged Look contains a single value visualization containing the average rate of utilization within the Reporting Period for Emergency Shelter Entry Exit, Transitional Housing, and Safe Haven programs.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Continuum Project, and HMIS Participating (at Any Time)
- Primary Query - Inventory within Date Filter (Project Descriptor Model)
- Filters
- Filters - Date Filter: is in the past 90 complete days
- Programs - Project Type Code: is equal to Emergency Shelter - Entry Exit, Transitional Housing, Safe Haven
- Filters
- Custom Filter:
${program_inventory.start_date}<${date_filter.date_filter_end_date} AND (is_null(${program_inventory.end_date}) OR ${program_inventory.end_date}>=${date_filter.date_filter_end_date})
- Dimensions
- Agencies - Agency Name*
- Programs - Name*
- Dimensions
- Secondary Query - Bed Count for Analysis Period (Project Descriptor Model)
- Filters
- Programs - Analysis Period Filter: is in the past 90 complete days
- Programs - Project Type Code: is equal to Emergency Shelter - Entry Exit, Transitional Housing, Safe Haven
- Filters
- Dimensions
- Agencies - Agency Name *
- Programs - Name*
- Measure
- Bed and Unit Inventory - Total Bed Inventory for Analysis Period*
- Dimensions
- Tertiary Query - Total Days in Project During the Reporting Period (HMIS Performance Model)
- Filters
- Enrollments - Reporting Period Filter: is in the past 90 complete days
- Programs - Project Type Code: is equal to Emergency Shelter - Entry Exit, Transitional Housing, Safe Haven
- Filters
- Dimensions
- Agencies - Agency Name*
- Programs - Name*
- Measure
- Enrollments - Total Days in Project During the Reporting Period*
- Dimensions
- Merged Results
- Merge Rules
- Merged by Agencies - Agency Name and Programs - Name for all queries
- Added Calculations
- Total Days in Project Transformation* (to transform null values to zeros)
- Average Utilization Rate
- Utilization Rate Per Program*
- Merge Rules
- “Explore from Here”
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down. Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
- Total Days in Project During the Reporting Period: Drill down contains Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, Project Exit Date, Housing Move-in Date, and Days in Project During the Reporting Period
- Bed and Unit Inventory - Total Bed Inventory for Analysis Period: Drill down contains Agency ID, Agency Name, Program ID, Program Name, ID, Household ID, Availability, Bed Type, and Total Bed Inventory for Analysis Period
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down. Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
*Note: Fields are hidden from the visualization. Counts for hidden fields can be reviewed by utilizing “Explore from Here”.
Average Program Utilization Rate within Analysis Period (ES - NbN)
This merged Look contains a single value visualization containing the average rate of utilization within the Reporting Period for Emergency Shelter - Night-by-Night programs.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Continuum Project, and HMIS Participating (at Any Time)
- Primary Query - Inventory within Date Filter (Project Descriptor Model)
- Filters
- Filters - Date Filter: is in the past 90 complete days
- Programs - Project Type Code: is equal to Emergency Shelter - Night-by-Night
- Filters
- Custom Filter:
${program_inventory.start_date}<${date_filter.date_filter_end_date} AND (is_null(${program_inventory.end_date}) OR ${program_inventory.end_date}>=${date_filter.date_filter_end_date})
- Dimensions
- Agencies - Agency Name
- Programs - Name
- Dimensions
- Secondary Query - Bed Count within Analysis Period (Project Descriptor Model)
- Filters
- Programs - Analysis Period Filter: is in the past 90 complete days
- Programs - Project Type Code: is equal to Emergency Shelter - Night-by-Night
- Filters
- Dimensions
- Agencies - Agency Name
- Programs - Name
- Measure
- Bed and Unit Inventory - Total Bed Inventory for Analysis Period
- Dimensions
- Tertiary Query - Night-by-Night Bed Night Count (HMIS Performance Model)
- Filters
- Enrollments - Reporting Period Filter: is in the past 90 complete days
- Programs - Project Type Code: is equal to Emergency Shelter - Night-by-Night
- Filters
- Services - Service Category: is equal to Housing
- Custom Filter:
${service_dates.date_date}>=${enrollments.reporting_period_start_date} AND ${service_dates.date_date}<${enrollments.reporting_period_end_date}
- Dimensions
- Agencies - Agency Name
- Programs - Name
- Measure
- Service Attendance Dates - Count
- Dimensions
- Merged Results
- Merge Rules
- Merged by Agencies - Agency Name and Programs - Name for all queries
- Added Calculations
- Service Attendance Dates Count Transformation* (to transform null values to zeros)
- Average Utilization Rate
- Utilization Rate Per Program*
- Merge Rules
- “Explore from Here”
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down. Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
- Bed and Unit Inventory - Total Bed Inventory for Analysis Period: Drill down contains Agency ID, Agency Name, Program ID, Program Name, ID, Household ID, Availability, Bed Type, and Total Bed Inventory for Analysis Period
- Service Attendance Dates - Count: Drill down contains Personal ID, Service ID, Service Name, Service Item ID, Service Item Name, Service Attendance Dates, First Attendance Dates, and Last Attendance Dates
*Note: Fields are hidden from the visualization. Counts for hidden fields can be reviewed by utilizing “Explore from Here”.
Average Program Utilization Rate within Analysis Period (PH/RRH)
This merged Look contains a single value visualization containing the average rate of utilization within the Reporting Period for all Permanent Housing programs.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Continuum Project, and HMIS Participating (at Any Time)
- Primary Query - Inventory within Date Filter (Project Descriptor Model)
- Filters
- Filters - Date Filter: is in the past 90 complete days
- Programs - Project Type Code: is equal to PH - Housing Only, PH - Housing with Services (no disability required), PH - Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required), PH - Rapid Re-Housing
- Filters
- Custom Filter:
${program_inventory.start_date}<${date_filter.date_filter_end_date} AND (is_null(${program_inventory.end_date}) OR ${program_inventory.end_date}>=${date_filter.date_filter_end_date})
- Dimensions
- Agencies - Agency Name*
- Programs - Name*
- Dimensions
- Secondary Query - Bed Count for Analysis Period (Project Descriptor Model)
- Filters
- Programs - Analysis Period Filter: is in the past 90 complete days
- Programs - Project Type Code: is equal to PH - Housing Only, PH - Housing with Services (no disability required), PH - Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required), PH - Rapid Re-Housing
- Dimensions
- Agencies - Agency Name *
- Programs - Name*
- Measure
- Bed and Unit Inventory - Total Bed Inventory for Analysis Period*
- Filters
- Tertiary Query - Total Days in Project During the Reporting Period (HMIS Performance Model)
- Filters
- Enrollments - Reporting Period Filter: is in the past 90 complete days
- Programs - Project Type Code: is equal to PH - Housing Only, PH - Housing with Services (no disability required), PH - Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required), PH - Rapid Re-Housing
- Filters
- Dimensions
- Agencies - Agency Name*
- Programs - Name*
- Measure
- Enrollments - Total Housed Days in Project During the Reporting Period*
- Dimensions
- Merged Results
- Merge Rules
- Merged by Agencies - Agency Name and Programs - Name for all queries
- Added Calculations
- Total Housed Days in Project Transformation* (to transform null values to zeros)
- Average Utilization Rate
- Utilization Rate Per Program*
- Merge Rules
- “Explore from Here”
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down. Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
- Total Days in Project During the Reporting Period: Drill down contains Personal ID, Enrollment ID, Head of Household (Yes/No), Program Name, Project Start Date, Project Exit Date, Housing Move-in Date, and Days in Project During the Reporting Period
- Bed and Unit Inventory - Total Bed Inventory for Analysis Period: Drill down contains Agency ID, Agency Name, Program ID, Program Name, ID, Household ID, Availability, Bed Type, and Total Bed Inventory for Analysis Period
- Select “Explore from Here”, then click on any count in the data section for a drill down. Table Calculations do not have drill down functionality.
*Note: Fields are hidden from the visualization. Counts for hidden fields can be reviewed by utilizing “Explore from Here”.
Housing Move-in Date Review
Applicable Project Types: PH and RRH
Enrolled in PH/RRH w/ a Housing Move-in Date
This Look contains a liquid fuel gauge visualization containing the percent of clients enrolled in a PH/RRH program with a housing move-in date within the reporting period.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type (PH & RRH Only), Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Filters
- Programs - Project Type: is equal to PH - Housing Only, PH - Housing with Services (no disability required), PH - Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required), PH - Rapid Re-Housing [The project type dashboard filter will only apply to these programs.]
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measure
- Enrollment w/ Housing Move-in Date
- Custom Measure
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Filters:
- Entry Screen - Housing Move-in Date is not null
- Custom Filter
- Table Calculations
- Enrolled w/ Housing Move-in Date
- Expression:
- Enrolled w/ Housing Move-in Date
- Table Calculations
- Measures
- Enrollments - Count
Average Days From Project Start Date to Housing Move-in Date
This Look contains a single value visualization containing the length of time in project from Project Start Date to Housing Move-in Date within the Reporting Period.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Filters
- Programs - Project Type: is equal to PH - Housing Only, PH - Housing with Services (no disability required), PH - Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required), PH - Rapid Re-Housing
- Measures
- Entry Screen - Average Days from Project Start to Move-in
Data Quality

UDE Completion
This Look contains a radial gauge visualization containing the percent of clients with an enrollment within the Reporting Period without any Universal Data Element errors.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measure
- DQ UDE = None Enrollments Count
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
- DQ UDE = None Enrollments Count
- Custom Measure
${dq_client_program_demographics.client_location_error}="None" AND ${data_quality.name_data_quality_error}="None" AND
${data_quality.name_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.disabling_condition_error}="None" AND
${data_quality.dob_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_demographics.ethnicity_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.exit_destination_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_demographics.gender_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.household_id_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.housing_move_in_date_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.approximate_date_homelessness_started_a_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.length_of_stay_at_prior_place_a_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.living_situation_a_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.number_of_months_homeless_in_past_three_years_a_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.number_of_occurrences_client_has_been_in_homeless_situation_a_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.approximate_date_homelessness_started_b_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.length_of_stay_at_prior_place_b_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.less_than_7_nights_b_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.living_situation_b_error}="None" AND
${data_quality.name_data_quality_error}="None" AND
${data_quality.name_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.number_of_months_homeless_in_past_three_years_a_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.number_of_months_homeless_in_past_three_years_b_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.number_of_occurrences_client_has_been_in_homeless_situation_a_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.number_of_occurrences_client_has_been_in_homeless_situation_b_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.night_before_on_streets_es_sh_b_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_programs.end_date_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_programs.start_date_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_demographics.race_error}="None" AND
${dq_client_program_demographics.relationship_to_hoh_error}="None" AND
${data_quality.ssn_error}="None" AND
- Table Calculation
- UDE Completion
- Table Calculation
- Expression:
- Measures
- Enrollments - Count
Exit Destination Completion
This Look contains a radial gauge visualization containing the percent of clients that exited within the Reporting Period without any Exit Destination errors. Exit Destinations flagged as errors are Client Doesn’t Know, Client Refused, Data Not Collected, No Exit Interview Completed, and Other.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measure
- Exit Destination Completed - Enrollments Count
- Custom Measure
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Filter: Update/Exit Screen - Destination is not Client Doesn’t Know, Client Refused, Data Not Collected, No Exit Interview Completed, and Other
- Table Calculation
- Exit Destination Completion
- Expression:
- Table Calculation
- Measures
Enrollments - Count
Annual Assessment Compliance
This Look contains a radial gauge visualization containing the percent of clients with an enrollment within the Reporting Period that have a completed or due Annual Assessment Status.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Filters
- Custom Filter
(is_null(${dq_client_programs.end_date}) OR ${dq_client_programs.end_date}>=${date_filter.date_filter_start_date})
- Custom Fields
- Table Calculation
- Annual Assessment Compliance
- Expression:
- Annual Assessment Compliance
- Table Calculation
- Dimensions
- DQ Annual Assessments - Annual Assessment Status
- Measures
- DQ Annual Assessments - Count Annual Assessment Errors
- Annual Assessment Status= "No Targeted Annual Assessment," "Project Start Date before HoH Project Start Date," "Completed out of range," or "Past Due"
- Enrollments - Count
- DQ Annual Assessments - Count Annual Assessment Errors
Universal Data Element Errors - Profile Screen
This Look contains a bar chart visualization containing the count of clients with an enrollment within the Reporting Period with Name, Name Data Quality, SSN, Date of Birth, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Veteran, and Relationship to Head of Household errors.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Measures
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Name Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Name Data Quality Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • SSN Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • DOB Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Gender Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Race Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Ethnicity Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Veteran Status Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Relationship to HoH Error Count
This Look contains a bar chart visualization containing the count of clients that exited within the Reporting Period with Exit Destination errors broken down by Destination.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Filters
- Update/Exit Screen: is equal to Client Doesn't Know, Client Refused, Data Not Collected, No Exit Interview Completed, Other OR is null
- Custom Filter:
- Dimensions
- Update/Exit Screen - Destination
- Measures
- Enrollments - Count
Annual Assessment Status Overview
This Look contains a pie chart visualization containing an Annual Assessment Status breakdown of clients with a "Past Due," "No Targeted Annual Assessment," "Project Start Date before HoH Project Start Date," or "Completed Out of Range" status.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Filters
- DQ Annual Assessments - Annual Assessment Status is "Past Due," "No Targeted Annual Assessment," "Project Start Date before HoH Project Start Date," or "Completed Out of Range"
- Dimensions
- DQ Annual Assessments - Annual Assessment Status
- Measures
- Enrollments - Count
Universal Data Element Errors - Enrollment Screen
This Look contains a bar chart visualization containing the count of clients with an enrollment within the Reporting Period with Project Start Date, Project End Date, Exit Destination, Client Location, Disabling Condition, and Prior Living Situation errors.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Custom Fields
- Custom Measure
- Prior Living Situation Errors
- Custom Measure
- Filtered Measure: Enrollments - Count
- Custom Filter
${dq_client_program_demographics.approximate_date_homelessness_started_a_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.length_of_stay_at_prior_place_a_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.living_situation_a_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.number_of_months_homeless_in_past_three_years_a_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.number_of_occurrences_client_has_been_in_homeless_situation_a_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.approximate_date_homelessness_started_b_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.did_you_stay_less_than_90_days_b_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.length_of_stay_at_prior_place_b_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.less_than_7_nights_b_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.living_situation_b_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.number_of_months_homeless_in_past_three_years_b_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.number_of_occurrences_client_has_been_in_homeless_situation_b_error}!="None" OR ${dq_client_program_demographics.night_before_on_streets_es_sh_b_error}!="None"
- Measures
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Client Location Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Disabling Condition Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Project End Date Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Project Start Date Error Count
- DQ Client UDE Error Counts • Exit Destination Error Count
Data Entry Timeliness
This Look contains a table visualization with the count of enrollments within each Data Entry Timeliness group (0 Days, 1-3 Days, 4-6 Days, and 7+ Days), average length of time, and percent of enrollments within the group. Data Entry Timeliness calculations are based on the number of days between data collection and data entry in HMIS.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Filter
- Custom Dimension - Data Entry Timeliness Groups: "Is not equal to null"
- Custom Fields
- Custom Dimension
- Data Entry Timeliness Groups
- Custom Dimension
- Expression
when(${dq_client_program_demographics.timeliness}="0","0 Days"),
when(${dq_client_program_demographics.timeliness}="1","1 - 3 Days"),
when(${dq_client_program_demographics.timeliness}="2" ,"1 - 3 Days"),
when(${dq_client_program_demographics.timeliness}="3" ,"1 - 3 Days"),
when(${dq_client_program_demographics.timeliness}="4","4 - 6 Days"),
when(${dq_client_program_demographics.timeliness}="5","4 - 6 Days"),
when(${dq_client_program_demographics.timeliness}="6","4 - 6 Days"),"7+ Days")
- Table Calculation
- Percent of Enrollments
- Expression
- Percent of Enrollments
- Measures
- Enrollments - Average Timeliness of Data Entry
- Enrollments - Count
Client Notes - Enrollment Level Timeliness
This Look contains a table visualization with the count of enrollment level client notes within each Client Notes Entry Timeliness group (0 Days, 1-3 Days, 4-6 Days, and 7+ Days), and percent of client notes within the group. Client Notes Entry Timeliness is calculated by the days between Client Notes - Enrollment Level Case Note Date and Added Date.
Applicable Filters: Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type Code, Continuum Project, HMIS Participating (at Any Time), Veteran Status, and Chronically Homeless at Project Start - Household
- Filter
- Custom Dimension - Client Notes Entry Timeliness: "Is not equal to null"
- Custom Fields
- Custom Dimension
- Client Notes Timeliness
- Expression:
- Client Notes Entry Timeliness
- Expression
- Client Notes Entry Timeliness
when(${client_note_timeliness}=0,"0 Days"),
when(${client_note_timeliness}<=3,"1 - 3 Days"),
when(${client_note_timeliness}<=6,"4 - 6 Days"), "7+ Days")
- Table Calculation
- Percent of Client Notes - Enrollment Level
- Expression
- Percent of Client Notes - Enrollment Level
- Measures
- Enrollments - Counts
Updated: 07/10/2024