Pentaho Release Notes - Current Year

Pentaho Release Notes - September 2024

Released Updates

  • [HUDX-111] CSV/XML Export
    • The export was updated to drop specific non-ASCII characters (specifically less than and greater than signs, curly brackets, and square brackets) in certain string data type fields per CSV Specifcations. 
  • [HUDX-227(-AD)] Annual Performance Report 
    • A hotfix was applied to ensure accurately returned results were displayed in report output formats for Q24c. Sexual Orientation of Adults in PSH Row 8: Client Doesn't Know/Prefers Not to Answer. 

Upcoming Updates

  • [HUDX-111] CSV/XML Export

    • The underlying code for the CSV/XML Export is being updated to improve performance and how PITCount column logic is calculated based on the Deleted Data prompt.
  • FY 2024 LSA 
    • LSA specifications have been released to vendors and updates are being investigated and implemented. 
    • Updates include HIC improvements (a new parameter, performance updates, and including OPH project types in PIT Counts), and logic updates for HMIS Participation periods and enrollment dates. 
  • Inventory Reporting
    • Inventory calculations are being updated in reports to align with Clarity Development. Updates will be applied to training sites on 09/23, and live sites on 10/07. 
  • Demographics Reports Updates
    • [OUTS-106(-AD)] Client Demographics [Program-Based] and [OUTS-108(-AD)] CE Demographics Report are being updated to include enrollment-based R3 Sexual Orientation responses per a submitted UserVoice Idea. 

Help Center Article Updates


Updated: 09/25/2024