Pentaho Release Notes - Current Year

Pentaho Release Notes - May 2024

Released Updates

  • [DQXX-110] Duplicate Clients Report
    • The report has been revised to accommodate the new Personal ID algorithms. The report layout and contents have been updated to incorporate the new criteria for identifying potentially duplicative client profiles.
  • [HUDX-111] CSV/XML Export

    • Updates have been released to reflect recent HUD TA guidance related to DateProvided and FAStartDate, and to optimize and improve this reports sharing settings.
  • [HUDX-230-AD] Shelter Count PIT
    • The Unaccompanied Youth Chronic Homeless count logic was updated to ensure accuracy - an issue was identified when reviewing Unaccompanied Youth clients ages 18-24 and has since been resolved. 
  • [GNRL-103] Service Census 
    • Counts in the daily service census were updated to ensure accuracy. 
  • [GNRL-220] Program Details Report 
    • The report was updated to improve performance and efficiency.
  • [STFF-104] Staff Client Data Activity
    • The report has been updated to include additional activity log types highlighting Coordinated Entry Events, Client Field Interactions, and Inventory-related activity.
    • Performance improvements were applied to the report to improve runtimes for larger datasets. 

Upcoming Updates

  • Personal ID Updates
    • Coming Soon: Federal Reports will have a new 'Client ID Selection' parameter to allow reports to be run with the 'Clarity Unique Identifier' or 'HUD Unduplicated Personal ID'. This new parameter will provide users with the flexibility to determine how reports will create the client universe.
  • [HUDX-111] CSV/XML Export

    • We are currently updating how non-ASCII characters are dropped in certain string data type fields.  
    • Updates are being made to the services.csv to ensure HUD services with expenses associated with a Multiple Attendance delivery type are returned in the export as expected by adding an "e" prefix Service ID for attendance-based services with expenses. 

Help Center Article Updates 


Updated: 05/27/2024