- Clarity Human Services Help Center
- News and Announcements
- Pentaho Release Notes
New Clarity Human Services Interface
News and Announcements
Getting Started
- Accessing Clarity Human Services
- Client Records and Households
- Program Enrollments
- Managing Client Data in Screens
- Services
- Entering Client Location Data
- Contact Tab, Files Tab, and Notes Tab
- Charts and Goals
- The Attendance Module
- Working with the Referrals Tab and Community Queues
- Recording and Managing Referrals in the Client Record
Clarity Human Services: Customer Portal
Clarity Human Services: INVENTORY
Clarity Human Services: Outreach
System Administration
HUD and Federal Partner Resources
Agency Management
Coordinated Entry
Report Library
Data Analysis
Data Integration and Migration
Submit a Request
System Status
COVID-19 Resources
Pentaho Release Notes - June 2024
Released Updates
[HUDX-227(-AD)] Annual Performance Report
- The table Q14 drill down was updated to ensure an accurate data collection stage label is returned. The counts populating the table were not affected.
Upcoming Updates
- Personal ID Updates
- Coming Soon: Federal Reports will have a new 'Client ID Selection' parameter to allow reports to be run with the 'Clarity Unique Identifier' or 'HUD Unduplicated Personal ID'. This new parameter will provide users with the flexibility to determine how reports will create the client universe.
[HUDX-111] CSV/XML Export
- We are currently updating how non-ASCII characters are dropped in certain string data type fields.
- Updates are being made to the services.csv to ensure HUD services with expenses associated with a Multiple Attendance delivery type are returned in the export as expected by adding an "e" prefix Service ID for attendance-based services with expenses.