Pentaho Release Notes

Pentaho Release Notes - February 2024

Released Updates

  • [GNRL-400] Program Linked Service Review

    • A hotfix was released with an updated Excel report. To address Excel's row limitations, if a dataset exceeds 1,048,576 rows, the drilldown records will now be split into multiple files within the zip archive. This enhancement now allows for up to 2,000,000 rows to be included in the Excel report output format.

  • [HUDX-223-AD] System Performance Measures

    • New specifications for CSV output were released by HUD - updates were released in preparation for the upcoming SPM Reporting period starting on 02/12/2024. The DQ table was updated to align with the SPM CSV Output and now also includes a row to highlight Street Outreach enrollments without a Date of Engagement for Data Quality analysis. 
  • [HUDX-224-AD] PATH Annual Report 

    • Guidance was provided to Vendors from the HMIS Data Lab to update the PATH Annual Report to ensure the "Active & Newly Enrolled" Universe was utilized for both Q12a and Q12b. This update has been released to ensure compliance with the guidance received on 02/15/2024.  PATH Specifications will be updated in a future version to align with the guidance above. 
  • [HUDX-227(-AD)] Annual Performance Report [FY 2024]
    • The CSV-Details Report Output has been updated with structural improvements. Previously, the layout was designed to generate a column in the report for each cell. The new streamlined layout allows for easier review and analysis.
  • [HUDX-230-AD] Shelter Count PIT

    • A hotfix was released to ensure alignment with Chronic at PIT logic from the HMIS Reporting Glossary and updated the Persons by Programs table to ensure all results are exposed in the data table. 
  • Custom Multi-Select Fields

    • [GNRL-210] Assessment Details Report, [GNRL-212] Profile Details Report, and [GNRL-220] Program Details Report have been updated to allow custom multi-select field usage. 

  • Program Site for Multi-CoC Programs
    • A function associated with program site logic was improved with a hotfix to capture the site with the most recent information date with a CoC that aligns with the selected parameters for reporting. This impacts reports that utilize geocode and address like the [HUDX-123-AD] Housing Inventory (HIC), and [HUDX-231] LSA Export.
  • Referral Report Improvements
    • [RFRL-102] Referral Outcomes Statistics, [RFRL-103] Referral Statistics - Inbound, and [RFRL-104] Referral Statistics - Outbound layout and logic were updated to accurately capture additional referral history types and referral modifiable dates. 
Upcoming Updates

  • Personal ID Updates
    • Coming Soon: Federal Reports will have a new 'Client ID Selection' parameter to allow reports to be run with the 'Clarity Unique Identifier' or 'HUD Unduplicated Personal ID'. This new parameter will provide users with the flexibility to determine how reports will create the client universe.

Help Center Article Updates

Published: 02/29/2024