
Parameter Spotlight: Client ID Selection

This article focuses on the Client ID Selection parameter, including its intended use, functionality, and important considerations to ensure that the client universe fits the reporting need.


Personal ID allows for systemwide deduplication by utilizing guidance from Data Element 5.08 System Logic and Clarity algorithms, in addition to user-based linking/unlinking to ensure accurate counts of clients in reporting initiatives.  

In all federal reports, the “Client ID Selection” parameter allows users to run reports to select the base Client Universe (Unique Identifier or Personal ID). To learn more about different Client IDs, review Field Comparison: Client IDs.

Client ID Selection

The “Client ID Selection” parameter determines how clients are counted in federal reports. 

This "Client ID Selection" parameter gives the flexibility to utilize Unique Identifier (default) or the Unduplicated Personal ID. 

By default, “Clarity Unique Identifier” is selected and counts the clients by Unique Identifier. However, if the “HUD Unduplicated Personal ID” option is selected, the results and accessible drilldowns may vary based on community sharing settings, access, and duplicate records identified by Clarity’s deduplication algorithm and System Administrator linked/unlinked profiles.  

  • Example:  
    • John Doe has 3 profiles with Unique Identifiers '123', '456', and '789'. 
    • John Doe has 1 Personal ID '4EXAMPLE4J0X7L1F4B2IBOV6RW8SBJ7R' 
    • Based on report logic and programming specifications, John Doe would be included in client counts 3 times if “Clarity Unique Identifier” is selected, and only 1 time if “HUD Unduplicated Personal ID” is selected.  

Reporting Impact 

The selected option in the "Client ID Selection" parameter can impact report results. Furthermore, it is important to be aware of additional considerations as outlined below.

  • Client Universe
    • It is important to note that the selected option from the “Client ID Selection” will shift the base universe of the report being ran and, if comparing side by side, has the chance to produce different counts.  These counts are expected to differ as there may be clients deemed duplicative by Personal ID that are linked. This singular Personal ID has a one to many relationship with linked profiles (Unique Identifiers) so would count as more than one client when calculating a count of Unique Identifiers.  
  • Reporting Nuances 
    • Enrollment Selection
      • For reports dependent on latest stay, the latest enrollment connected to the Personal ID will be utilized for reporting.  
      • For reports utilizing additional enrollment records, all applicable enrollment records associated with the Personal ID will be utilized for reporting.  
    • Client Information
      • For Client Profile Demographics like Name, Date of Birth, Race Ethnicity, Gender, and Veteran Status - the selected "Client ID Selection" prompt can alter how results are returned in a report when "HUD Unduplicated Personal ID" is selected.
        • If the report utilizes the latest enrollment for the client universe, logic will return client profile demographics from the client profile associated with the enrollment.
          • Reports that use the latest enrollment are: 
            • [HUDX-224(-AD)] PATH Annual Report [FY 2024]

            • [HUDX-225(-AD)] HMIS Data Quality Report [FY 2024]
            • [HUDX-227(-AD)] Annual Performance Report [FY 2024]

            • [HUDX-228(-AD)] ESG CAPER [FY 2024]

            • [HUDX-230-AD] Shelter Count PIT [FY 2024]

            • [HUDX-235(-AD)] CE APR [FY 2024]

        • If the report is not limited to a single project stay, the client profile with the most recent updated date will be used. 
          • Reports that use all project stays are: 
            • [HUDX-111(-AD)] HUD CSV / XML Program Data Export [FY 2024]

            • [HUDX-123-AD] Housing Inventory (HIC) Supplemental [FY 2024]

            • [HUDX-223-AD] System Performance Measures [FY 2024] 

            • [HUDX-231(-AD)] LSA Export

            • [HUDX-234-AD] HMIS Statistics Report
  • Security and Sharing Settings 
    • Sharing and Security Settings within Clarity Human Services and related reporting (Pentaho and Looker) are built in based on configured access roles which can impact visibility.
  • Data Integration and Migration
    • When utilizing the CSV Export to import HMIS information into other systems or via the DIT, it is important to ensure the appropriate client mapping is configured based on the selected Client ID Selection prompt for accurate client matching.