This program-based report provides client cash and non-cash benefits present at time of exit from mainstream programs. It also reports housing outcomes for Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing programs.
Running the Report
Report Location
The Program Outcomes report is found in the Program Based section of the Report Library.
An Admin version is also available in the Administrator Report section of the Report Library.
Who Can Run the Report
Anyone can run the report but the returned information will be limited based on the access rights of the user.
For the Admin version, system administrators and users with additional access rights to this report can run it across multiple agencies.
Parameter Options
The following parameters are available to obtain targeted details in the [OUTS-200] Program Outcomes report:
Program Status | Choose to include Active, Inactive, or All Programs |
Program(s) | Select one or more programs to include in the report. Selecting ‘All’ will generate data from all programs listed in the dropdown menu. |
Report Date Range | Choose the date range of active enrollments to include |
Report Output Format | You can select Web Page, PDF, or Excel |
Administrator Version Parameters
The Administrator version of the report requires additional parameters.
Agency CoC | Choose which CoC to include in the report |
Agency Status | Choose to include Active, Inactive or All Agencies |
Agency(ies) | Select one or more agencies to include. Selecting ‘All’ will generate data from all agencies listed in the dropdown menu. |
Report Details
This report is divided into Table A and Table B.
Table A
Reports cash income and non-cash benefits that clients reported at program exit. This table will include information from housing programs and mainstream programs.
The information in this table is derived from the respective sections of the program exit screen.
Table B
Table B is divided into two sections: Transitional Housing & Permanent Housing. It reports only information for programs that fit these criteria.
Table B: Permanent Housing: This section has five components (a-e):
a. Exited PH project: This total reflects the number of clients who exited the Permanent Housing Program(s) during the report dates. This information is derived from the Date field of the program exit screen.
b. Did not leave PH project: This total reflects the clients still currently enrolled in the Permanent Housing Program(s) at the report end date. This information is derived from the Date field of the program exit screen. This information will be greater than or equal to the total in e.
c. Exited PH after staying 6 months or longer: This total reflects the amount of clients who were enrolled in the program for 6 months or longer and were exited during the report dates. This information is derived from the Date fields of the program enrollment and program exit screens.
d. Exited PH after staying less than 6 months: This total reflects the amount of clients who were enrolled in the program for less than 6 months and were exited during the report dates. This information is derived from the Date fields of the program enrollment and program exit screens.
e. Did not exit PH and have been active less than 6 months: This information reflects the amount of clients still currently enrolled in the Permanent Supportive Housing Program(s) at the report end date. Their program stay must be less than 6 months to be included in this total. This information is derived from the Date fields of the program enrollment and program exit screens.

Table B: Transitional Housing: This table has two components (a & b):
a. Exited TH project: This total reflects the number of clients who exited the Transitional Housing Program(s) during the report dates. This information is derived from the Date field of the program exit screen.
b. Exited to Permanent Destination: This tallies the total number of clients exited from the program(s) who reported a permanent destination. This information comes from the Destination field of the program exit field. The following destinations are considered permanent destinations. For the most up-to-date list, refer to the HUD HMIS Data Dictionary, Appendix A, Destination.
- Staying or living with family, permanent tenure (422)
- Staying or living with friends, permanent tenure (423)
- Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA PH (426)
- Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy (410)
- Rental by client, with ongoing housing subsidy (435)
- Owned by client, with ongoing housing subsidy (421)
- Owned by client, no ongoing housing subsidy (411)
Drilldown Functionality
Drilldown functionality is available for this report.
Drilling down on any count in the table will yield a list of clients who comprise that total. The information in the screenshot below will be available for each drilldown:
Updated: 07/09/2024