Type of Report
This is an assessment-based report.
To provide a way for communities to understand the demographics of the people served by the coordinated entry system.
Running the Report
Report Location
This report can be found in the following locations in the Report Library:
- Assessment Based Reports → [OUTS-108] CE Demographics Report
- Administrator Reports → [OUTS-108-AD] CE Demographics Report
Who Can Run the Report
All users may run the report. There are restrictions for which information can be accessed based on the rights of the user.
The Admin version of the report can be run across agencies by System Administrators and others with the appropriate access roles.
The following parameters are required to run this report:
Referral Basis |
Primary Coordinated Entry Sharing Group |
NOTE: this parameter only appears when Coordinated Entry Type = "Sharing Groups Based" AND Referral Basis = "Only clients referred to a queue." This is a pre-defined parameter that is the Primary Coordinated Entry Sharing Group of the current agency. |
Queue(s) | Note: this is only displayed if Referral Basis = "Only clients referred to a queue."
Select which Queue(s) to include: All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.) |
Referral Status(-es) |
Note: this option is only displayed if Referral Basis = "Only clients referred to a queue." Select which Referral Status(-es) to include: All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)
Assessment(s) |
This is a list of Assessment(s) that are available under the current agency that have Coordinated Entry = On AND have an Assessment Processor selected. Select which Referral Status(-es) to include: All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.) |
Veteran Status |
Select the Veteran Status to include. |
Report Date Range | Select either the date of the assessment OR the referral date (see Universe). |
Report Output Format | Web Page, PDF, or Excel |
Drilldown Output Format |
Note: this option is only displayed if Report Output Format = "Web Page" Web Page, PDF, or CSV |
Additional Admin Report Parameters
CoC | Select the CoC of the assessing agency. |
Agency Status |
Assessment Added by Agency(ies) |
Select which agency's assessments to include in the Assessment(s) parameter list: All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.) |
NOTE: The logic for Primary Coordinated Entry Sharing Group(s) and Queue(s) is a bit different for the Admin Report: |
Primary Coordinated Entry Sharing Group(s) |
NOTE: this parameter only appears when Coordinated Entry Type = "Sharing Groups Based." This list depends on the selections for Assessment Added by Agency(ies). Select which Sharing Group(s) to include: All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.) |
Queue(s) | Note: this option is only displayed if Referral Basis = "Only clients referred to a queue."
Report Details
- Uses the latest client assessment for each table/chart in the report which meets the selected parameters
NOTE: assessment should be connected to the client program - If Referral Basis is "All clients assessed"
- ( Report period filter will pull clients with an assessment date during the reporting period
- AND clients haven't been referred to any Community Queue under this assessment )
OR - ( Report period filter will pull clients with a referral date <= [Report End Date]
- AND ( a referral end date >= [Report Start Date] OR a referral end date IS NULL )
- AND client was referred to one of the available Community Queues
- Depending on the Coordinated Entry Type instance option:
- If Coordinated Entry Type = Continuum of Care Based, then all available Community Queues for:
- the current agency (Agency version)
- or the selected CoC (Admin version)
- If Coordinated Entry Type = Sharing Groups Based, then all available Community Queues for:
- the Primary Coordinated Entry Sharing Group of the current agency (Agency version)
- or Primary Coordinated Entry Sharing Groups of the selected agencies (Admin version)
- If Coordinated Entry Type = Continuum of Care Based, then all available Community Queues for:
- Depending on the Coordinated Entry Type instance option:
- AND client was referred to the Community Queue under one of the selected assessments )
- If Referral Basis is "Clients assessed and not referred to any queue"
- The report period filter will pull clients with an assessment date during the reporting period
- Additional restriction is clients haven't been referred to any Community Queue under this assessment
- If Referral Basis is "Only clients referred to a queue"
- Report period filter will pull clients with a referral date <= [Report End Date]
- AND ( a referral end date >= [Report Start Date] OR a referral end date IS NULL )
- additional restrictions are:
- client was referred to one of the selected Community Queues
- AND client was referred to the Community Queue under one of the selected assessments
- AND current referral status is one of the selected referral statuses
- For some tables, Program Enrollment Start Date, within the reporting period, is used
- See programming instructions for each table for which are pulled from Assessment and which are pulled from Enrollment Entry screen
Note: "No Answer" is used to capture clients that have missing data, selected data not collected, or data points that are not present in the relevant source data for the client (i.e., the field is not included on the enrollment screen).
Age Range
Source: Client age is calculated using age at the Assessment date or Report Start Date (whichever is greater).
Source: Client Profile Screen
Race & Ethnicity Demographic
Source: Client Profile Screen
Disabled Demographic
Source: Program Enrollment, for:
- Head of Households
- or clients that are adults at client enrollment date or Report Start Date (whichever is greater).
Physical Disability
Source: Program Enrollment
Developmental Disability
Source: Program Enrollment
Chronic Health Condition
Source: Program Enrollment
Source: Program Enrollment
Mental Health Disorder
Source: Program Enrollment
Substance Use Disorder
Source: Program Enrollment
Chronic Homelessness Tables
Source: Program Enrollment, for adult clients at enrollment date and heads of households
Chronic Homelessness
Calculated at the program enrollment date.
Clients Entering from Homelessness
Is yes if:
- Enrollment Screen: Prior Residence
- Place not meant for habitation (e.g., a vehicle, an abandoned building, bus/train/subway station/airport or anywhere outside)
- Emergency Shelter, including hotel or motel paid for with emergency shelter voucher, Host Home shelter
- Safe Haven
- OR (
- Enrollment Screen: Prior Residence
- Foster care home or foster care group home
- Hospital or other residential non-psychiatric medical facility
- Jail, prison or juvenile detention facility
- Long-term care facility or nursing home
- Psychiatric hospital or other psychiatric facility
- Substance abuse treatment facility or detox center
- AND Enrollment Screen: Institutional < 90 nights = Yes
- AND Enrollment Screen: On the night before - stayed on the streets, ES or Safe Haven = Yes )
- Enrollment Screen: Prior Residence
- OR (
- Enrollment Screen: Prior Residence
- Transitional housing for homeless persons (including homeless youth)
- Residential project or halfway house with no homeless criteria
- Hotel or motel paid for without emergency shelter voucher
- Host Home (non-crisis)
- Staying or living in a friend's room, apartment or house
- Staying or living in a family member's room, apartment or house
- Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy
- Rental by client, with ongoing housing subsidy
- Owned by client, with ongoing housing subsidy
- Owned by client, no ongoing housing subsidy
- Enrollment Screen: Prior Residence
- AND Enrollment Screen: Permanent < 7 nights = Yes
- AND Enrollment Screen: On the night before - stayed on streets, ES or Safe Haven = Yes )
- OR (
- Enrollment Screen: Survivor of Domestic Violence = Yes
- AND Enrollment Screen: Currently Fleeing = Yes )
Approximate Date Homelessness Started
- Is "365 Days or More" if:
- The number of days between Enrollment Screen: Approximate Date Homelessness Started and Client Enrollment Start Date is more or equal to 365 days
- Is "Less Than 365 Days" if:
- The number of days between Enrollment Screen: Approximate Date Homelessness Started and Client Enrollment Start Date is less than 365 days
- Is "Missing" if:
- Enrollment Screen: Approximate Date Homelessness Started is empty
- AND Enrollment Screen: On the night before - stayed on the streets, ES or Safe Haven = Yes
- Is "Not Applicable" if:
- Enrollment Screen: Approximate Date Homelessness Started is empty
- AND Enrollment Screen: On the night before - stayed on the streets, ES or Safe Haven is not Yes
Times Homeless in the Past Three Years
Enrollment Screen: Times Homeless in the Past Three Years
Total Months Homeless in the Past Three Years
- Enrollment Screen: Total Months Homeless in the Past Three Years
- if Enrollment Screen: Total Months Homeless in the Past Three Years is empty, then Enrollment Screen: Times Homeless in the Past Three Years
- if Enrollment Screen: Times Homeless in the Past Three Years = Data Not Collected, then "Not Applicable"
Veteran Demographic
Source: Client Profile Screen
Prior Living Situation
Source: Program Enrollment, for:
Head of Households
or clients that are adults at client enrollment date or Report Start Date, whichever is greater.
Prior Living Duration
Source: Program Enrollment, for:
Head of Households
or clients that are adults at client enrollment date or Report Start Date (whichever is greater).
Individual Income

Source: Program Enrollment, for:
Head of Households
or clients that are adults at client enrollment date or Report Start Date (whichever is greater).
Enrollment Screen: Total Cash Income for Individual * 12
Household Income

Source: Program Enrollment, for:
- Head of Households
- or clients that are adults at client enrollment date or Report Start Date (whichever is greater).
Household Income calculated as:
- Sum of Enrollment Screen: Total Cash Income for Individual * 12 for clients with Enrollment Screen: Client has Cash Income = Yes
- If Enrollment Screen: Client has Cash Income = [Client doesn’t know, Client prefers not to answer, Data not collected] at least for one member of the household from the [Source] above, all members of the household will be counted as 'No Answer'
SSN Validity
Source: Client Profile Screen
Sexual Orientation
Source: Program Enrollment, for:
- Head of Households
- or clients that are adults at client enrollment date or Report Start Date (whichever is greater).
Assessments selected for the report.
Community Queues

Community Queues selected for the report. This section is displayed only when Referral Basis is "Only clients referred to a queue."
Drilldown Functionality
Drilldown functionality is available for this report. Drilling down on any count will yield a list of all clients associated with that list.
The information in the screenshot below is available for each drilldown. The Name field contains the link to the Client Profile.
Updated: 10/07/2024