Program-Based Reports

[OUTS-101] Program Outcome Measures


This program enrollment-based report reviews basic exit destination and income outcomes of enrollment in the selected programs.

Running the Report

Who Can Run the Report

Anyone can run the report but the returned information will be limited based on the access rights of the user.

Report Location

This report is found in the Program Based section of the Report Library.


Household Member Type
  • All
  • Only HoH (Head of Household)
Project Type(s)
  • All
  • Ctrl or Shift click to choose multiple program types
  • All
  • Ctrl or Shift click to choose multiple programs
Report Date Range Choose the date range of enrollments to be included in the report
Report Output Format
  • Web Page
  • PDF
  • Excel


The report includes the following tables:

Outcome I. Obtain permanent housing

This table displays the number and percentage of each exit destination during the reporting period. 

outcome 1 a

The totals include a "Total discharged to permanent housing."

outcome 1 b

This total is calculated by using the sum of the following permanent destinations divided by the total exits.

  • Staying or living with family, permanent tenure (422)
  • Staying or living with friends, permanent tenure (423)
  • Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA PH (426)
  • Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy (410)
  • Rental by client, with ongoing housing subsidy (435)
  • Owned by client, with ongoing housing subsidy (421)
  • Owned by client, no ongoing housing subsidy (411)

Outcome II. Decrease exits to streets/shelter

This table isolates only exits to:

  • Place not meant for habitation (e.g., a vehicle, an abandoned building, bus/train/subway station/airport or anywhere outside) (116)
  • Emergency shelter, including hotel or motel paid for with emergency shelter voucher, or Host Home shelter (105)

outs 101 b

The Percentage is of the total exits shown in Outcome I.

Outcome III. Exit with earned income

Of the adults and child head of households that exited during the reporting period, how many exited with Earned Income as an income source.

Outcome IV. For those who had 0 income at intake, obtain stable income before discharge

Of the adults that exited, how many entered with $0 income from any source and how many then obtained stable income by the time of exiting the program.

Capture 2024-01-11 at 10.24.52

Outcome V. Exits to Known Destinations

Of the clients which exited, how many were to Unknown Destinations compared with Known Destinations. The following are considered "unknown destinations."

  • No exit interview completed (30)
  • Other (17)
  • Client doesn’t know (8)
  • Client prefers not to answer (9)
  • Data not collected (99)
  • NULL

Outcome VI. Of those who discharged to permanent housing, length of time to obtain housing?

Of the clients that exited to permanent housing, as defined in Outcome I, how long was it:

  • [Project End Date] - [Project Start Date] 


Sorted by project type, this report lists the programs included in the report.

Drilldown Functionality

Drilldown functionality is available for this report. For each section, basic demographic information will be listed for each client included in the count.

UpdatedL 01/11/2024