Data Models

Outreach Model


The Outreach Model was developed for reporting related to the Outreach Module in Clarity Human Services. This model was designed to review, analyze, and report on outreach activity, encampments, and client geolocations in hopes of ensuring unsheltered clients can be located and receive needed services. This model allows clients to be reviewed by client geolocations added by Field Interactions, addresses on the Client Location page, and geolocations from Current Living Situation assessments.    

Data within the Outreach Model is limited to encampments with at least one stay at one point. A client must be linked to an encampment by location to be a qualifying encampment stay. Encampments without a qualifying encampment stayer will not be included in this model.

Clarity Human Services allows geolocation fields to be configured on any screen. Please note, all client geolocations will appear in this model – however, only program and enrollment-linked Current Living Situation geolocations will be considered for determining enrollment information.

An overview of the Outreach Model, view/field organization, and an assortment of sample Looks are included in the article below.  

For more information on Clarity’s Outreach Module and Client Location Data, please review Configuring Outreach,  Outreach for End Users, and Entering Client Location Data articles.  

Model Overview 

This model includes (but is not limited to):  
  • Encampment Data  
    • Encampment Stays, Locations, and Activity  

Note: Encampments must have at least one stay to be included within this model. 

  • Client Geolocation Data  
  • Map Layers  
    • Map Layers allow analysis and location review for a community’s configured Outreach Module Map Layers  


The Outreach model includes the following views specific to this model: 

  • Client Housed Dates
  • Encampment Categories
    • This view contains fields related to Encampment Categories functionality in Clarity.
  • Encampment Stays 
    • Information about a specific stay within an encampment including the status of the stay, length of time, interacting CoC, and encampment notes. The end date of an encampment stay is determined by the time threshold in the Outreach Settings, or the date of a new encampment stay, whichever is earlier.  If a client has another interaction within the same Encampment within the time threshold, this will prolong the stay to the latest location date plus the time threshold.
  • Encampments 
    • Information about an encampment, the encampment location, and current status 
  • Geolocation History
    • This view contains fields that enable users to see the geolocation history for a client including individual and encampment geolocations.
  • Geolocations 
    • Geolocation data from client geolocations added by Field Interactions, addresses on the Client Location page, and geolocations from Current Living Situation assessments 
  • Map Layers 
    • The fields in this view allow analysis and review of configured Map Layers within the Outreach Module to allow easy review of encampments within various community set boundaries which could reflect CoCs, service areas, outreach team mapping, and more.   
  • Outreach Settings
    • This View contains the fields in the outreach settings that are most relevant to the analysis of clients in encampments. A full list of configuration fields will be included in the Project Descriptor Model.
In addition, the Outreach model includes the following views which are also found in other models: 
  • Clients 
  • Current Living Situation 
  • Enrollments 
    • A dynamic join was added to enable queries including  Enrollments in Encampment Programs and Enrollments in Outreach Programs.
      • An Enrollments Link Filter was created so users can choose to include outreach programs (those with geolocations on a current living situation assessment screen), encampment programs, or all programs in their explore. The default is set to encampment program enrollments.
        • The filter is required and should remain set to the default if enrollments are not being included in the explore. When enrollment data is not included the filter will still be present but will not impact the data. 
      • This filter allows you to select which enrollments will be included. The options are "Current Living Situation", "Encampment Programs", and "Clients".
        • If "Current Living Situation" is selected, only enrollments where geolocations have been recorded on current living situations will be included.
        • If "Encampment Programs" is selected, only encampment program enrollments will be included.
        • If "Clients" is selected, all enrollments will be included.Enrollments Link Filter

Note: For more information on specific dimensions or measures, refer to the  (information bubble) available next to some of the field names. 

Float your cursor over the  (information bubble) for a brief description.

Sample Looks Outreach and Outreach v2

Updated: 06/18/2024