Dashboard Library

LSA Data Cleanup: Year to Year Comparisons


The LSA Data Cleanup: Year to Year Comparisons dashboard is designed to aid in federal reporting season preparation, submission, and follow-up. This dashboard enables users to compare data associated with the current federal reporting analysis period to the year prior to identify intended or unintended shifts in commonly analyzed data points for federal reporting as it relates to the LSA. This dashboard compares program operation, client and enrollment counts, special populations, and specific project type comparisons for Permanent Housing and Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night metrics. As part of the LSA Data Cleanup package, this dashboard will help empower users to respond to flags and other communications more efficiently, while also providing helpful comparative analysis tools outside of federal reporting needs.

Dashboard Filters

There are seven filters on this dashboard to filter data within this dashboard. The table below outlines what Looks the filters apply to and the default values.

Analysis Period

Default: 10/01/2023 – 10/01/2024

This filter applies to all Looks.

Program CoC

Default: is any value

This filter applies to all Looks.

Selection impacts filter options for Program Name.

Agency Name

Default: is any value

This filter applies to all Looks.

Selection impacts filter options for Program Name.

Program Name

Default: is any value

This filter applies to all Looks.

Project Type


  • Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit
  •  Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night
  • Transitional Housing
  • PH – Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required for entry)
  •  Safe Haven
  • PH – Housing Only*
  • PH – Housing with Services (no disability required for entry)*
  • PH – Rapid Re-Housing

*OPH enrollment data is only included for canned LSA reporting when the ‘HIC’ Scope is selected per programming specifications.

This filter applies to all Looks except Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night Comparisons.
Note: Permanent Housing Comparisons are filtered to only return data for PH projects, but the Project Type filter will limit results further for analysis.


Selection impacts filter options for Program Name.

Continuum Project

Default: Yes

This filter applies to all Looks except B. iii) Household Type Comparisons and D. iii) Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night Bed Night Comparisons by Household Type.

Victim Service Provider

Default: No

This filter applies to all Looks except B. iii) Household Type Comparisons and D. iii) Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night Bed Night Comparisons by Household Type.


The following Looks make up the LSA Data Cleanup: Year to Year Comparisons dashboard. The overview below is broken down by sections within the dashboard and includes a summary of each Looks’ content. For more information on how the Look is configured, what fields are used, or custom fields, please review the Look by selecting the ‘Explore from Here’ icon or within the ‘Tile Actions’ menu (three-dot icon) in the upper right corner.

Comparison Date Ranges

This Look is to be utilized as a reference to visualize the Analysis Period and Year Prior report date ranges for the content within the dashboard. Year Prior is calculated using the Analysis Period Dashboard Filter and auto-populates a year prior to the Analysis Period Start and End Date.

A. Program Operating Date Comparison

A. Program Operation Shifts Compared to Current Analysis Period & Year Prior

This Look highlights programs operating during the year prior and current analysis periods to compare if program operation has shifted. Data within this Look is limited to programs that have experienced a shift, but all programs can be viewed by accessing “Explore from Here”.

B. Client & Enrollment Comparisons

B. i) Client & Enrollment Comparisons

This Look is intended to compare shifts in the number of clients and enrollments in programs.


B. ii) Average LoT & Enrollments Over 90/180 Days Comparison

This Look is intended to review shifts in the length of time clients are staying enrolled in a program by comparing the average length of time (using HMIS Reporting Glossary Method 1: Start/Exit Date), enrollments active 90+ days, and enrollments active 180+ days.


B. iii) Household Type Comparisons

This Look is intended to review shifts in the number of clients and enrollments in programs by Household Type. The results are restricted to programs that are Continuum Projects and not Victim Service Providers. Continuum Project and Victim Service Provider dashboard filters do not apply to this Look.

C. Special Populations Comparisons

C. Special Populations Comparisons

This Look is intended to compare shifts in Special Populations.

The Special Populations included in this Look are as follows:

  • Youth: Count of clients aged 18-24*
  • Parenting Youth Households: Count of households where the Head of Household is under 25 and the household size is more than 1*
  • Veteran Clients: Count of clients with Veteran Status = Yes
  • Chronically Homeless Household Clients: Count of clients with a Chronically Homeless Household (Based on Chronically Homeless at Project Start in the HMIS Reporting Glossary)

*Note: Age is calculated using HUD Age for Youth and Parenting Youth calculations.

D. Project Type Specific Comparisons

Permanent Housing Programs

D. i) Permanent Housing Projects - Housing Rate Comparison

This Look is intended to compare shifts in housed enrollments based on Housing Move-in Dates (HMiD) before the end of the relevant analysis period. This Look is limited to Permanent Housing Project Types (PH – Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required for entry), PH – Housing Only, PH – Housing with Services(no disability required for entry), PH – Rapid Re-Housing) but the Project Type filter can be used to filter this Look to select PH project types for analysis.

Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night Programs

D. ii) Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night Bed Night Comparisons

"This Look is intended to compare shifts in bed night service allocation. Results are limited to Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night programs. Please Note: Bed Nights for reporting are defined as a service with a Housing Category, a Residential Site Type, and Single Event or Daily Attendance Delivery Type.

D. iii) Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night Bed Night Comparisons by Household Type

This Look is intended to review shifts in the number of clients and enrollments in programs by Household Type for clients enrolled in Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night Programs. The results are restricted to programs that are Continuum Projects and not Victim Service Providers. Continuum Project and Victim Service Provider dashboard filters do not apply to this Look.

Updated: 12/23/2024