As of April 25, 2022, Bed and Unit Inventory (BUI) fields will be available in Looker to align with the updated Clarity Human Services Inventory functionality. Within the Project Descriptor Model, these new fields are being released to capture Building, Site, and Unit Configuration information. These fields allow system configuration monitoring and analysis with ease.
For more information on managing your physical housing inventory directly from Clarity Human Services, including setup best practices, information on managing sites, buildings, and unit configurations, and more, please review Clarity Human Services: INVENTORY.
BUI fields highlight the data captured for the new Inventory tool. The Housing Inventory functionality applies to Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, or any other type of housing project. The fields are broken down into six categories with “Inventory-” prefixes and include Building Unit Configurations, Building Units, Buildings, Funding, Programs, and Unit Configuration History.
Within these six categories are a multitude of fields, depicting various dates (added, updated, offline start/end, and status start/end), program connections, bed allocations, configuration status, funding information for buildings, sites, units, and unit configurations, names and IDs of the buildings, sites, units, and unit configurations, eligibility, description, user creating/updating, counts and more.
Reminder: Clicking on the (information bubble) next to the field name will provide additional information like data type, description, and name.

Sample Looks
Inventory Review in One Look
- Inventory - Building Unit Configurations
- Name
- Inventory - Building Units
- ID
- Inventory - Buildings
- ID
- Name
- Inventory - Programs
- Program ID • Programs Served by the Building
- Program Name • Programs Served by the Building
- Program ID • Programs Served by the Unit
- Program Name • Programs Served by the Unit
- Source • Programs Served by the Unit
- Program ID • Programs Served by the Unit Configuration
- Program Name • Programs Served by the Unit Configuration
- Inventory - Unit Configuration History
- Configuration Status
Sample Look featuring Inventory Review in one Look.
Additional Analysis
The sample Look above can be built upon for specific needs.
Here are some examples:
- Current Configuration Look
- Add Inventory - Unit Configuration History- Configuration Status as a filter
- Set to “is equal to” Current Configuration

- Agency Specific Review Look
- Add Agencies - Agency Name as a filter
- Set filter to the desired agency(-ies)
- Add Agencies - Agency Name as a filter
Tip: To customize field names in the visualization, select Edit then Series and scroll to Customizations. Update the Label to customize the field name.
Configuration Update Audit Look
- Agencies
- Agency Name
- Inventory - Building Unit Configurations
- Date • Added Date
- Date • Last Updated Date
- Name
- User Creating
- User Updating
- Inventory - Unit Configuration History
- Configuration Status
Sample Look featuring the date Building Unit Configurations were added, last updated, and by which user.
Updated: 04/13/2022