Dashboard Library

Inventory - Unit/Bed Availability Overview


The Inventory – Unit/Bed Availability Overview dashboard captures data pertaining to the current unit/bed statuses and availability for those utilizing the Clarity Human Services Inventory Module. 

Dashboard Filters

Unit - Agency Status

  • Default: set to “Active” agencies
  • Limits the results to units/beds configured through currently active agencies.
  • It is applied to all Looks on the dashboard other than “Active Units/Beds in Inactive Agencies, Sites, or Buildings.”
  • This dashboard filter is linked to the “Unit - Agency Name,” “Site Name,” and “Building Name”  dashboard filters, so all of those filters will only list those entities if they are configured through active agencies when this filter is set to “Active” and vice versa when filtered for “Inactive.”

Unit - Agency Name

  • This dashboard filter is applied to all Looks on the dashboard and allows results to be limited based on the agency through which units/beds are configured.
  • This filter is linked to the “Site Name” and “Building Name” dashboard filters, so those filters will only list those entities if they are configured through the filtered for agencies.

Site Status

  • Default: set to “Active.” This is the only status that can be selected.
  • It is linked to the “Site Name” dashboard filter and its purpose is to limit the options of filterable site names to those that are active.
  • This filter is applied to all Looks on the dashboard other than “Active Units/Beds in Inactive Agencies, Sites, or Buildings.”

Site Name

  • This dashboard filter is applied to all Looks on the dashboard and limits results based on the site through which units/beds are configured.

Building Status

  • Default: set to “Active.” This is the only status that can be selected.
  • It is linked to the “Building Name” dashboard filter and its purpose is to limit the options of filterable building names to those that are active.
  • This filter is applied to all Looks on the dashboard other than “Active Units/Beds in Inactive Agencies, Sites, or Buildings.”

Building Name

  • This dashboard filter is applied to all Looks on the dashboard and limits results based on the building within which units/beds are configured.

Program - Agency Name

  • This dashboard filter is applied to all Looks on the dashboard and limits results based on the agency through which unit occupants are enrolled.
  • This filter is linked to the “Program Name” and “Project Type” filters, so filterable options for those filters will be limited based on the selected project type.

Program Name

  • This dashboard filter is applied to all Looks on the dashboard and limits results based on the project linked to units/beds.
Project Type
  • This dashboard filter is applied to all Looks on the dashboard and limits results based on the project type linked to units/beds.
  • This filter is linked to the “Program Name” dashboard filter, so filterable options for that filter will be limited based on the selected project type.

Unit Configuration Household Type

  • This dashboard filter is applied to all Looks on the dashboard and limits results based on the unit configuration household type.

Beds Enabled (Yes/No)

  • Default: is “Yes” or “No.” All Looks will include all units/beds without additional filtering.
  • This dashboard filter is only applied to all Looks on the dashboard and allows the results of those Looks to be limited to units with individual bed tracking enabled or without individual bed tracking enabled.


The following Looks comprise the “Inventory – Unit/Bed Availability Overview ” LookML dashboard. The overview below is broken down by dashboard section summary and includes a summary of each section's Look content. For more information on how the Look is configured, what fields are used, or custom fields, please review the Look by selecting ‘Explore from Here’ within the ellipses in the upper right corner.

Currently Unoccupied, "Active" Units/Beds

This section of the dashboard gives an overview of all the active units and beds that are currently unoccupied. 

Active Unit and Bed Count

This Look counts Available and Pending Occupancy units and beds as a percentage of the total active units and beds.

Sites with "Available" or "Pending Occupancy" Units/beds

This Look maps out the location of all the unoccupied units and beds. The identified locations include data around the site, building, unit - agency, program- agency, program, project type, and household configuration associated with the unit/bed. If there are multiple unoccupied units/beds at the same location, those will be reflected by the "Available Units," "Available Beds," "Pending Occupancy Units," and "Pending Occupancy Beds" counts.

"Acitve" Units that Utilize "Beds Enabled" Functionaility

A Pie Chart highlighting what percentage of active units utilize individual bed tracking.

"Acitve" Beds that Utilize "Beds Enabled" Functionaility

A Pie Chart highlighting what percentage of active beds utilize individual bed tracking.

"Available" & "Pending Occupancy" Units/Beds by Unit Agency, Building, and Site

This Look breaks down Available and Pending Occupancy units and beds by the agency through which they were configured, their site, and their building.

"Available" & "Pending Occupancy" Units/Beds by Program Agency, Program, and Project Type

This Look breaks down Available and Pending Occupancy units and beds by the programmatic agency to which they are linked, their program, and their project type.

Current Unit/Bed Status Overview

This section of the dashboard focuses on the online status of both beds and units

Unit Status

This Look captures the currently active, offline, and inactive units as a percentage of total units.

Bed Status

This Look captures the currently active, offline, and inactive beds as a percentage of total beds.

"Offline" Units by Offline Reason

Through a Pie Chart, this Look breaks down the currently offline units by their offline reason.

"Offline" Beds by Offline Reason

Through a Pie Chart, this Look breaks down the currently offline beds by their offline reason.

Current Unit/Bed Availability Overview

This dashboard section focuses on the availability of active units and active beds. 

Active Unit Availability

Out of all currently active units, this Look breaks down the count and percentage of available, pending occupancy, and occupied units.

Active Bed Availability

Out of all currently active units, this Look breaks down the count and percentage of available, pending occupancy, and occupied beds.

"Active" Units by Availability

Similar to the previous unit availability Look, this Look covers the percentage of available, pending occupancy, and occupied units in a pie chart.

"Active" Beds by Availability

Similar to the previous bed availability Look, this Look covers the percentage of available, pending occupancy, and occupied beds in a pie chart.

"Available" Units by Unit Configuration Household Type

This Look breaks down available units by their unit configuration household type.

"Available" Beds by Unit Configuration Household Type

This Look breaks down available beds by their unit configuration household type.

Detailed Unit/Bed Overview

This section of the dashboard provides a detailed list of units and beds by status.

"Available" Units/Beds in "Active" Units

A list of active, available units/beds with their current unit configuration.

"Pending Occupancy" Units/Beds in "Active" Units

A list of units/beds that are currently Pending Occupancy with their current unit configuration.

"Occupied" Units/Beds in "Active" Units

A list of  units/beds that are currently Occupied with their current unit configuration.

"Inactive" Units/Beds

A list of currently inactive units/beds with their current unit configuration.

"Offline" Units/Beds

A list of currently offline units/beds with their current unit configuration, offline reason, and offline description.

"Active" Units/Beds in "Inactive" Agencies, Sites, or Buildings

A list of active units/beds in inactive agencies, sites, or buildings. The "Unit Agency Status", "Site Status", and "Building Status" dashboard filters are not applied to this Look.