Data Models

Inventory Model


The Inventory Model was developed for reporting related to the Inventory functionality in Clarity Human Services. This model was designed for the analysis of Inventory functionality and client information. Within the model, available and occupied units/beds, referral information associated with a unit/bed, and occupancy-connected enrollment information can be easily pulled into a Look for a program, agency, or CoC. The Inventory Model will help Matchmakers review availability for referring clients from the Community Queue to an appropriate unit/bed, System Administrators review current configuration to ensure accurately reported unit/bed counts in the Inventory Module, and Stakeholders can review counts of units/beds for a CoC by availability to begin community and system-based discussions with a data-driven approach. 

An overview of the Inventory Model, view/field organization, and an assortment of sample Looks are included in the article below. 

For more information on Clarity’s Inventory functionality and how to manage your physical housing inventory, please review INVENTORY articles. 

Model Overview 

This model includes (but is not limited to): 

  • Inventory Configuration
    • Unit Configurations, Buildings, Units, Beds, Funding, Programs
  • Client Information
    • Client Profile Screen Data, Counts, Client IDs
  • Enrollment Information
    • Project Start/End Date, Length of Time in Project, Enrollment Household Data 
  • Referrals
    • Community Queue, Referral Connected Enrollment, Status, Dates, Referring/Enrolling Information, Counts
  • Unit/Bed Details 
    • Occupancy, Status, Availability, Dates, Counts 


The Inventory model will grow along with Inventory functionality. Currently, the Inventory model includes the following views specific to this model:

  • Unit Availability Status
    • Current availability (unit/bed) and current status
  • Unit Occupancy
    • More granular data about occupancy dates, unit assignment method, and assignment date
  • Unit Status
    • Unit/Bed Status, Offline Description/Reason, Status Dates, and Days Offline 

In addition, the Inventory model includes the following views which are also found in other models:

  • Agencies (Unit Connected Agencies)
  • Client Assessments
  • Clients
    • Note: Client data will only be included in the data model if it is associated with a unit or historical unit data.
  • Funding Source (Agency/Program Specific Funding)
  • Enrollments
    •  Similar to Referral Connected Enrollments view in the Coordinated Entry Model, data is connected with the enrollment connected with the Unit Queue referral/reassignment.
  • Inventory
    • Building Unit Configurations
    • Building Units
    • Buildings
    • Funding (Inventory Specific Funding)
    • Programs
    • Unit Configuration Beds
    • Unit Configuration History
  • Programs (Unit Connected Programs)
  • Referral Community Queues
  • Referrals 
    • Similar to the Referral Community Queue view, data is connected with activity related to the Unit Queue
  • Sites
  • Unit Configuration Custom Fields
    • Unit Configuration Custom
    • Unit Configuration Bed Custom

Fields Cheat Sheet 

Below is a table outlining some commonly desired data points and the corresponding view or field. 

Desired Data Point 


Current Availability/Occupancy 

Unit Availability Status 

Unit/Bed Occupancy Details (Assignment Date, Start/End Date, Pending Occupation End Date, etc.)  

Unit Occupancy 

Unit History 

Unit Status  

Units within a specific program; Program details associated with a unit 

Inventory - Programs (Building, Unit, and Unit Configuration options are dependent upon community workflows) 

How a client was assigned to a unit 

Unit Occupancy View 

Field: Assignment Method  

Designated units by programs or project type  


Inventory - Programs - Programs Served by the Unit  


Occupancy-Connected Enrollment Program Information 


Site Addresses 

This information is available in the Project Descriptor Model.  

Bed Assignments 

Identify Bed Information: Inventory - Unit Configuration Beds – Name/ID  

Identify Occupancy: Unit Occupancy Fields 

Only review programs with/without beds enabled 

Filter content using Inventory – Building Unit Configurations –Enable Beds (Yes/No) 

Bed Configuration

Building Unit Configurations –Enable Beds (Yes/No)  

Inventory - Unit Configuration Beds- is Not Null

Note: For more details on specific dimensions or measures, please check the ⓘ (information bubble) next to certain field names.

Float your cursor over the  (information bubble) for a brief description.

Sample Looks

Updated: 07/12/2024