Coming Soon [February Production Release: 02/24/2025]
The Impact Analysis and Needs Assessment dashboard is based on the guidance released by the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) guidance in January 2025. It is designed to evaluate the effects of potential funding gaps. This dashboard as a tool provides a comprehensive review of various system-wide metrics, including the number of clients and households served, an overview of service delivery and related expenses, an inventory assessment, federally funded program information, and the count of HMIS users within Clarity Human Services. This dashboard can serve as a template to help initiate the assessment of Continuum of Care (CoC) activities and expenditures that are logged within HMIS.
Dashboard Filters
There are ten filters on this dashboard to limit data by Reporting Period, CoC, Agency Name, Program Name, Project Type, Currently Active Program Funding Source, Program Funding Source, Household Type, Veteran Household, and Service Category. The table below outlines what Sections/Looks the filters apply to and the default values.
Reporting Period Filter Default: is in the last 4 months |
Applies to all looks except HMIS Staff-related looks in the HMIS Staff Overview section. |
CoC Default: is any value |
Applies to all looks on the dashboard Selection impacts filter options for Agency Name and Program Name |
Agency Name Default: is any value |
Applies to all looks on the dashboard Selection impacts filter options for Program Name |
Program Name Default: is any value |
Applies to all looks on the dashboard except Looks including Standalone Service information and the HMIS Staff Overview section |
Project Type Default: is any value |
Applies to the following content:
Currently Active Program Funding Source Default: is any value |
Applies to all looks on the dashboard except Looks including Standalone Service information and the HMIS Staff Overview section Selection impacts filter options for Program Funding Source |
Program Funding Source Default: is any value |
Applies to all looks on the dashboard except Looks including Standalone Service information and the HMIS Staff Overview section |
Household Type Default: is any value |
Applies to all looks on the dashboard except Looks in the Inventory Analysis, Federal Funding Overview, and HMIS Staff Overview sections *Note: Standalone Service content will filter Household Type based on the Client's Profile Household. |
Veteran Household Default: is any value |
Applies to all looks on the dashboard except Looks in the Inventory Analysis, Federal Funding Overview, and the HMIS Staff Overview sections *Note: Standalone Service content will filter Veteran Household based on the Client's Veteran Status. |
Service Category Default: is any value |
Applies to Service Delivery Overview and Monthly Service Expense Review sections |
The following Looks make up the Impact Analysis and Needs Assessment LookML dashboard. The overview below is broken down by dashboard section and includes a brief summary of the Looks’ content. For more information on how the Look is configured, what fields are used, or custom fields, please review the Look by selecting ‘Explore from Here’ within the ellipses in the upper right corner.
To utilize this dashboard as a template to jumpstart custom analysis, copy the LookML dashboard to an accessible folder by selecting "Dashboard Actions" within the ellipses in the upper right corner of the dashboard, and select then 'Copy dashboard'.
Persons Served
Client/Household/Enrollment Counts
Count of unduplicated clients, households, and enrollments within the Reporting Period.
PH Programs - Housed Client/Household/Enrollment Counts
Count of housed clients, households, and enrollments in PH programs with a household move-in prior to the Reporting Period End Date.
PH Programs - Clients/Households/Enrollments Pending Housing
Count of clients, households, and enrollments pending housing (no household move-in date or a household move-in date after the Reporting Period End Date) in PH programs within the Reporting Period.
ES Programs - Client/Household/Enrollment Counts
Count of clients, households, and enrollments in Emergency Shelter or Day Shelter programs within the Reporting Period.
Other Programs - Client/Household/Enrollment Counts
Count of clients, households, and enrollments in any non-Permanent Housing or Emergency Shelter programs within the Reporting Period.
Service Delivery Overview
Enrollment Based Services
Services/Clients Counts [Enrollment Based]
Count of Services provided and Clients receiving Services within the Reporting Period through an enrollment.
Service Overview by Category [Enrollment Based]
Count of Services provided and Clients receiving Services within the Reporting Period through an enrollment by Service Category.
Standalone Services
Services/Clients Counts [Standalone Services]
Count of Services provided and Clients receiving Services within the Reporting Period through standalone/client-level service provision.
Service Overview by Category [Standalone Services]
Count of Services provided and Clients receiving Services within the Reporting Period through standalone/client-level service provision.
Monthly Service Expense Review
Enrollment Based Service Expenses
Service Expense Totals by Month [Enrollment Based]
Total Service Expense amounts through enrollments by months within the selected Reporting Period.
Expense Overview by Month [Enrollment Based]
Total Service Expense amounts through enrollments by months within the selected Reporting Period broken down by Service Category in a Stacked Bar visualization.
Note: Hover over the colored sections for information on the Service Category and Expense Total. Clicking on the section will display options to explore further/access a drill down.
Monthly Service Expense by Category [Enrollment Based]
Total Service Expense amounts through enrollments by months within the selected Reporting Period broken down by Service Category in a Table visualization.
Standalone Service Expenses
Service Expense Totals by Month [Standalone Services]
Total Service Expense amounts through standalone/client-level service provision by months within the selected Reporting Period.
Expense Overview by Month [Standalone Services]
Total Service Expense amounts through standalone/client-level service provision by months within the selected Reporting Period broken down by Service Category in a Stacked Bar visualization.
Monthly Service Expense by Category [Standalone Services]
Total Service Expense amounts through standalone/client-level service provision by months within the selected Reporting Period broken down by Service Category in a Table visualization.
Inventory Analysis
Unit/Bed Counts
Counts of total units and beds available at any point within the Reporting Period.
Inventory by Project Type and Household Type
Counts of total units and beds available at any point within the Reporting Period broken down by Project Type and Inventory - Household Type.
Federal Funding Overview
Program Funding Category Overview
A Pie visualization depicting Federal Funding Source Category groups by counts of programs for program funding sources active within the Reporting Period.
Program Funding Source Overview
A Table visualization including the custom Funding Source Category groups, Program Funding Source, and Program count for program funding sources active within the Reporting Period.
Program Funding Detail
A Table visualization with Program and Federal Program Funding information.
HMIS Staff Overview
Staff Overview
Counts of users by their current status highlighting counts by active users, locked users, and inactive users.
Staff by Home Agency and License Type
Counts of active and locked users by Home Agency and License Type.
Published: 02/18/2025