Report Purpose & Summary
The Shelter Count Point-in-Time report is designed to report the count of clients sheltered during a chosen point-in-time. The report is required during the once-per-year HIC/PIT reporting, usually in the Spring.
Running the Report
Report Location
From the System agency, navigate to the
Who Can Run the Report
System administrators and users with additional access can run the report across multiple agencies.
The following parameters are required to run this report.
CoC | Choose which CoC to report on. |
Agency Filter Category |
There are four levels of CoC filtering available. Only one option may be selected:
Agency Status |
Agency(ies) |
Choose which agencies to include: All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.) |
Project Type(s) |
Choose which project types to include: All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.) |
Program Status |
Recommend using "All Programs" so projects that may have closed during the reporting year are included. |
Continuum Project |
This parameter was added to filter out non-continuum projects from the report. ***Selecting Yes is recommended for the report to align with the HIC report.*** |
Program(s) |
Choose which programs to include: All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.) |
Enrollment CoC Filter |
Selecting this option will only include households where the HoH has the selected CoC as the Enrollment CoC |
Client ID Selection |
Select "Clarity Unique Identifier" (default) or "HUD Unduplicated Personal ID". To learn more about the impacts of this parameter, review Parameter Spotlight: Client ID Selection. |
PIT Date |
For official HUD PIT/HIC reporting, this should be the CoC determined point-in-time date, typically during the last ten days of January of the reporting year. |
Report Output Format |
Web Page, PDF, Excel |
Report Details
Programming Specifications
HUD has not provided official programming specifications. Communities and vendors work off the HIC (Housing Inventory Count) and PIT (Point-In-Time) Data Collection for CoC and ESG Programs notice. Refer to the latest version for the latest information.
CoCs are also required to report an unsheltered count of clients in addition to a sheltered count. Refer to the notice linked above for guidance on conducting the unsheltered count. This count is not tracked in HMIS and will be manually recorded by CoCs.
Sheltered Count
The Shelter Count reports on the following project types:
- Emergency Shelter (Entry-Exit and Night-by-Night)
- Safe Haven
- Transitional Housing
Project Stay Universe
- Project Type = Emergency Shelter (Entry-Exit and Night-by-Night), Safe Haven, OR Transitional Housing
- AND Project Start Date <= PIT Date
- AND (Project Exit Date is null OR Project Exit Date > PIT Date)
- AND IF Project Type = Emergency Shelter Night-by-Night, client must have a bed night service on PIT Date
- Bed Night Services are defined as a service within an enrollment for Project Type = Emergency Shelter Night-by-Night with the following configuration settings:
Service Category = Housing
Delivery Type = Single Event or Daily Attendance
Site Type = Residential
- Bed Night Services are defined as a service within an enrollment for Project Type = Emergency Shelter Night-by-Night with the following configuration settings:
If the Enrollment CoC Filter is on:
- Head of Household's Enrollment CoC must be active on PIT Date
- AND Head of Household's Enrollment CoC must equal the selected CoC
Population Data
Population Data is divided into three household types: Persons in households with at least one adult and one child, persons in households without children, and persons in households with only children. For definitions of household types and other key terms, please review the latest HIC/PIT Notice.
Population Data Report Logic
- Household Types are programmed utilizing logic from the HMIS Reporting Glossary for households without children, households with children and adults, and households with only children for persons in households with at least one adult and one child, persons in households without children, and persons in households with only children.
Note: Clients with unknown ages are not counted in a defined household type. Please review the Persons by Programs Table - Number of Clients with Unknown Gender or Age column for data quality flags.
- Veteran Households must include at least one client that is 18 years or older and has Veteran Status = Yes.
- Unaccompanied Youth Households uses the following logic:
- # of Children > 0 AND # of Youth Adults = 0
- OR # of Children = 0 AND # of Youth Adults > 0
- AND # of Clients with Age>24 = 0
- AND # of Unknown Age Clients = 0
- # of Children > 0 AND # of Youth Adults = 0
- Parenting Youth Households uses the following logic:
- # of Youth Children > 0
- AND # of Youth Adults > 0
- AND # of Clients with Age>24 = 0
- AND # of Unknown Age Clients = 0
Chronic Homelessness Logic
- Clients residing in Transitional Housing are not included in Chronic Homeless counts for the purposes of the PIT count.
- Chronic at Point-in-Time Logic is utilized for all clients that are residing in Emergency Shelter and Safe Haven based on HMIS Reporting Glossary Logic.
- HIC/PIT Data Collection Notice Guidance has additional stipulations for Chronic Homeless definitions. For the purposes of PIT Reporting, Chronic Homeless status is carried to other household members for counting Chronically Homeless Persons and Households.
Additional Homeless Populations Logic
- Adults with a Serious Mental Illness uses the following logic:
- Age >= 18
- AND Mental Health Disorder = Yes
- AND Expected to be of long–continued and indefinite duration and substantially impairs ability to live independently = Yes
- Adults with a Substance Use Disorder uses the following logic:
- Age >= 18
- AND Alcohol use disorder = Yes OR Drug use disorder = Yes OR Both alcohol and drug use disorders = Yes
- AND Expected to be of long–continued and indefinite duration and substantially impairs ability to live independently = Yes
- Adults with HIV/AIDS uses the following logic:
- Age >= 18
- Adult Survivors of Domestic Violence uses the following logic:
- Age >= 18
- AND Domestic Violence Survivor = Yes
- AND Are you Currently Fleeing? = Yes
Report Format
The PIT is broken down by populations:
- All Households
- Households with at Least One Adult and One Child
- Households without Children
- Household with Only Children
- Veteran Households
- Households with at Least One Adult and One Child
- Households without Children
- Youth Households
- Unaccompanied Youth
- Parenting Youth
There is an additional section for homeless subpopulations as well as a table breaking down counts of sheltered persons by program and project type by age, gender data quality, and household type (unaccompanied minors, single adults, and families).
Drilldown Functionality
Drilldowns are available for all counts within the report tables. Drilldowns return a client list with Unique Identifier, Name, SSN, Date of Birth, and a count of persons and households.
Drilldown tables for reports where the "Client ID Selection" parameter is “HUD Unduplicated Personal ID” do not include SSN or Date of Birth columns.
Updated: 08/12/2024