The System Performance Measures (SPM) is a HUD report designed to report on a CoC's progress in meeting the needs of people experiencing homelessness. This report analyzes data from continuum projects for a CoC to review system-level performance. These measures are used as competitive elements in annual CoC Program Competitions.
Customers should use this version of the SPM report for submitting data to HUD. The Looker visualizations referenced in the SPM articles are to help with analysis of data.
HUD Resources
HUD has extensive resources available for CoCs to use for understanding the SPM and how to use the report to inform decision-making in their communities.
SPM programming specifications are also available. Users are advised to review the specs to understand the report requirements and help troubleshoot problems.
The SPM Measures
The report consists of a series of measures and sub-metrics:
- Measure 1: Length of Time Persons Remain Homeless
- Measure 2: The Extent to which Persons who Exit Homelessness to Permanent Housing Destinations Return to Homelessness within 6, 12, and 24 months
- Measure 3: Number of Homeless Persons
- Measure 4: Employment and Income Growth for Homeless Persons in CoC Program-Funded Projects
- Measure 5: Number of Persons who Become Homeless for the First Time
- Measure 6: Homeless Prevention and Housing Placement of Persons Defined by Category 3 of HUD's Homeless Definition in CoC Program-funded Projects
- As of this writing, no HUD-Funded projects are authorized to use the Category 3 homeless definition. This article will not cover Measure 6.
- Measure 7: Successful Placement from Street Outreach and Successful Placement in or Retention of Permanent Housing
Running the Report
Who Can Run the Report
System Administrators, and others with the appropriate access level, can run the report.
Report Location
This report can be found in the following location in the Report Library:
- Administrator Reports → [HUDX-223-AD] System Performance Measures
The SPM is intended to be run system-wide for a selected CoC. In Clarity, there is an option to limit the report by Agency, Programs, and Project Type.
- All measures look across the whole data set with HoH with the selected CoC. Limiting the report will skew the results and may return unexpected results.
- If there is a concern with the results of a narrowed-down SPM report, please run it again for the entire system.
CoC | Choose which CoC to include in the report. |
Agency Status |
Project Type(s) |
Choose which Project Types to include:
Agency(-ies) |
Choose which Agencies to include:
Program Status | All, Active, Inactive |
Program(s) |
Choose which Programs to include:
Client ID Selection |
Select "Clarity Unique Identifier"(default) or "HUD Unduplicated Personal ID". To learn more about the impacts of this parameter, review Parameter Spotlight: Client ID Selection. |
Report Date Range |
Usually. this will be the reporting year 10/01/yyyy-9/30/yyyy |
Report Output Mode |
Report Output Format | Web Page, PDF, Excel, CSV-Upload |
Drilldown Output Format | Web Page, PDF, CSV |
Project Type Inclusion
HUD limits which project types are included in each measure of the report in the SPM report specifications. The table below lists which project types are included in each measure of the report:
Measure | Included Project Types |
Measure 1 |
Measure 2 |
Measure 3 |
Measure 4 |
Measure 5 |
Measure 7 |
Lookback Stop Date
Some measures require looking back at project enrollments that occurred before the reporting period. The report looks back at data from seven years prior to the selected report date for Measure 1. For example, if the selected report date range is 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023, the lookback stop date would be 10/01/2015 for the Measure 1 Client Universe.
The only exception to this rolling Lookback Stop Date is for Measure 4 (Metrics 4.4-4.6) where long-term PH residents may have an entry date prior to the Lookback Stop Date.
Data Quality Section
A Data Quality section has been added to the report to address customers' requests and to align with the SPM CSV Output. This section uses the HMIS Data Quality Universe and may differ from the SPM Universe per HUD Specifications.
Street Outreach(SO) clients must have a Date of Engagement prior to the Report End Date to be included in these counts.
The Clarity SPM report Data Quality Table includes an additional data point highlighting SO Enrollments that are missing a Date of Engagement and are thus excluded from the rest of the Data Quality Table/Univers.

- Unduplicated persons served (HMIS) returns the count of unique clients per Project Type section universe. (Logic references the HMIS DQ Report Table Q1, Cell 2B.)
- Total Leavers (HMIS) returns the count of clients that have exited within the report date range. (Logic references the HMIS DQ Report Table Q1, Cell 6B.)
- Destination of Don't Know, Prefers Not to Answer, or Data Not Collected/Missing/Null (HMIS) returns a count of leavers with the following: [exit destination] = [8, 9, 99, 30] or [exit destination] is null. (Logic references the HMIS DQ Report Table Q4, Cell 2E.)
- Enrollments Missing Date of Engagement returns the count of enrollments within the report date range that are missing a date of engagement causing the enrollment to be excluded from the DQ Universe.
- This data point is not included in the CSV-upload output of the report.
The general universe to be included in the Data Quality table is as follows:
- Street Outreach(SO) clients must have a Date of Engagement before the Report End Date to be included in the DQ counts that reference the HMIS DQ Report.
- Household Universe (Note: Households that do not match the criteria below are excluded from the universe.)
- The HoH's Project Stay is active within the report date range
- AND the HoH's Project Stay aligns (at any data collection stage) with the selected CoC for the report within the report date range
- AND there is no other HoH in the household with an active Project Stay within the report date range
- Project Stays
- Each Project Type section within the table is based on the Project Type for a Household's project stay within the report date range.
- If a client has more than one project start that matches the conditions for a Project Type selection, the most recent enrollment will be used with the following prioritization built into the logic.
- Project Exit Date is null or after the report end date
- Project Exit Date is the most recent
- Project Start Date is the most recent
Drilldown Functionality
The web page version of the report provides a drilldown functionality to identify the clients. Below is an example drilldown from Measure 1:
Understanding the Measures
Explore these articles specific to each measure including Looker examples:
Measure 1: Length of Time Homeless
Measure 2: Returns to Homelessness
Measure 3: Number of Homeless Persons
Measure 4: Employment and Income Growth for Homeless Persons in CoC Program-funded Projects
Measure 5: Number of Persons who Become Homeless for the First Time
Updated: 08/12/2024