HUD and Federal Partner Reports

[HUDX-123-AD] Housing Inventory (HIC) Supplemental

Report Purpose & Summary

The Housing Inventory Count Supplemental report is designed to be used as a tool to review housing inventory available for people experiencing homelessness. The report offers a point-in-time look at utilization while also being used as a visual tool to accompany LSA review for HIC reporting submissions. Logic in this report heavily relies on mimicking the LSA where relevant, while also including additional data points to aid in reporting review and analysis. 

HIC Reporting Submissions

HUD requires CoCs to use a single-day export of the LSA for HIC uploads to HDX 2.0. For HIC submission in HDX 2.0, please use the [HUDX-231-AD] LSA Export with the LSAScope set to "HIC" and the Report Start Date set to the community's PIT Date and Report End Date set to the PIT Date +1.  

For more information about HIC submissions in HDX 2.0, please review Reporting PIT Count and HIC Data in HDX 2.0 from the HUD Exchange.


Running the Report

Report Location

Due to the nature of this report and the information available in the drill downs, it is included in the Administrator section of the Report Library.

The report works for both methods of managing bed inventory in Clarity Human Services -- at the program level and through the INVENTORY module.

Who Can Run the Report

System administrators and users with additional access can run the report across multiple agencies.


The following parameters are required to run the HIC.

CoC Choose which CoC to report on.
Agency Status Choose Agency Status: All Agencies, Active Agencies, Inactive Agencies
Agency Filter Category

There are four levels of CoC filtering available. Only one option may be selected:

  • Agency CoC: HIC will only pull from Agencies with the selected CoC(s)
  • Program CoC: HIC will only pull from Programs/Projects with the selected CoC(s)***Recommended***
  • Sites CoC: HIC will only pull from Sites with the selected CoC(s) 
  • Inventory CoC: HIC will only pull from Bed Inventories with the selected CoC(s). Note: Choosing this option will limit to only those projects with Bed Inventories 

Choose which agency(ies) to include:

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Project Type(s)

Choose which project type(s) to include:

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Program Status

Choose Program Status: All Programs* , Active Programs, Inactive Programs
*Recommended: Selecting "All Programs" is recommended to ensure projects that may have closed during the reporting year are included.


Choose which program(s) to include:

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Apply Enrollment CoC Filter

Selecting this option will only include households where the HoH has the selected CoC as the Enrollment CoC

Note: For the household to be counted as occupying a bed, the Head of Household's latest Enrollment CoC must match a Bed Inventory CoC Code for the project if Apply Enrollment CoC Filter is "Yes'."  **Recommended to align with LSA**

For Permanent Housing - Rapid Re-Housing (13) Project Type, this condition is required even if Apply Enrollment CoC Filter is "No."

RRH Inventory Based On 
  • Project Stays: Inventory is auto-calculated using active project stays on the selected PIT date (active project stays must have a housing move-in date for PH programs) 
  • Program Inventory: Bed and Unit Inventory information is used
    • Records must match the following conditions: 
      • CoC must match the CoC selected in the report parameters
      • AND Inventory Start Date must be before or on the selected PIT Date 
      • AND Inventory End Date must be null or after the selected PIT Date 
Client ID Selection

Select "Clarity Unique Identifier"(default) or "HUD Unduplicated Personal ID".
To learn more about the impacts of this parameter, review Parameter Spotlight: Client ID Selection. 

HIC Year

Year for the report; usually the current year

PIT Date

For official HUD HIC reporting, this should be the CoC-determined point-in-time date, during the last ten days of January of the reporting year

Last Year's PIT Date 

Select the PIT Date for the previous year.

This parameter is used to determine Newly Closed and Newly Opened Projects.

Report Output Format
  • Web Page
  • PDF
  • Excel

Note for customers using INVENTORY: If you wish to exclude Units/Beds from the HIC because they are not in use, you must set the Units to Inactive even if you have set the associated Sites/Buildings to Inactive. Once a Unit is Inactive, all the Beds in that Unit will also be Inactive.

Report Details

Programming Specifications

 HUD has not provided official programming specifications. Communities and vendors work off the HIC and PIT Data Collection for CoC and ESG Programs notice. Refer to the latest version for the latest information.

For an overview of how the HIC and PIT are pulled from Clarity Human Services, refer to the logic outlined below. 

Program Selection

Programs that meet the following conditions are selected for the report: 

  • Project Type must be one of the following:
    • Emergency Shelter – Entry Exit (0)
    • Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night (1)
    • Transitional Housing (2)
    • PH – Permanent Supportive Housing (disability required for entry) (3)
    • Safe Haven (8)
    • PH – Housing Only (9)
    • PH – Housing with Services (no disability required for entry) (10)
    • PH – Rapid Re-Housing (11) with an RRH Subtype of “RRH: Housing with or without services"
  • AND Continuum Project must equal Yes 
  • AND the program is/was operating within the selected [HIC Year] 

Note:  PH – Housing Only (9) and PH – Housing with Services (no disability required for entry) (10) program types are only included in the Systemwide LSA in Project Descriptor files. The LSA will only include OPH programs when the LSAScope is set to HIC. 

Inventory Selection

For all Project Types except Rapid Re-Housing (unless RRH Inventory Based On is Program Inventory) the records must have the following: 

  • The CoC must align with the selected CoC
  • AND the Inventory Start Date must be before or on the selected PIT Date
  • AND the Inventory End Date must be null or after the selected PIT Date 

Note:  Rapid Re-Housing program bed counts are inferred based on clients actively in residence at the program when RRH Inventory Based On is Program Stays. Veteran and Youth Beds are inferred based on the following logic as opposed to dedicated bed setup like in other project types: 

Veteran Beds:  A client must be in a household where the Head of Household if 18+ and the Head of Household Veteran Status is Yes. 
Youth Beds:  A client must be in a Youth household. Youth Households are defined utilizing the logic in the HMIS Reporting Glossary. The oldest member of the household is restricted to be >=12 AND <=24. 

Housing Type Column

The following abbreviations are used in the Housing Type column:

  • Single Site = “Site-based/single site”
  • Multiple Sites = "Site-based/clustered-multiple sites
  • Tenant Site = "Tenant-based/scattered site”

VSP Column

VSP stands for "Victim Services Provider."

Note:  The LSA Universe excludes VSPs from the report per programming instructions. This column is included for review purposes to ensure all relevant programs and inventory information is included in the HIC reporting process. 

HMIS Participation Status column

Use this column to review “HMIS Participating” and “Comparable Database Participating” programs. 

PIT Count Column Calculation 

The project stay universe for the PIT count column is outlined below:

  • Project Start Date is before or on the selected PIT Date 
  • AND the Project Exit Date is null or after the selected PIT Date 
  • AND if active in a Permanent Housing Program(s) - the calculated move-in date is before or on the selected PIT Date 
  • AND IF Project Type = Emergency Shelter AND Tracking Method = Night by Night, the client must have a bed night service on PIT Date  
    • In addition to the conditions above - if the Client Location Filter parameter is on additional logic is applied
      • Head of Household Enrollment must be active on the select PIT Date 
      • AND Head of Household's Client Location must align with the selected CoC for the most recent client location where the Information Date is after or on the Project Start Date and before or on the selected PIT Date AND if active in a Night-by-Night Emergency Shelter - there is a qualifying bed night on the selected PIT Date. 

The PIT Count column returns a count of unique clients with a project stay based on the logic above.  Please note: if a client is active in more than one program, they will return in the PIT Count for each row until overlapping enrollments are resolved. 

Data Quality Logic 

The Data Quality section will appear above the Bed Inventory table if there are any errors for the following data quality checks. 

  • RRH – Unknown Household Type
    • If the household makeup aligns with an "Unknown Household Type" per the HMIS Reporting Glossary (highlighted in yellow below), the household will be flagged for this DQ check. 
      Screen Shot 2023-01-25 at 12.32.11 PM
  • Households with Undefined HoH
    • This flag appears if there are:
      • No Head of Household is active
      • More than one Head of Household is active
  • Households with Missing Move-in Date
  • Clients with Multiple Overlapping Enrollments 
    • If a client has more than one active program stay using the PIT Count Calculation above, the client is included in this count. Information about the overlapping enrollments is included in the drill down. 

Newly Closed or  Newly Opened Projects 

To be included in this table, PIT Date and Last Year's PIT Date from the report parameters are utilized. 

  • Newly Opened Projects: 
    • Operating Start Date is after or on Last Year's PIT Date 
    • AND Operating Start Date  is before or on selected PIT Date 
  • Newly Closed Projects:
    • Operating End Date is after or on Last Year's PIT Date 
    • AND Operating End Date  is before or on selected PIT Date 

Residential Programs w/o Inventory

This table displays programs that fall into the Program Selection Universe that do not have active inventory records on the selected [PIT Date].

Site Information

This table displays the “primary” address and zip code for the listed providers.

The primary address is determined by limiting sites to Administrator Sites and then: 

  • If the Primary Site CoC = [Selected CoC], Project CoC Information (geocode and address) is obtained from the Primary Site record
  • If the Primary Site CoC  differs from the [Selected CoC], Project CoC Information is obtained from the site with the latest information date

Additional Logic

  • Funding and Geocode are pulled the same way as they are for the LSA.
    • Funding Source Logic: Pulls all funding records where the end date is null or the funding end date is after the PIT Date
    • Geocode Logic: Pulled from Site Information logic above 
  • Blank cells in a table indicate that the information is null
  • HMIS Participation Status is pulled based on the status on the day of the selected PIT Date.

Report Tables

Due to the width of the HIC, the Bed Inventory table shown below is split into two images. 

Capture 2024-08-09 at 13.03.45

123 b

123 c 1

123 c 2

123 c 3

Drilldown Functionality

Drilldown tables are available for both the Data Quality section and the PIT Count column, allowing for further exploration and analysis.

Updated: 10/25/2024