Housing Reports

[HSNG-108] Housing Census


This is an entry/exit-based report for housing programs.  

  • For Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night projects, bed nights are also used in generating the report.
  • For Permanent Housing programs, Housing Move-in Date is also considered.

The report gives users a day-by-day account of the bed occupancy during the reporting period. This is broken out into separate tables by programs selected.

The report will display the maximum bed occupancy (from the Program Bed Inventory screen) for each program.

  • PH-RRH programs will display "Max Occupancy: Varies."
  • For all other program types, if the number of units is greater than the number of beds, then a message such as "Max Occupancy: 20 beds / 52 units" will be displayed.

Running the Report

Who Can Run the Report

All users can run the report. There are restrictions on which information can be accessed based on the user's access rights.

The Admin version of the report can be run across agencies by System Administrators and others with the appropriate access roles.

Report Location

This report can be found in the following locations in the Report Library:

  • Housing  → [HSNG-108] Housing Census
  • Administrator Reports → [HSNG-108-AD] Housing Census


The following parameters are required to run this report.

Project Type(s)

Select which project type(s) to include:

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Note: Only residential program types are listed.

Program Status
  • All Programs
  • Active Programs
  • Inactive Programs

Select which program(s) to include:

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

Veteran Status
  • Single Select
Whom do you want to generate the report for?
  • individual persons
  • households
Report Date Range The date range of the occupancies to include in the report
Report Output Format

Web Page, PDF, or Excel 

Note: If the report contains more than 10,000 rows, the Report Output Format will automatically be changed to Excel.

Additional Administrator Report Parameters

Agency CoC
  • Single select only
Agency Status
  • All Agencies 
  • Active Agencies 
  • Inactive Agencies 

Select which agency(ies) to include:

All, Single Select, or Multi-Select (Hold Control/Command or Hold Shift to select multiple options sequentially.)

    The Output Format for the Admin version is Zip with XLSX.



    Permanent Housing, including Rapid Re-housing

    • Active enrollment in a PH project (Project Type = [3, 9, 10, 13]) at Point-in-Time AND
    • Project Start Date <= Housing Move-in Date <= Point-in-Time date/Report End Date 

    Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night

    • Active enrollment in an Emergency Shelter – Night-by-Night project at Point-in-Time AND
    • Corresponding, Attendance generated, any Residential Service for the night of the Point-in-Time

    Emergency Shelter (Entry/Exit), Safe Haven, Transitional Housing

    • Active enrollment in a corresponding project at the Point-in-Time 

    For all project types, program exits on the Point-in-Time date will not be counted in the census.

    Report Tables

    Drilldown Functionality

    Drilldown functionality is available for this report. To drill down, click on any count. The drilldown functionality will then provide the following information: 

    • Unique ID
    • Client Name
    • Age
      • Age is calculated using the specific date selected for the drilldown. 

    • Data Quality
    • Length of Stay (LOS)
      • LOS is calculated using HMIS Standard Reporting Glossary logic dependent upon project type, tracking method, and housing move-in date if applicable.

      • For Project Types 3,9,10, and 13: Method 3 (Using Housing Move-In Date) is used.
    • Project Start Date
    • Project End Date
    • Responsible Staff
    Household members are grouped, with the Head of Household displayed in bold font.

    housing census drilldown

    Updated: 07/09/2024