
How Do I Conduct a Program Status/Annual Assessment? (New Interface)

This article provides end users with the steps for completing program-level Status Update Assessments and Annual Assessments.


This article is for the new Clarity interface. For the current interface article, please click this link. Screenshots and description will be updated as features are released.


Program Status and Annual Assessments correspond with the HUD HMIS Data Standards Data Collections stages "Occurrence Point/Update" and "Annual Assessment." The screen that displays when adding a Status or Annual Assessment to a program enrollment is determined by the Case Status Screen of the Program Template assigned to the program.

Accessing the Status Assessment

To access a status assessment, navigate to either the Programs tab or Active programs tab in the client record. Select the program enrollment you wish to add a status assessment to by clicking on the name of the program in the Programs tab or clicking the Arrow icon in the Active programs tab. 

Completing an assessment.5

Note: You can quickly access a program enrollment by selecting it from the list in the Active Programs section located in the right sidebar of any page in the client record.

Adding a Status Assessment

To add a status assessment, click the Add icon in the Program assessments section.  Click the name Status Update Assessments and then click Next

Status assessment gif.2-1

Select Household Members (if any) and click Next. If there are household members, you will be able to conduct the status assessment for all selected household members in sequence without having to go into each client record separately.

Status assessments.3-1


Note: The Current Living Situation assessment is a specific type of Status Screen that collects data for the HUD HMIS Data Element 4.12 Current Living Situation. 

Collection of this data element is required for Adults and Heads of Households in applicable programs at program start and subsequent dates of contact. 

Because the Current Living Situation assessment is completed more frequently than other screens, it will always appear at the top of the assessment list for a program when it is made available in the Program Template for that program.


Complete the Status Update Assessment and click Save & Close (or Save & Next, if you are also conducting the update for other household members). Once the Status Update Assessment is complete for all household members, click Complete.

Status Assessment.4-1


  • Some of the fields on the screen may already be completed. Data carries over from either the enrollment screen or the most recent status screen. 
  • The steps to conduct a program annual assessment are identical, except, instead, click on Annual Assessments. Most programs require annual assessments to be conducted on the anniversary of enrollment and can affect performance outcome measures (e.g., see [HUDX-225] HMIS Data Quality Report section Q4). Status assessments are optional (unless there is a significant change in the client's living situation between annual assessments) and can be performed at any time.

Assessment Restrictions 

Users will not be allowed to enter more than one Status Update Assessment for the same date or more than one Annual Assessment for the same date. A user attempting to save a status update assessment or annual assessment for the same date will receive the warning “This field is invalid.” Clicking on the Tooltip icon to the right of the warning will provide more information. This warning will appear for all Program Types and Funding Sources. 

Status assessments.5-1

Note: The warnings only apply to Assessments collected under the same enrollment. 

Note: This restriction does not apply to the Current Living Situation Assessment. 


Published: 09/17/2024