AB 977 Resources

AB 977 HMIS Project Setup Checklist

All recipients, subrecipients, and entities operating AB 977 projects are required to comply with
the HMIS project setup requirements set forth in the HUD HMIS Data Standards as well as the additional requirements outlined in the AB 977 HMIS Project Setup Instructions provided to recipients. This document outlines the data entry requirements required by AB 977 and can be used as a checklist when setting up new projects or updating existing projects to meet data collection requirements.

Project Information

  • Organization Name: Enter the name of the organization providing assistance or housing.
  • Project Type: Select the project type based on the type of shelter, housing, or services
    the recipient provides. Consult the HMIS Data Standards, section 2.02 for additional
  • Continuum Project: Most projects created under AB 977 should be set up as Continuum
    Projects (Continuum Project = “Yes”). Some exceptions exist, so consult the project
    setup instructions supplied by the state department providing funding.
  • Funding Sources:
    • All AB 977 projects’ Funding Source (2.06.1) should be configured as “Local or
      Other Funding Source (Please Specify).”
    • In the dependent Funding Source Non Federal (2.06.1A) field, the Other Funder
      Code provided by the funder should be selected from the picklist. This picklist
      value must be configured by a system administrator in the
      funding_source_non_federal field picklist in the Field Editor prior to Funding
      Source configuration. Examples of standardized funding source codes can be
      found on the Program and Funding Worksheet.
    • Grant/Loan Identifier: Enter the unique grant/loan or contract ID assigned by your
      program’s state funding department in the Grant Identifier (2.06.2) field. Grant
      Start Date (2.06.3) and Grant End Date (2.06.4) should also be included. See the
      Funding Source screenshot below for additional context.

      The screenshot below maps the data elements mentioned in the checklist to the appropriate funding source elements on the Clarity Human Services screen for your convenience.Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 11.54.17 AM
  • Bed and Unit Inventory: All residential projects must record bed and unit inventory in

Client Information

  • Universal Data Elements: UDEs should be collected for all existing and new clients
    enrolled in AB 977 programs. All UDEs are included on the HUD Standard Intake
    enrollment screen template available in Clarity.
  • Common Data Elements: Depending on project type, additional data elements are
    required. Common Data Elements for AB 977 projects match the HUD setup guidance
    as outlined in the HUD Data Standards. Consult the Project Setup Template and
    Required Universal and Common Data Elements by Project Type tables provided by the
    state for project type specific data collection requirements.
 Different program types require the collection of different data elements. Please consult the most up-to-date HMIS Data Standards and the Program Setup Instructions provided by the funding agency for additional information.

For a comprehensive list of funding codes and grant identifiers for the grantees of AB 977 programs, please click here to find a document provided by Abt Associates for HMIS Leads and/or CoC staff responsible for the system administration of their CoC’s HMIS.

Updated 05/14/2024